Drop python2 support
This mostly consists in removing the dependency on "six" and updating
the code to use only Python3 idioms.
Notice that we previously used TemporaryDirectory from
cubicweb.devtools.testlib for compatibility with Python2. We now
directly import it from tempfile.
3.25 (14 April 2017)
New features
* A new option `connections-pooler-enabled` (default yes) has been added. This
allow to switch off internal connection pooling for use with others poolers
such as pgbouncer_.
.. _pgbouncer: https://pgbouncer.github.io/
* In `deleteconf` view (confirmation before deletion), the list of first-level
composite objects that would be deleted along with the primary entity is
displayed (01eeea97e549).
* The ``cubicweb.pyramid`` module now provides a Paste application factory
registered as an entry point named ``pyramid_main`` and that can be used to
run a Pyramid WSGI application bound to a CubicWeb repository.
* A new configuration type ``pyramid`` has been added to create CubicWeb's
instances (through ``cubicweb-ctl create -c pyramid <basecube> <appid>``).
This configuration bootstraps a CubicWeb instance that is essentially a
repository plus the minimal setup to run a Pyramid WSGI application on top
of it. Noticeably, it does not ship all *web* configuration but rather
relies on configuration declared in a ``development.ini`` file for any
Pyramid application.
* A new way to declare workflows as simple data structure (dict/list) has been
introduced. Respective utility functions live in ``cubicweb.wfutils``
module. This handles both the creation and migration of workflows.
* A new IDublinCore adapter has been introduced to control the generation of
Dublin Core metadata that are used in several base views.
* It is now possible to *derive* rtags using their ``derive`` method
(0849a5eb57b8). Derived rtags keep a reference to the original rtag and only
hold custom rules, allowing changes which are done in the original rtag after
derivation to be still considered.
* A new ``cubicweb-ctl scheduler <appid>`` command has been introduced to run
background and periodic tasks of the repository (previously called *looping
tasks*). In a production environment, a process with this command should be
run alongside with a WSGI server process (possibly running multiple
processes itself).
Backwards incompatible changes
* As a consequence of the replacement of the old looping tasks manager by a
scheduler, all cubicweb-ctl's "start" commands (i.e. ``start``, ``pyramid``,
``wsgi``) do not start repository *looping tasks manager* anymore, nor do
they start the scheduler. Site administrators are thus expected to start
this scheduler as a separate process. Also, registering looping tasks (i.e.
calling ``repo.looping_tasks()``) is a no-op when the repository has no
scheduler set; a warning is issued in such cases. Application developers may
rely on repository's ``has_scheduler`` method to determine if they should
register a looping task or not.
* In ``cubicweb.pyramid``, function ``make_cubicweb_application`` got renamed
into ``config_from_cwconfig`` (950ce7d9f642).
* Several cleanups in repository's session management have been conducted
resulting from changes introduced in 3.19 release. Among others, the
``cubicweb.server.session.Session`` class has been dropped, and request
``session`` attribute is now tight to a web session whose implementation
depends on the front-end used (twisted or pyramid). Hence this attribute
should not be accessed from "repository side" code (e.g. hooks or operations)
and has lost some of his former attributes like ``repo`` which used to
reference the repository instance. Due to this, you don't have anymore access
to session's data through the connection, which leds to deprecation of the
``data`` attribute and removal of ``get_shared_data`` and ``set_shared_data``
methods which are deprecated since 3.19.
* Support for 'https-url' configuration option has been removed
* The `next_tabindex` method of request class has been removed (011730a4af73).
This include the removal of `settabindex` from the `FieldWidget` class init
* The `cubicweb.hook.logstats.start` hook was dropped because it's looping
task would not be run in a web instance (see first point about repository
* ``uicfg`` rules to hide the opposite relation of inlined form are not anymore
automatically added, because this was actually done randomly and so not
reliable, so you'll have to add them manually:
autoform_section.tag_subject_of(('CWUser', 'use_email', 'EmailAddress'),
'main', 'inlined')
autoform_section.tag_object_of(('CWUser', 'use_email', 'EmailAddress'),
'inlined', 'hidden')