author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Thu, 18 Feb 2010 10:54:50 +0100
changeset 4624 1b46d5ece0d5
parent 3142 5c07c3b2b332
child 4830 10e8bc190695
permissions -rw-r--r--
turn default logging threshold to warning (we usually want them), and log 'no schema for eid' pb using warning instead of error, so we see them in logs but not during migration

 * This file contains extensions for standard javascript types

ONE_DAY = 86400000; // (in milliseconds)

// ========== DATE EXTENSIONS ========== ///

Date.prototype.equals = function(other) {
    /* compare with other date ignoring time differences */
    if (this.getYear() == other.getYear() &&
	this.getMonth() == other.getMonth() &&
	this.getDate() == other.getDate()) {
	return true;
    return false;

Date.prototype.add = function(days) {
    var res = new Date();
    res.setTime(this.getTime() + (days * ONE_DAY));
    return res;

Date.prototype.sub = function(days) {
    return this.add(-days);

Date.prototype.iadd = function(days) {
    // in-place add
    this.setTime(this.getTime() + (days * ONE_DAY));
    // avoid strange rounding problems !!

Date.prototype.isub = function(days) {
    // in-place sub
    this.setTime(this.getTime() - (days * ONE_DAY));

 * returns the first day of the next month
Date.prototype.nextMonth = function() {
    if (this.getMonth() == 11) {
	var d =new Date(this.getFullYear()+1, 0, 1);
	return d;
    } else {
	var d2 = new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth()+1, 1);
	return d2;

 * returns the day of week, 0 being monday, 6 being sunday
Date.prototype.getRealDay = function() {
    // getDay() returns 0 for Sunday ==> 6 for Saturday
    return (this.getDay()+6) % 7;

Date.prototype.strftime = function(fmt) {
    if (this.toLocaleFormat !== undefined) { // browser dependent
	return this.toLocaleFormat(fmt);
    // XXX implement at least a decent fallback implementation
    return this.getFullYear() + '/' + (this.getMonth()+1) + '/' + this.getDate();

    'Y': new RegExp('^-?[0-9]+'),
    'd': new RegExp('^[0-9]{1,2}'),
    'm': new RegExp('^[0-9]{1,2}'),
    'H': new RegExp('^[0-9]{1,2}'),
    'M': new RegExp('^[0-9]{1,2}')

 * _parseData does the actual parsing job needed by `strptime`
function _parseDate(datestring, format) {
    var skip0 = new RegExp('^0*[0-9]+');
    var parsed = {};
    for (var i1=0,i2=0;i1<format.length;i1++,i2++) {
	var c1 = format.charAt(i1);
	var c2 = datestring.charAt(i2);
	if (c1 == '%') {
	    c1 = format.charAt(++i1);
	    var data = _DATE_FORMAT_REGXES[c1].exec(datestring.substring(i2));
	    if (!data.length) {
		return null;
	    data = data[0];
	    i2 += data.length-1;
	    var value = parseInt(data, 10);
	    if (isNaN(value)) {
		return null;
	    parsed[c1] = value;
	if (c1 != c2) {
	    return null;
    return parsed;

 * basic implementation of strptime. The only recognized formats
 * defined in _DATE_FORMAT_REGEXES (i.e. %Y, %d, %m, %H, %M)
function strptime(datestring, format) {
    var parsed = _parseDate(datestring, format);
    if (!parsed) {
	return null;
    // create initial date (!!! year=0 means 1900 !!!)
    var date = new Date(0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
    date.setFullYear(0); // reset to year 0
    if (parsed.Y) {
    if (parsed.m) {
	if (parsed.m < 1 || parsed.m > 12) {
	    return null;
	// !!! month indexes start at 0 in javascript !!!
	date.setMonth(parsed.m - 1);
    if (parsed.d) {
	if (parsed.m < 1 || parsed.m > 31) {
	    return null;
    if (parsed.H) {
	if (parsed.H < 0 || parsed.H > 23) {
	    return null;
    if (parsed.M) {
	if (parsed.M < 0 || parsed.M > 59) {
	    return null;
    return date;

// ========== END OF DATE EXTENSIONS ========== ///

// ========== ARRAY EXTENSIONS ========== ///
Array.prototype.contains = function(element) {
    return findValue(this, element) != -1;

// ========== END OF ARRAY EXTENSIONS ========== ///

// ========== STRING EXTENSIONS ========== //

/* python-like startsWith method for js strings
 * >>>
String.prototype.startsWith = function(prefix) {
    return this.indexOf(prefix) == 0;

/* python-like endsWith method for js strings */
String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
    var startPos = this.length - suffix.length;
    if (startPos < 0) { return false; }
    return this.lastIndexOf(suffix, startPos) == startPos;

/* python-like strip method for js strings */
String.prototype.strip = function() {
    return this.replace(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/, "$1");

/* py-equiv: string in list */
String.prototype.in_ = function(values) {
    return findValue(values, this) != -1;

/* py-equiv: str.join(list) */
String.prototype.join = function(args) {
    return args.join(this);

/* python-like list builtin
 * transforms an iterable in a js sequence
 * >>> gen = ifilter(function(x) {return x%2==0}, range(10))
 * >>> s = list(gen)
 * [0,2,4,6,8]
function list(iterable) {
    var iterator = iter(iterable);
    var result = [];
    while (true) {
	/* iterates until StopIteration occurs */
	try {
	} catch (exc) {
	    if (exc != StopIteration) { throw exc; }
	    return result;

/* py-equiv: getattr(obj, attrname, default=None) */
function getattr(obj, attrname, defaultValue) {
    // when not passed, defaultValue === undefined
    return obj[attrname] || defaultValue;

/* py-equiv: operator.attrgetter */
function attrgetter(attrname) {
    return function(obj) { return getattr(obj, attrname); };

/* returns a subslice of `lst` using `start`/`stop`/`step`
 * start, stop might be negative
 * >>> sliceList(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 2)
 * ['c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
 * >>> sliceList(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 2, -2)
 * ['c', 'd']
 * >>> sliceList(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], -3)
 * ['d', 'e', 'f']
function sliceList(lst, start, stop, step) {
    var start = start || 0;
    var stop = stop || lst.length;
    var step = step || 1;
    if (stop < 0) {
	stop = max(lst.length+stop, 0);
    if (start < 0) {
	start = min(lst.length+start, lst.length);
    var result = [];
    for (var i=start; i < stop; i+=step) {
    return result;

/* returns a partial func that calls a mehod on its argument
 * py-equiv: return lambda obj: getattr(obj, methname)(*args)
function methodcaller(methname) {
    var args = sliceList(arguments, 1);
    return function(obj) {
	return obj[methname].apply(obj, args);

/* use MochiKit's listMin / listMax */
function min() { return listMin(arguments); }
function max() { return listMax(arguments); }

 * >>> d = dict(["x", "y", "z"], [0, 1, 2])
 * >>> d['y']
 * 1
 * >>> d.y
 * 1
function dict(keys, values) {
    if (keys.length != values.length) {
	throw "got different number of keys and values !";
    var newobj = {};
    for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
	newobj[keys[i]] = values[i];
    return newobj;

function concat() {
    return ''.join(list(arguments));

/**** class factories ****/

// transforms a function into an unbound method
function makeUnboundMethod(meth) {
    function unboundMeth(self) {
	var newargs = sliceList(arguments, 1);
	return meth.apply(self, newargs);
    unboundMeth.__name__ = meth.__name__;
    return unboundMeth;

function attachMethodToClass(cls, methname, meth) {
    meth.__name__ = methname;
    // XXX : this is probably bad for memory usage
    cls.__dict__[methname] = meth;
    cls[methname] = makeUnboundMethod(meth); // for the class itself
    cls.prototype[methname] = meth; // for the instance

// simple internal function that tells if the attribute should
// be copied from baseclasses or not
function _isAttrSkipped(attrname) {
    var skipped = ['__class__', '__dict__', '__bases__', 'prototype'];
    for (var i=0; i < skipped.length; i++) {
	if (skipped[i] == attrname) {
	    return true;
    return false;

// internal function used to build the class constructor
function makeConstructor(userctor) {
    return function() {
	// this is a proxy to user's __init__
	if (userctor) {
	    userctor.apply(this, arguments);

/* this is a js class factory. objects returned by this function behave
 * more or less like a python class. The `class` function prototype is
 * inspired by the python `type` builtin
 * Important notes :
 *  -> methods are _STATICALLY_ attached when the class it created
 *  -> multiple inheritance was never tested, which means it doesn't work ;-)
function defclass(name, bases, classdict) {
    var baseclasses = bases || [];

    // this is the static inheritance approach (<=> differs from python)
    var basemeths = {};
    var reverseLookup = [];
    for(var i=baseclasses.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    reverseLookup.push({'__dict__' : classdict});

    for(var i=0; i < reverseLookup.length; i++) {
	var cls = reverseLookup[i];
	for (prop in cls.__dict__) {
	    // XXX hack to avoid __init__, __bases__...
	    if ( !_isAttrSkipped(prop) ) {
		basemeths[prop] = cls.__dict__[prop];
    var userctor = basemeths['__init__'];
    var constructor = makeConstructor(userctor);

    // python-like interface
    constructor.__name__ = name;
    constructor.__bases__ = baseclasses;
    constructor.__dict__ = {};
    constructor.prototype.__class__ = constructor;
    // make bound / unbound methods
    for (methname in basemeths) {
	attachMethodToClass(constructor, methname, basemeths[methname]);

    return constructor;

// Not really python-like
CubicWeb = {};
// XXX backward compatibility
Erudi = CubicWeb;
CubicWeb.loaded = [];
CubicWeb.require = function(module) {
    if (!CubicWeb.loaded.contains(module)) {
	// a CubicWeb.load_javascript(module) function would require a dependency on ajax.js
	log(module, ' is required but not loaded');

CubicWeb.provide = function(module) {
    if (!CubicWeb.loaded.contains(module)) {
