author Denis Laxalde <>
Fri, 05 Apr 2019 17:58:19 +0200
changeset 12567 26744ad37953
parent 12557 dc04947379b5
child 12583 4f59a56e6d89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Drop python2 support This mostly consists in removing the dependency on "six" and updating the code to use only Python3 idioms. Notice that we previously used TemporaryDirectory from cubicweb.devtools.testlib for compatibility with Python2. We now directly import it from tempfile.

3.27 (not yet released)

New features

* Tests can now be run concurrently across multiple processes. You can use
  `pytest-xdist`_ for that. For tests using `PostgresApptestConfiguration` you
  should be aware that `startpgcluster()` can't run concurrently. Workaround is
  to call pytest with ``--dist=loadfile`` to use a single test process per test
  module or use an existing database cluster and set ``db-host`` and
  ``db-port`` of ``devtools.DEFAULT_PSQL_SOURCES['system']`` accordingly.

.. _pytest-xdist:

Backwards incompatible changes

* ``cubicweb-ctl`` commands "start", "stop", "restart", "reload" and "status"
  have been removed because they relied on the Twisted web server backend that
  is no longer maintained nor working with Python 3.

* Twisted web server support has been removed.

* Support for legacy cubes (in the 'cubes' python namespace) has been dropped.
  Use of environment variables CW_CUBES_PATH and CUBES_DIR is removed.

* Python 2 support has been dropped.

Deprecated code drops

Most code deprecated until version 3.25 has been dropped.