[c-c shell] make script arguments available as __args__ in the script namespace. Use scriptargs instead of args as process_script argument name.
# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
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"""extends yams to be able to load google appengine's schemas
- ListProperty, StringList, EmailProperty, etc. (XXX)
- ReferenceProperty.verbose_name, collection_name, etc. (XXX)
XXX proprify this knowing we'll use goa.db
from os.path import join
from datetime import datetime, date, time
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
from yams.buildobjs import (String, Int, Float, Boolean, Date, Time, Datetime,
Bytes, SubjectRelation)
from yams.buildobjs import metadefinition, EntityType
from cubicweb.schema import CubicWebSchemaLoader
from cubicweb.goa import db as goadb
# db.Model -> yams ############################################################
basestring: String,
datastore_types.Text: String,
int: Int,
float: Float,
bool: Boolean,
time: Time,
date: Date,
datetime: Datetime,
datastore_types.Blob: Bytes,
def dbm2y_default_factory(prop, **kwargs):
"""just wraps the default types map to set
basic constraints like `required`, `default`, etc.
yamstype = DBM2Y_TYPESMAP[prop.data_type]
if 'default' not in kwargs:
default = prop.default_value()
if default is not None:
kwargs['default'] = default
if prop.required:
kwargs['required'] = True
return yamstype(**kwargs)
def dbm2y_string_factory(prop):
"""like dbm2y_default_factory but also deals with `maxsize` and `vocabulary`"""
kwargs = {}
if prop.data_type is basestring:
kwargs['maxsize'] = 500
if prop.choices is not None:
kwargs['vocabulary'] = prop.choices
return dbm2y_default_factory(prop, **kwargs)
def dbm2y_date_factory(prop):
"""like dbm2y_default_factory but also deals with today / now definition"""
kwargs = {}
if prop.auto_now_add:
if prop.data_type is datetime:
kwargs['default'] = 'now'
kwargs['default'] = 'today'
# XXX no equivalent to Django's `auto_now`
return dbm2y_default_factory(prop, **kwargs)
def dbm2y_relation_factory(etype, prop, multiple=False):
"""called if `prop` is a `db.ReferenceProperty`"""
if multiple:
cardinality = '**'
elif prop.required:
cardinality = '1*'
cardinality = '?*'
# XXX deal with potential kwargs of ReferenceProperty.__init__()
return SubjectRelation(prop.data_type.kind(), cardinality=cardinality)
except AttributeError, ex:
# hack, data_type is still _SELF_REFERENCE_MARKER
return SubjectRelation(etype, cardinality=cardinality)
basestring: dbm2y_string_factory,
datastore_types.Text: dbm2y_string_factory,
int: dbm2y_default_factory,
float: dbm2y_default_factory,
bool: dbm2y_default_factory,
time: dbm2y_date_factory,
date: dbm2y_date_factory,
datetime: dbm2y_date_factory,
datastore_types.Blob: dbm2y_default_factory,
class GaeSchemaLoader(CubicWebSchemaLoader):
"""Google appengine schema loader class"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.use_gauthservice = kwargs.pop('use_gauthservice', False)
super(GaeSchemaLoader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.defined = {}
self.created = []
self.loaded_files = []
def finalize(self, register_base_types=False):
return self._build_schema('google-appengine', register_base_types)
def load_dbmodel(self, name, props):
clsdict = {}
ordered_props = sorted(props.items(),
key=lambda x: x[1].creation_counter)
for pname, prop in ordered_props:
if isinstance(prop, db.ListProperty):
if not issubclass(prop.item_type, db.Model):
self.error('ignoring list property with %s item type'
% prop.item_type)
rdef = dbm2y_relation_factory(name, prop, multiple=True)
if isinstance(prop, (db.ReferenceProperty,
rdef = dbm2y_relation_factory(name, prop)
rdef = DBM2Y_FACTORY[prop.data_type](prop)
except KeyError, ex:
import traceback
self.error('ignoring property %s (keyerror on %s)' % (pname, ex))
rdef.creation_rank = prop.creation_counter
clsdict[pname] = rdef
edef = metadefinition(name, (EntityType,), clsdict)
self.add_definition(self, edef())
def error(self, msg):
print 'ERROR:', msg
def import_yams_schema(self, ertype, schemamod):
erdef = self.pyreader.import_erschema(ertype, schemamod)
def import_yams_cube_schema(self, templpath):
for filepath in self.get_schema_files(templpath):
def pyreader(self):
return self._live_handlers['.py']
import os
from cubicweb import CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT
def load_schema(config, schemaclasses=None, extrahook=None):
"""high level method to load all the schema for a lax instance"""
# IMPORTANT NOTE: dbmodel schemas must be imported **BEFORE**
# the loader is instantiated because this is where the dbmodels
# are registered in the yams schema
for compname in config['included-cubes']:
__import__('%s.schema' % compname)
loader = GaeSchemaLoader(use_gauthservice=config['use-google-auth'], db=db)
if schemaclasses is not None:
for cls in schemaclasses:
loader.load_dbmodel(cls.__name__, goadb.extract_dbmodel(cls))
elif config['schema-type'] == 'dbmodel':
import schema as appschema
for obj in vars(appschema).values():
if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, goadb.Model) and obj.__module__ == appschema.__name__:
loader.load_dbmodel(obj.__name__, goadb.extract_dbmodel(obj))
for erschema in ('CWGroup', 'CWEType', 'CWRType', 'RQLExpression',
'is_', 'is_instance_of',
'read_permission', 'add_permission',
'delete_permission', 'update_permission'):
loader.import_yams_schema(erschema, 'bootstrap')
loader.handle_file(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'schemas', 'base.py'))
cubes = config['included-yams-cubes']
for cube in reversed(config.expand_cubes(cubes)):
config.info('loading cube %s', cube)
if config['schema-type'] == 'yams':
if extrahook is not None:
if config['use-google-auth']:
loader.defined['CWUser'].permissions['add'] = ()
loader.defined['CWUser'].permissions['delete'] = ()
for etype in ('CWGroup', 'RQLExpression'):
read_perm_rel = loader.defined[etype].get_relations('read_permission').next()
read_perm_rel.cardinality = '**'
# XXX not yet ready for CWUser workflow
# remove RQLConstraint('NOT O name "owners"') on CWUser in_group CWGroup
# since "owners" group is not persistent with gae
loader.defined['CWUser'].get_relations('in_group').next().constraints = []
# return the full schema including the cubes' schema
for ertype in loader.defined.values():
if getattr(ertype, 'inlined', False):
ertype.inlined = False
return loader.finalize()