author Adrien Di Mascio <Adrien.DiMascio@logilab.fr>
Mon, 27 Feb 2012 17:02:31 +0100
changeset 8298 2a4bc6f75e9c
parent 7164 93a19c1831aa
child 8309 48ef505aa9f9
permissions -rw-r--r--
[twisted] move out url logic from twisted (closes #2200593) Data, fck and static file are now served by cubicweb controller by default. Some hackish url rewriting is necessary to have them selected. This is necessary because cubicweb does not selection controller on multi level path. - 'Expires' header seems to conflict with Cache-Control set by HTTPCacheManger (don't know yet why HTTPCacheManager is involved here) mod_wsgi is now usable in simple cases (e.g. still requires persisten sessions).

"""misc. unittests for utility functions

from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main

from functools import partial

from cubicweb.web.request import (_parse_accept_header,
                                  _mimetype_sort_key, _mimetype_parser, _charset_sort_key)

class AcceptParserTC(TestCase):

    def test_parse_accept(self):
        parse_accept_header = partial(_parse_accept_header,
        # compare scores
        self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("audio/*;q=0.2, audio/basic"),
                         [( ('audio/basic', ('audio', 'basic', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('audio/*', ('audio', '*', {}), 0.2 ) )])
        self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("text/plain;q=0.5, text/html, text/x-dvi;q=0.8, text/x-c"),
                         [( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('text/x-c', ('text', 'x-c', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('text/x-dvi', ('text', 'x-dvi', {}), 0.8 ) ),
                          ( ('text/plain', ('text', 'plain', {}), 0.5 ) )])
        # compare mimetype precedence for a same given score
        self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("audio/*, audio/basic"),
                         [( ('audio/basic', ('audio', 'basic', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('audio/*', ('audio', '*', {}), 1.0 ) )])
        self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("text/*, text/html, text/html;level=1, */*"),
                         [( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {'level': '1'}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('text/*', ('text', '*', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('*/*', ('*', '*', {}), 1.0 ) )])
        # free party
        self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5"),
                         [( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {'level': '1'}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {}), 0.7 ) ),
                          ( ('*/*', ('*', '*', {}), 0.5 ) ),
                          ( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {'level': '2'}), 0.4 ) ),
                          ( ('text/*', ('text', '*', {}), 0.3 ) )
        # chrome sample header
                         [( ('application/xhtml+xml', ('application', 'xhtml+xml', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('application/xml', ('application', 'xml', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('image/png', ('image', 'png', {}), 1.0 ) ),
                          ( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {}), 0.9 ) ),
                          ( ('text/plain', ('text', 'plain', {}), 0.8 ) ),
                          ( ('*/*', ('*', '*', {}), 0.5 ) ),

    def test_parse_accept_language(self):
                         [('fr', 'fr', 1.0), ('fr-fr', 'fr-fr', 0.8),
                          ('en-us', 'en-us', 0.5), ('en', 'en', 0.3)])

    def test_parse_accept_charset(self):
        parse_accept_header = partial(_parse_accept_header,
                         [('ISO-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-1', 1.0),
                          ('utf-8', 'utf-8', 0.7),
                          ('*', '*', 0.7)])

if __name__ == '__main__':