author Pierre-Yves David <>
Mon, 24 Oct 2011 13:18:58 +0200
changeset 8012 2080e476ece7
parent 7992 4ff9f25cb06e
child 8034 b07d61090706
permissions -rw-r--r--
[deprecated] TableView: update some documentation All parameters that can be passed through the req.form are now handled at the beginning of the call method.

Whats new in CubicWeb 3.14

API changes

* `Entity.fetch_rql` `restriction` argument has been deprecated and should be
  replaced with a call to the new `Entity.fetch_rqlst` method, get the returned
  value (a rql `Select` node) and use the RQL syntax tree API to include the
  above-mentionned restrictions.

  Backward compat is kept with proper warning.

* `Entity.fetch_order` and `Entity.fetch_unrelated_order` class methods have been
  replaced by `Entity.cw_fetch_order` and `Entity.cw_fetch_unrelated_order` with
  a different prototype:

  - instead of taking (attr, var) as two string argument, they now take (select,
    attr, var) where select is the rql syntax tree beinx constructed and var the
    variable *node*.

  - instead of returning some string to be inserted in the ORDERBY clause, it has
    to modify the syntax tree

  Backward compat is kept with proper warning, BESIDE cases below:

  - custom order method return **something else the a variable name with or
    without the sorting order** (e.g. cases where you sort on the value of a
    registered procedure as it was done in the tracker for instance). In such
    case, an error is logged telling that this sorting is ignored until API

  - client code use direct access to one of those methods on an entity (no code
    known to do that)

* `Entity._rest_attr_info` class method has been renamed to

  No backward compat yet since this is a protected method an no code is known to
  use it outside cubicweb itself.

* `AnyEntity.linked_to` has been removed as part of a refactoring of this
  functionality (link a entity to another one at creation step). It was replaced
  by a `EntityFieldsForm.linked_to` property.

  In the same refactoring, `cubicweb.web.formfield.relvoc_linkedto`,
  `cubicweb.web.formfield.relvoc_init` and
  `cubicweb.web.formfield.relvoc_unrelated` were removed and replaced by
  RelationField methods with the same names, that take a form as a parameter.

  **No backward compatibility yet**. It's still time to cry for it.
  Cubes known to be affected: tracker, vcsfile, vcreview

* `CWPermission` entity type and its associated require_permission relation type
  (abstract) and require_group relation definitions have been moved to a new
  `localperms` cube. With this have gone some functions from the
  `cubicweb.schemas` package as well as some views. This makes cubicweb itself
  smaller while you get all the local permissions stuff into a single,
  documented, place.

  Backward compat is kept for existing instances, **though you should have
  installed the localperms cubes**. A proper error should be displayed when
  trying to migrate to 3.14 an instance the use `CWPermission` without the new
  cube installed. For new instances / test, you should add a dependancy on the
  new cube in cubes using this feature, along with a dependancy on cubicweb >=

* jQuery has been updated to 1.6.4. No backward compat issue known (yet...)

* Table views refactoring : new RsetTableView and EntityTableView, as well as
  rewritten an enhanced version of PyValTableView on the same bases.  Those
  deprecates former `TableView`, `EntityAttributesTableView` and `CellView`,
  which are however kept for backward compat, with some warnings that may not be
  very clear unfortunatly (you may see your own table view subclass name here,
  which doesn't make the problem that clear). Notice that `_cw.view('table',
  rset, *kwargs)` will be routed to the new `RsetTableView` or to the old
  `TableView` depending on given extra arguments. See #1986413.

Unintrusive API changes

* refactored properties forms (eg user preferences and site wide properties) to
  ease overridding

* table view allows to set None in 'headers', meaning the label should be fetched
  from the result set as done by default

* new `anonymized_request` decorator to temporary run stuff as an anonymous
  user, whatever the currently logged in user

* new 'verbatimattr' attribute view

User interface changes

* breadcrumb is properly kept when creating an entity with __linkto

* users and groups management now really lead to that (i.e. includes *groups*

* new 'jsonp' controller with 'jsonexport' and 'ejsonexport' views


* add option 'resources-concat' to make javascript/css files concatenation