[web/views] display unique composite entities in deleteconf
When the entity has two relations to the same composite, display it only once.
New features
* A new option `connections-pooler-enabled` (default yes) has been added. This
allow to switch off internal connection pooling for use with others poolers
such as pgbouncer_.
.. _pgbouncer: https://pgbouncer.github.io/
* In `deleteconf` view (confirmation before deletion), the list of first-level
composite objects that would be deleted along with the primary entity is
displayed (01eeea97e549).
* The ``cubicweb.pyramid`` module now provides a Paste application factory
registered as an entry point named ``pyramid_main`` and that can be used to
run a Pyramid WSGI application bound to a CubicWeb repository.
* A new configuration type ``pyramid`` has been added to create CubicWeb's
instances (through ``cubicweb-ctl create -c pyramid <basecube> <appid>``).
This configuration bootstraps a CubicWeb instance that is essentially a
repository plus the minimal setup to run a Pyramid WSGI application on top
of it. Noticeably, it does not ship all *web* configuration but rather
relies on configuration declared in a ``development.ini`` file for any
Pyramid application.
* A new way to declare workflows as simple data structure (dict/list) has been
introduced. Respective utility functions live in ``cubicweb.wfutils``
module. This handles both the creation and migration of workflows.
* A new IDublinCore adapter has been introduced to control the generation of
Dublin Core metadata that are used in several base views.
* It is now possible to *derive* rtags using their ``derive`` method
(0849a5eb57b8). Derived rtags keep a reference to the original rtag and only
hold custom rules, allowing changes which are done in the original rtag after
derivation to be still considered.
* A new ``cubicweb-ctl scheduler <appid>`` command has been introduced to run
background and periodic tasks of the repository (previously called *looping
tasks*). In a production environment, a process with this command should be
run alongside with a WSGI server process (possibly running multiple
processes itself).
Backwards incompatible changes
* As a consequence of the replacement of the old looping tasks manager by a
scheduler, all cubicweb-ctl's "start" commands (i.e. ``start``, ``pyramid``,
``wsgi``) do not start repository *looping tasks manager* anymore, nor do
they start the scheduler. Site administrators are thus expected to start
this scheduler as a separate process.
* In ``cubicweb.pyramid``, function ``make_cubicweb_application`` got renamed
into ``config_from_cwconfig`` (950ce7d9f642).
* Several cleanups in repository's session management have been conducted
resulting from changes introduced in 3.19 release. Among others, the
``cubicweb.server.session.Session`` class has been dropped, and request
``session`` attribute is now tight to a web session whose implementation
depends on the front-end used (twisted or pyramid). Hence this attribute
should not be accessed from "repository side" code (e.g. hooks or operations)
and has lost some of his former attributes like its ``repo`` attribute
referencing the repository instance.
* Support for 'https-url' configuration option has been removed
* The `next_tabindex` method of request class has been removed (011730a4af73).