don't update dontcheck until everything went fine:
see usage in after_update_entity, where if we got an Unauthorized at
hook time, we will retry and commit time.
>>> from mode_plan import *
>>> ls()
<list of directory content>
>>> ren('A01','A03')
rename A010-joe.en.txt to A030-joe.en.txt
accept [y/N]?
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -
def ren(a,b):
names = glob.glob('%s*'%a)
for name in names :
print 'rename %s to %s' % (name, name.replace(a,b))
if raw_input('accept [y/N]?').lower() =='y':
for name in names:
os.system('hg mv %s %s' % (name, name.replace(a,b)))
def ls(): print '\n'.join(sorted(os.listdir('.')))
def move():
filenames = []
for name in sorted(os.listdir('.')):
num = name[:2]
if num.isdigit():
filenames.append( (int(num), name) )
#print filenames
for num, name in filenames:
if num >= start:
print 'hg mv %s %2i%s' %(name,num+1,name[2:])