author Denis Laxalde <>
Fri, 05 Apr 2019 17:58:19 +0200
changeset 12567 26744ad37953
parent 11767 432f87a63057
permissions -rw-r--r--
Drop python2 support This mostly consists in removing the dependency on "six" and updating the code to use only Python3 idioms. Notice that we previously used TemporaryDirectory from cubicweb.devtools.testlib for compatibility with Python2. We now directly import it from tempfile.

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"""Helper functions for migrations that aren't reliable enough or too dangerous
to be available in the standard migration environment

def drop_entity_types_fast(*etypes, **kwargs):
    """drop an entity type bypassing all hooks

    here be dragons.
    # XXX cascade deletion through composite relations?

    for etype in etypes:

        if etype not in schema:
            print('%s does not exist' % etype)
        etype = schema[etype]

        # ignore attributes and inlined rels since they'll be dropped anyway
        srels = [x.type for x in etype.subject_relations() if x.eid and not ( or x.inlined)]

        orels = [x.type for x in etype.object_relations() if x.eid and not x.inlined]
        inlined_rels = [x for x in etype.object_relations() if x.eid and x.inlined]

        # eids to be deleted could be listed in some other entity tables through inlined relations
        for rtype in inlined_rels:
            for subjtype in rtype.subjects(etype):
                if subjtype in etypes:
                sql('UPDATE cw_%(stype)s SET cw_%(rtype)s = NULL '
                    'WHERE cw_%(rtype)s IN (SELECT eid FROM entities WHERE type = %%s)' %
                    {'stype': subjtype.type, 'rtype': rtype.type},

        for rel in srels:
            if all(subj in etypes for subj in rel.subjects()) or all(obj in etypes for obj in rel.objects()):
                sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation' % rel.type)
                sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation WHERE eid_from IN (SELECT eid FROM entities WHERE type = %%s)' % rel.type, (etype.type,))
        for rel in orels:
            if all(subj in etypes for subj in rel.subjects()) or all(obj in etypes for obj in rel.objects()):
                sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation' % rel.type)
                sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation WHERE eid_to IN (SELECT eid FROM entities WHERE type = %%s)' % rel, (etype.type,))

        sql('DELETE FROM appears WHERE uid IN (SELECT eid FROM entities WHERE type = %s)', (etype.type,))
        sql('DELETE FROM cw_%s' % etype.type)
        sql('DELETE FROM entities WHERE type = %s', (etype.type,))

    for etype in etypes:
        drop_entity_type(etype, **kwargs)