author Alain Leufroy <alain.leufroy@logilab.fr>
Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:37:54 +0200
changeset 9886 1b26289217a3
parent 9381 6d97e80b2e97
child 10279 d7479a5ac553
permissions -rw-r--r--
[devtools] improve error message when postgresql tools are missing By default in at least Debian, some pg tools are not present in the PATH. Or they may not be installed. But the tests tools expects them to be in the PATH, and give an unhelpful 'No such file or directory' backtrace if they're not found. To help devs using the pg tests we improve the error message.

 * Functions for ajax boxes.
 *  :organization: Logilab
 *  :copyright: 2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 *  :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr

function ajaxBoxValidateSelectorInput(boxid, eid, separator, fname, msg) {
    var holderid = cw.utils.domid(boxid) + eid + 'Holder';
    var value = $('#' + holderid + 'Input').val();
    if (separator) {
        value = $.map(value.split(separator), jQuery.trim);
    var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs(fname, null, eid, value));
    d.addCallback(function() {
            $('#' + holderid).empty();
            var formparams = ajaxFuncArgs('render', null, 'ctxcomponents', boxid, eid);
            $('#' + cw.utils.domid(boxid) + eid).loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, formparams);
            if (msg) {
                document.location.hash = '#header';

function ajaxBoxRemoveLinkedEntity(boxid, eid, relatedeid, delfname, msg) {
    var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs(delfname, null, eid, relatedeid));
    d.addCallback(function() {
            var formparams = ajaxFuncArgs('render', null, 'ctxcomponents', boxid, eid);
            $('#' + cw.utils.domid(boxid) + eid).loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, formparams);
            if (msg) {
                document.location.hash = '#header';

 * .. function:: ajaxBoxShowSelector(boxid, eid, unrelfname,
 *                                  addfname, msg,
 *                                  oklabel, cancellabel,
 *                                  separator=None)
 * Display an ajax selector within a box of regid `boxid`, for entity with eid
 * `eid`.
 * Other parameters are:
 * * `addfname`, name of the json controller method to call to add a relation
 * * `msg`, message to display to the user when a relation has been added
 * * `oklabel`/`cancellabel`, OK/cancel buttons label
 * * `separator`, items separator if the field is multi-valued (will be
 *   considered mono-valued when not specified)
function ajaxBoxShowSelector(boxid, eid,
                             addfname, msg,
                             oklabel, cancellabel,
                             separator) {
    var holderid = cw.utils.domid(boxid) + eid + 'Holder';
    var holder = $('#' + holderid);
    if (holder.children().length) {
    else {
        var inputid = holderid + 'Input';
        var deferred = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs(unrelfname, null, eid));
        deferred.addCallback(function (unrelated) {
            var input = INPUT({'type': 'text', 'id': inputid, 'size': 20});
            var $input = $(input);
            $input.keypress(function (evt) {
                if (evt.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
                    ajaxBoxValidateSelectorInput(boxid, eid, separator, addfname, msg);
            $input.cwautocomplete(unrelated, {multiple: Boolean(separator)});
            var buttons = DIV({'class' : "sgformbuttons"},
                              A({href : "javascript: $.noop();",
                                 onclick : cw.utils.strFuncCall('ajaxBoxValidateSelectorInput',
                                                                boxid, eid, separator, addfname, msg)},
                              ' / ',
                              A({'href' : "javascript: $.noop();",
                                 'onclick' : '$("#' + holderid + '").empty()'},