author Denis Laxalde <>
Wed, 29 Nov 2017 17:08:05 +0100
changeset 12232 24393ce335f5
parent 11631 faf279e33298
permissions -rw-r--r--
[gcdebug] Only ignore weakref.WeakKeyDictionary class on Python 2 From Python 3.5, this class fails isinstance check with the following error: :: cls = <class 'weakref.WeakKeyDictionary'>, instance = <functools._lru_list_elem object at 0x7f4331859a48> def __instancecheck__(cls, instance): """Override for isinstance(instance, cls).""" # Inline the cache checking > subclass = instance.__class__ E AssertionError: [<class 'AttributeError'> in gc] 'functools._lru_list_elem' object has no attribute '__class__' /usr/lib/python3.5/ AssertionError I have no clue why this happens, but it makes cubicweb.web.test.test_views.AutomaticWebTest.test_startup_views fail on Python 3.5. So only consider this class for Python 2.



A default authentication stack is provided by the :mod:`cubicweb.pyramid.auth`
module, which is included by :mod:`cubicweb.pyramid.default`.

The authentication stack is built around `pyramid_multiauth`_, and provides a
few default policies that reproduce the default cubicweb behavior.

.. note::

    Note that this module only provides an authentication policy, not the views
    that handle the login form. See :ref:`login_module`


The default policies can be individually deactivated, as well as the default
authentication callback that returns the current user groups as :term:`principals`.

The following settings can be set to `False`:

-   :confval:`cubicweb.auth.update_login_time`. Activate the policy that update
    the user `login_time` when `remember` is called.
-   :confval:`cubicweb.auth.authtkt` and all its subvalues.
-   :confval:`cubicweb.auth.groups_principals`

Additionnal policies can be added by accessing the MultiAuthenticationPolicy
instance in the registry:

.. code-block:: python

    mypolicy = SomePolicy()
    authpolicy = config.registry['cubicweb.authpolicy']

.. _pyramid_multiauth: