turn default logging threshold to warning (we usually want them), and log 'no schema for eid' pb using warning instead of error, so we see them in logs but not during migration
# pylint: disable-msg=W0622
"""%(distname)s application packaging information"""
modname = '%(cubename)s'
distname = '%(distname)s'
numversion = (0, 1, 0)
version = '.'.join(str(num) for num in numversion)
license = 'LCL'
copyright = '''Copyright (c) %(year)s %(author)s.
%(author-web-site)s -- mailto:%(author-email)s'''
author = '%(author)s'
author_email = '%(author-email)s'
short_desc = '%(shortdesc)s'
long_desc = '''%(longdesc)s'''
web = 'http://www.cubicweb.org/project/%%s' %% distname
from os import listdir as _listdir
from os.path import join, isdir, exists
from glob import glob
THIS_CUBE_DIR = join('share', 'cubicweb', 'cubes', modname)
def listdir(dirpath):
return [join(dirpath, fname) for fname in _listdir(dirpath)
if fname[0] != '.' and not fname.endswith('.pyc')
and not fname.endswith('~')
and not isdir(join(dirpath, fname))]
data_files = [
# common files
[THIS_CUBE_DIR, [fname for fname in glob('*.py') if fname != 'setup.py']],
# check for possible extended cube layout
for dname in ('entities', 'views', 'sobjects', 'hooks', 'schema', 'data', 'i18n', 'migration'):
if isdir(dname):
data_files.append([join(THIS_CUBE_DIR, dname), listdir(dname)])
# Note: here, you'll need to add subdirectories if you want
# them to be included in the debian package
__depends_cubes__ = {}
__depends__ = {'cubicweb': '>= 3.5.0'}
__use__ = (%(dependancies)s)
__recommend__ = ()