[js] add configuration file for jshint (closes #5593987)
copied from https://gist.github.com/haschek/2595796
# copyright 2003-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""unit tests for module cubicweb.server.migractions"""
from datetime import date
import os, os.path as osp
from contextlib import contextmanager
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main, Tags, tag
from yams.constraints import UniqueConstraint
from cubicweb import ConfigurationError, ValidationError, ExecutionError
from cubicweb.devtools import startpgcluster, stoppgcluster
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import SQL_PREFIX
from cubicweb.server.migractions import ServerMigrationHelper
import cubicweb.devtools
HERE = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__))
def setUpModule():
migrschema = None
def tearDownModule(*args):
global migrschema
del migrschema
if hasattr(MigrationCommandsTC, 'origschema'):
del MigrationCommandsTC.origschema
if hasattr(MigrationCommandsComputedTC, 'origschema'):
del MigrationCommandsComputedTC.origschema
class MigrationConfig(cubicweb.devtools.TestServerConfiguration):
default_sources = cubicweb.devtools.DEFAULT_PSQL_SOURCES
CUBES_PATH = cubicweb.devtools.TestServerConfiguration.CUBES_PATH + [
osp.join(HERE, 'data-migractions', 'cubes')]
class MigrationTC(CubicWebTC):
appid = 'data-migractions'
configcls = MigrationConfig
tags = CubicWebTC.tags | Tags(('server', 'migration', 'migractions'))
def _init_repo(self):
super(MigrationTC, self)._init_repo()
# we have to read schema from the database to get eid for schema entities
self.repo.set_schema(self.repo.deserialize_schema(), resetvreg=False)
# hack to read the schema from data/migrschema
config = self.config
config.appid = osp.join(self.appid, 'migratedapp')
config._apphome = osp.join(HERE, config.appid)
global migrschema
migrschema = config.load_schema()
config.appid = self.appid
config._apphome = osp.join(HERE, self.appid)
def setUp(self):
super(MigrationTC, self).setUp()
def tearDown(self):
super(MigrationTC, self).tearDown()
def mh(self):
with self.admin_access.repo_cnx() as cnx:
yield cnx, ServerMigrationHelper(self.repo.config, migrschema,
repo=self.repo, cnx=cnx,
def table_sql(self, mh, tablename):
result = mh.sqlexec("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE LOWER(table_name)=%(table)s",
{'table': tablename.lower()})
if result:
return result[0][0]
return None # no such table
def table_schema(self, mh, tablename):
result = mh.sqlexec("SELECT column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns "
"WHERE LOWER(table_name) = %(table)s", {'table': tablename.lower()})
assert result, 'no table %s' % tablename
return dict((x[0], (x[1], x[2])) for x in result)
class MigrationCommandsTC(MigrationTC):
def _init_repo(self):
super(MigrationCommandsTC, self)._init_repo()
assert 'Folder' in migrschema
def test_add_attribute_bool(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertNotIn('yesno', self.schema)
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Note', 'yesno')
self.assertIn('yesno', self.schema)
self.assertEqual(self.schema['yesno'].subjects(), ('Note',))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['yesno'].objects(), ('Boolean',))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['Note'].default('yesno'), False)
# test default value set on existing entities
note = cnx.execute('Note X').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(note.yesno, False)
# test default value set for next entities
self.assertEqual(cnx.create_entity('Note').yesno, False)
def test_add_attribute_int(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertNotIn('whatever', self.schema)
orderdict = dict(mh.rqlexec('Any RTN, O WHERE X name "Note", RDEF from_entity X, '
'RDEF relation_type RT, RDEF ordernum O, RT name RTN'))
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Note', 'whatever')
self.assertIn('whatever', self.schema)
self.assertEqual(self.schema['whatever'].subjects(), ('Note',))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['whatever'].objects(), ('Int',))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['Note'].default('whatever'), 0)
# test default value set on existing entities
note = cnx.execute('Note X').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertIsInstance(note.whatever, int)
self.assertEqual(note.whatever, 0)
# test default value set for next entities
self.assertEqual(cnx.create_entity('Note').whatever, 0)
# test attribute order
orderdict2 = dict(mh.rqlexec('Any RTN, O WHERE X name "Note", RDEF from_entity X, '
'RDEF relation_type RT, RDEF ordernum O, RT name RTN'))
whateverorder = migrschema['whatever'].rdef('Note', 'Int').order
for k, v in orderdict.items():
if v >= whateverorder:
orderdict[k] = v+1
orderdict['whatever'] = whateverorder
self.assertDictEqual(orderdict, orderdict2)
#self.assertEqual([r.type for r in self.schema['Note'].ordered_relations()],
# ['modification_date', 'creation_date', 'owned_by',
# 'eid', 'ecrit_par', 'inline1', 'date', 'type',
# 'whatever', 'date', 'in_basket'])
# NB: commit instead of rollback make following test fail with py2.5
# this sounds like a pysqlite/2.5 bug (the same eid is affected to
# two different entities)
def test_add_attribute_varchar(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertNotIn('whatever', self.schema)
self.assertNotIn('shortpara', self.schema)
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Note', 'shortpara')
self.assertIn('shortpara', self.schema)
self.assertEqual(self.schema['shortpara'].subjects(), ('Note', ))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['shortpara'].objects(), ('String', ))
# test created column is actually a varchar(64)
fields = self.table_schema(mh, '%sNote' % SQL_PREFIX)
self.assertEqual(fields['%sshortpara' % SQL_PREFIX], ('character varying', 64))
# test default value set on existing entities
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Note X').get_entity(0, 0).shortpara, 'hop')
# test default value set for next entities
self.assertEqual(cnx.create_entity('Note').shortpara, 'hop')
def test_add_datetime_with_default_value_attribute(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertNotIn('mydate', self.schema)
self.assertNotIn('oldstyledefaultdate', self.schema)
self.assertNotIn('newstyledefaultdate', self.schema)
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Note', 'mydate')
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Note', 'oldstyledefaultdate')
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Note', 'newstyledefaultdate')
self.assertIn('mydate', self.schema)
self.assertIn('oldstyledefaultdate', self.schema)
self.assertIn('newstyledefaultdate', self.schema)
self.assertEqual(self.schema['mydate'].subjects(), ('Note', ))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['mydate'].objects(), ('Date', ))
testdate = date(2005, 12, 13)
eid1 = mh.rqlexec('INSERT Note N')[0][0]
eid2 = mh.rqlexec('INSERT Note N: N mydate %(mydate)s', {'mydate' : testdate})[0][0]
d1 = mh.rqlexec('Any D WHERE X eid %(x)s, X mydate D', {'x': eid1})[0][0]
d2 = mh.rqlexec('Any D WHERE X eid %(x)s, X mydate D', {'x': eid2})[0][0]
d3 = mh.rqlexec('Any D WHERE X eid %(x)s, X oldstyledefaultdate D', {'x': eid1})[0][0]
d4 = mh.rqlexec('Any D WHERE X eid %(x)s, X newstyledefaultdate D', {'x': eid1})[0][0]
self.assertEqual(d1, date.today())
self.assertEqual(d2, testdate)
myfavoritedate = date(2013, 1, 1)
self.assertEqual(d3, myfavoritedate)
self.assertEqual(d4, myfavoritedate)
def test_drop_chosen_constraints_ctxmanager(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
with mh.cmd_dropped_constraints('Note', 'unique_id', UniqueConstraint):
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Note', 'unique_id')
# make sure the maxsize constraint is not dropped
'INSERT Note N: N unique_id "xyz"')
# make sure the unique constraint is dropped
mh.rqlexec('INSERT Note N: N unique_id "x"')
mh.rqlexec('INSERT Note N: N unique_id "x"')
mh.rqlexec('DELETE Note N')
def test_drop_required_ctxmanager(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
with mh.cmd_dropped_constraints('Note', 'unique_id', cstrtype=None,
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Note', 'unique_id')
mh.rqlexec('INSERT Note N')
mh.rqlexec('SET N unique_id "x"')
# make sure the required=True was restored
self.assertRaises(ValidationError, mh.rqlexec, 'INSERT Note N')
def test_rename_attribute(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertNotIn('civility', self.schema)
eid1 = mh.rqlexec('INSERT Personne X: X nom "lui", X sexe "M"')[0][0]
eid2 = mh.rqlexec('INSERT Personne X: X nom "l\'autre", X sexe NULL')[0][0]
mh.cmd_rename_attribute('Personne', 'sexe', 'civility')
self.assertNotIn('sexe', self.schema)
self.assertIn('civility', self.schema)
# test data has been backported
c1 = mh.rqlexec('Any C WHERE X eid %s, X civility C' % eid1)[0][0]
self.assertEqual(c1, 'M')
c2 = mh.rqlexec('Any C WHERE X eid %s, X civility C' % eid2)[0][0]
self.assertEqual(c2, None)
def test_workflow_actions(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
wf = mh.cmd_add_workflow(u'foo', ('Personne', 'Email'),
for etype in ('Personne', 'Email'):
s1 = mh.rqlexec('Any N WHERE WF workflow_of ET, ET name "%s", WF name N' %
self.assertEqual(s1, "foo")
s1 = mh.rqlexec('Any N WHERE ET default_workflow WF, ET name "%s", WF name N' %
self.assertEqual(s1, "foo")
def test_add_entity_type(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertNotIn('Folder2', self.schema)
self.assertNotIn('filed_under2', self.schema)
self.assertIn('Folder2', self.schema)
self.assertIn('Old', self.schema)
self.assertTrue(cnx.execute('CWEType X WHERE X name "Folder2"'))
self.assertIn('filed_under2', self.schema)
self.assertTrue(cnx.execute('CWRType X WHERE X name "filed_under2"'))
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(rs) for rs in self.schema['Folder2'].subject_relations()),
['created_by', 'creation_date', 'cw_source', 'cwuri',
'description', 'description_format',
'filed_under2', 'has_text',
'identity', 'in_basket', 'is', 'is_instance_of',
'modification_date', 'name', 'owned_by'])
self.assertCountEqual([str(rs) for rs in self.schema['Folder2'].object_relations()],
['filed_under2', 'identity'])
# Old will be missing as it has been renamed into 'New' in the migrated
# schema while New hasn't been added here.
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['filed_under2'].subjects()),
sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema.entities() if not e.final and e != 'Old'))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['filed_under2'].objects(), ('Folder2',))
eschema = self.schema.eschema('Folder2')
for cstr in eschema.rdef('name').constraints:
self.assertTrue(hasattr(cstr, 'eid'))
def test_add_drop_entity_type(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
wf = mh.cmd_add_workflow(u'folder2 wf', 'Folder2',
todo = wf.add_state(u'todo', initial=True)
done = wf.add_state(u'done')
wf.add_transition(u'redoit', done, todo)
wf.add_transition(u'markasdone', todo, done)
eschema = self.schema.eschema('Folder2')
self.assertNotIn('Folder2', self.schema)
self.assertFalse(cnx.execute('CWEType X WHERE X name "Folder2"'))
# test automatic workflow deletion
self.assertFalse(cnx.execute('Workflow X WHERE NOT X workflow_of ET'))
self.assertFalse(cnx.execute('State X WHERE NOT X state_of WF'))
self.assertFalse(cnx.execute('Transition X WHERE NOT X transition_of WF'))
def test_rename_entity_type(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
entity = mh.create_entity('Old', name=u'old')
self.repo.type_and_source_from_eid(entity.eid, entity._cw)
mh.cmd_rename_entity_type('Old', 'New')
mh.cmd_rename_attribute('New', 'name', 'new_name')
def test_add_drop_relation_type(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
mh.cmd_add_entity_type('Folder2', auto=False)
self.assertIn('filed_under2', self.schema)
# Old will be missing as it has been renamed into 'New' in the migrated
# schema while New hasn't been added here.
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['filed_under2'].subjects()),
sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema.entities()
if not e.final and e != 'Old'))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['filed_under2'].objects(), ('Folder2',))
self.assertNotIn('filed_under2', self.schema)
# this should not crash
def test_add_relation_definition_nortype(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
mh.cmd_add_relation_definition('Personne', 'concerne2', 'Affaire')
('Affaire', ))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['concerne2'].rdef('Personne', 'Affaire').cardinality,
mh.cmd_add_relation_definition('Personne', 'concerne2', 'Note')
self.assertEqual(sorted(self.schema['concerne2'].objects()), ['Affaire', 'Note'])
mh.create_entity('Personne', nom=u'tot')
mh.rqlexec('SET X concerne2 Y WHERE X is Personne, Y is Affaire')
mh.cmd_drop_relation_definition('Personne', 'concerne2', 'Affaire')
self.assertIn('concerne2', self.schema)
mh.cmd_drop_relation_definition('Personne', 'concerne2', 'Note')
self.assertNotIn('concerne2', self.schema)
def test_drop_relation_definition_existant_rtype(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].subjects()),
['Affaire', 'Personne'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].objects()),
['Affaire', 'Division', 'Note', 'Societe', 'SubDivision'])
mh.cmd_drop_relation_definition('Personne', 'concerne', 'Affaire')
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].subjects()),
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].objects()),
['Division', 'Note', 'Societe', 'SubDivision'])
mh.cmd_add_relation_definition('Personne', 'concerne', 'Affaire')
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].subjects()),
['Affaire', 'Personne'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].objects()),
['Affaire', 'Division', 'Note', 'Societe', 'SubDivision'])
# trick: overwrite self.maxeid to avoid deletion of just reintroduced types
self.maxeid = cnx.execute('Any MAX(X)')[0][0]
def test_drop_relation_definition_with_specialization(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].subjects()),
['Affaire', 'Personne'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].objects()),
['Affaire', 'Division', 'Note', 'Societe', 'SubDivision'])
mh.cmd_drop_relation_definition('Affaire', 'concerne', 'Societe')
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].subjects()),
['Affaire', 'Personne'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].objects()),
['Affaire', 'Note'])
mh.cmd_add_relation_definition('Affaire', 'concerne', 'Societe')
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].subjects()),
['Affaire', 'Personne'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(str(e) for e in self.schema['concerne'].objects()),
['Affaire', 'Division', 'Note', 'Societe', 'SubDivision'])
# trick: overwrite self.maxeid to avoid deletion of just reintroduced types
self.maxeid = cnx.execute('Any MAX(X)')[0][0]
def test_rename_relation(self):
self.skipTest('implement me')
def test_change_relation_props_non_final(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
rschema = self.schema['concerne']
card = rschema.rdef('Affaire', 'Societe').cardinality
self.assertEqual(card, '**')
mh.cmd_change_relation_props('Affaire', 'concerne', 'Societe',
card = rschema.rdef('Affaire', 'Societe').cardinality
self.assertEqual(card, '?*')
mh.cmd_change_relation_props('Affaire', 'concerne', 'Societe',
def test_change_relation_props_final(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
rschema = self.schema['adel']
card = rschema.rdef('Personne', 'String').fulltextindexed
self.assertEqual(card, False)
mh.cmd_change_relation_props('Personne', 'adel', 'String',
card = rschema.rdef('Personne', 'String').fulltextindexed
self.assertEqual(card, True)
mh.cmd_change_relation_props('Personne', 'adel', 'String',
def test_sync_schema_props_perms_rqlconstraints(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
# Drop one of the RQLConstraint.
rdef = self.schema['evaluee'].rdefs[('Personne', 'Note')]
oldconstraints = rdef.constraints
self.assertIn('S created_by U',
[cstr.expression for cstr in oldconstraints])
mh.cmd_sync_schema_props_perms('evaluee', commit=True)
newconstraints = rdef.constraints
self.assertNotIn('S created_by U',
[cstr.expression for cstr in newconstraints])
# Drop all RQLConstraint.
rdef = self.schema['travaille'].rdefs[('Personne', 'Societe')]
oldconstraints = rdef.constraints
self.assertEqual(len(oldconstraints), 2)
mh.cmd_sync_schema_props_perms('travaille', commit=True)
rdef = self.schema['travaille'].rdefs[('Personne', 'Societe')]
newconstraints = rdef.constraints
self.assertEqual(len(newconstraints), 0)
def test_sync_schema_props_perms(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
nbrqlexpr_start = cnx.execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is RQLExpression')[0][0]
migrschema['titre'].rdefs[('Personne', 'String')].order = 7
migrschema['adel'].rdefs[('Personne', 'String')].order = 6
migrschema['ass'].rdefs[('Personne', 'String')].order = 5
migrschema['Personne'].description = 'blabla bla'
migrschema['titre'].description = 'usually a title'
migrschema['titre'].rdefs[('Personne', 'String')].description = 'title for this person'
delete_concerne_rqlexpr = self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'delete', 'concerne')
add_concerne_rqlexpr = self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'add', 'concerne')
# make sure properties (e.g. etype descriptions) are synced by the
# second call to sync_schema
mh.cmd_sync_schema_props_perms(syncprops=False, commit=False)
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any D WHERE X name "Personne", X description D')[0][0],
'blabla bla')
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any D WHERE X name "titre", X description D')[0][0],
'usually a title')
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any D WHERE X relation_type RT, RT name "titre",'
'X from_entity FE, FE name "Personne",'
'X description D')[0][0],
'title for this person')
rinorder = [n for n, in cnx.execute(
'Any N ORDERBY O,N WHERE X is CWAttribute, X relation_type RT, RT name N,'
'X from_entity FE, FE name "Personne",'
'X ordernum O')]
expected = [u'nom', u'prenom', u'sexe', u'promo', u'ass', u'adel', u'titre',
u'web', u'tel', u'fax', u'datenaiss', u'test', u'tzdatenaiss',
u'description', u'firstname',
u'creation_date', u'cwuri', u'modification_date']
self.assertEqual(expected, rinorder)
# test permissions synchronization ####################################
# new rql expr to add note entity
eexpr = self._erqlexpr_entity(cnx, 'add', 'Note')
'X ecrit_part PE, U in_group G, '
'PE require_permission P, P name "add_note", P require_group G')
self.assertEqual([et.name for et in eexpr.reverse_add_permission], ['Note'])
self.assertEqual(eexpr.reverse_read_permission, ())
self.assertEqual(eexpr.reverse_delete_permission, ())
self.assertEqual(eexpr.reverse_update_permission, ())
self.assertTrue(self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'add', 'para'))
# no rqlexpr to delete para attribute
self.assertFalse(self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'delete', 'para'))
# new rql expr to add ecrit_par relation
rexpr = self._rrqlexpr_entity(cnx, 'add', 'ecrit_par')
'O require_permission P, P name "add_note", '
'U in_group G, P require_group G')
self.assertEqual([rdef.rtype.name for rdef in rexpr.reverse_add_permission], ['ecrit_par'])
self.assertEqual(rexpr.reverse_read_permission, ())
self.assertEqual(rexpr.reverse_delete_permission, ())
# no more rqlexpr to delete and add travaille relation
self.assertFalse(self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'add', 'travaille'))
self.assertFalse(self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'delete', 'travaille'))
# no more rqlexpr to delete and update Societe entity
self.assertFalse(self._erqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'update', 'Societe'))
self.assertFalse(self._erqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'delete', 'Societe'))
# no more rqlexpr to read Affaire entity
self.assertFalse(self._erqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'read', 'Affaire'))
# rqlexpr to update Affaire entity has been updated
eexpr = self._erqlexpr_entity(cnx, 'update', 'Affaire')
self.assertEqual(eexpr.expression, 'X concerne S, S owned_by U')
# no change for rqlexpr to add and delete Affaire entity
self.assertEqual(len(self._erqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'delete', 'Affaire')), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(self._erqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'add', 'Affaire')), 1)
# no change for rqlexpr to add and delete concerne relation
self.assertEqual(len(self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'delete', 'concerne')),
self.assertEqual(len(self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, 'add', 'concerne')),
# * migrschema involve:
# * 7 erqlexprs deletions (2 in (Affaire + Societe + Note.para) + 1 Note.something
# * 2 rrqlexprs deletions (travaille)
# * 1 update (Affaire update)
# * 2 new (Note add, ecrit_par add)
# * 2 implicit new for attributes (Note.para, Person.test)
# remaining orphan rql expr which should be deleted at commit (composite relation)
# unattached expressions -> pending deletion on commit
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is RQLExpression, X exprtype "ERQLExpression",'
'NOT ET1 read_permission X, NOT ET2 add_permission X, '
'NOT ET3 delete_permission X, NOT ET4 update_permission X')[0][0],
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is RQLExpression, X exprtype "RRQLExpression",'
'NOT ET1 read_permission X, NOT ET2 add_permission X, '
'NOT ET3 delete_permission X, NOT ET4 update_permission X')[0][0],
# finally
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is RQLExpression')[0][0],
nbrqlexpr_start + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2)
# unique_together test
self.assertEqual(len(self.schema.eschema('Personne')._unique_together), 1)
('nom', 'prenom', 'datenaiss'))
rset = cnx.execute('Any C WHERE C is CWUniqueTogetherConstraint, C constraint_of ET, ET name "Personne"')
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
relations = [r.name for r in rset.get_entity(0, 0).relations]
self.assertCountEqual(relations, ('nom', 'prenom', 'datenaiss'))
def _erqlexpr_rset(self, cnx, action, ertype):
rql = 'RQLExpression X WHERE ET is CWEType, ET %s_permission X, ET name %%(name)s' % action
return cnx.execute(rql, {'name': ertype})
def _erqlexpr_entity(self, cnx, action, ertype):
rset = self._erqlexpr_rset(cnx, action, ertype)
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
return rset.get_entity(0, 0)
def _rrqlexpr_rset(self, cnx, action, ertype):
rql = 'RQLExpression X WHERE RT is CWRType, RDEF %s_permission X, RT name %%(name)s, RDEF relation_type RT' % action
return cnx.execute(rql, {'name': ertype})
def _rrqlexpr_entity(self, cnx, action, ertype):
rset = self._rrqlexpr_rset(cnx, action, ertype)
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
return rset.get_entity(0, 0)
def test_set_size_constraint(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
# existing previous value
mh.cmd_set_size_constraint('CWEType', 'name', 128)
mh.cmd_set_size_constraint('CWEType', 'name', 64)
# non existing previous value
mh.cmd_set_size_constraint('CWEType', 'description', 256)
mh.cmd_set_size_constraint('CWEType', 'description', None)
def test_add_drop_cube_and_deps(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
schema = self.repo.schema
self.assertEqual(sorted((str(s), str(o)) for s, o in schema['see_also'].rdefs),
sorted([('EmailThread', 'EmailThread'), ('Folder', 'Folder'),
('Bookmark', 'Bookmark'), ('Bookmark', 'Note'),
('Note', 'Note'), ('Note', 'Bookmark')]))
mh.cmd_drop_cube('fakeemail', removedeps=True)
# file was there because it's an email dependancy, should have been removed
self.assertNotIn('fakeemail', self.config.cubes())
self.assertNotIn(self.config.cube_dir('fakeemail'), self.config.cubes_path())
self.assertNotIn('file', self.config.cubes())
self.assertNotIn(self.config.cube_dir('file'), self.config.cubes_path())
for ertype in ('Email', 'EmailThread', 'EmailPart', 'File',
'sender', 'in_thread', 'reply_to', 'data_format'):
self.assertNotIn(ertype, schema)
sorted([('Folder', 'Folder'),
('Bookmark', 'Bookmark'),
('Bookmark', 'Note'),
('Note', 'Note'),
('Note', 'Bookmark')]))
self.assertEqual(sorted(schema['see_also'].subjects()), ['Bookmark', 'Folder', 'Note'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(schema['see_also'].objects()), ['Bookmark', 'Folder', 'Note'])
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any X WHERE X pkey "system.version.fakeemail"').rowcount, 0)
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any X WHERE X pkey "system.version.file"').rowcount, 0)
self.assertIn('fakeemail', self.config.cubes())
self.assertIn(self.config.cube_dir('fakeemail'), self.config.cubes_path())
self.assertIn('file', self.config.cubes())
self.assertIn(self.config.cube_dir('file'), self.config.cubes_path())
for ertype in ('Email', 'EmailThread', 'EmailPart', 'File',
'sender', 'in_thread', 'reply_to', 'data_format'):
self.assertIn(ertype, schema)
sorted([('EmailThread', 'EmailThread'), ('Folder', 'Folder'),
('Bookmark', 'Bookmark'),
('Bookmark', 'Note'),
('Note', 'Note'),
('Note', 'Bookmark')]))
self.assertEqual(sorted(schema['see_also'].subjects()), ['Bookmark', 'EmailThread', 'Folder', 'Note'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(schema['see_also'].objects()), ['Bookmark', 'EmailThread', 'Folder', 'Note'])
from cubes.fakeemail.__pkginfo__ import version as email_version
from cubes.file.__pkginfo__ import version as file_version
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any V WHERE X value V, X pkey "system.version.fakeemail"')[0][0],
self.assertEqual(cnx.execute('Any V WHERE X value V, X pkey "system.version.file"')[0][0],
# trick: overwrite self.maxeid to avoid deletion of just reintroduced
# types (and their associated tables!)
self.maxeid = cnx.execute('Any MAX(X)')[0][0]
# why this commit is necessary is unclear to me (though without it
# next test may fail complaining of missing tables
def test_add_drop_cube_no_deps(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
cubes = set(self.config.cubes())
schema = self.repo.schema
self.assertNotIn('fakeemail', self.config.cubes())
self.assertIn('file', self.config.cubes())
for ertype in ('Email', 'EmailThread', 'EmailPart',
'sender', 'in_thread', 'reply_to'):
self.assertNotIn(ertype, schema)
self.assertIn('fakeemail', self.config.cubes())
# trick: overwrite self.maxeid to avoid deletion of just reintroduced
# types (and their associated tables!)
self.maxeid = cnx.execute('Any MAX(X)')[0][0] # XXXXXXX KILL KENNY
# why this commit is necessary is unclear to me (though without it
# next test may fail complaining of missing tables
def test_drop_dep_cube(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "can't remove cube file, used as a dependency")
def test_introduce_base_class(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertEqual(sorted(et.type for et in self.schema['Para'].specialized_by()),
self.assertEqual(self.schema['Note'].specializes().type, 'Para')
self.assertEqual(sorted(et.type for et in self.schema['Para'].specialized_by()),
['Note', 'Text'])
self.assertEqual(self.schema['Text'].specializes().type, 'Para')
# test columns have been actually added
text = cnx.execute('INSERT Text X: X para "hip", X summary "hop", X newattr "momo"').get_entity(0, 0)
note = cnx.execute('INSERT Note X: X para "hip", X shortpara "hop", X newattr "momo", X unique_id "x"').get_entity(0, 0)
aff = cnx.execute('INSERT Affaire X').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertTrue(cnx.execute('SET X newnotinlined Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y eid %(y)s',
{'x': text.eid, 'y': aff.eid}))
self.assertTrue(cnx.execute('SET X newnotinlined Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y eid %(y)s',
{'x': note.eid, 'y': aff.eid}))
self.assertTrue(cnx.execute('SET X newinlined Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y eid %(y)s',
{'x': text.eid, 'y': aff.eid}))
self.assertTrue(cnx.execute('SET X newinlined Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y eid %(y)s',
{'x': note.eid, 'y': aff.eid}))
# XXX remove specializes by ourselves, else tearDown fails when removing
# Para because of Note inheritance. This could be fixed by putting the
# MemSchemaCWETypeDel(session, name) operation in the
# after_delete_entity(CWEType) hook, since in that case the MemSchemaSpecializesDel
# operation would be removed before, but I'm not sure this is a desired behaviour.
# also we need more tests about introducing/removing base classes or
# specialization relationship...
cnx.execute('DELETE X specializes Y WHERE Y name "Para"')
self.assertEqual(sorted(et.type for et in self.schema['Para'].specialized_by()),
self.assertEqual(self.schema['Note'].specializes(), None)
self.assertEqual(self.schema['Text'].specializes(), None)
def test_add_symmetric_relation_type(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertFalse(self.table_sql(mh, 'same_as_relation'))
self.assertTrue(self.table_sql(mh, 'same_as_relation'))
def test_change_attribute_type(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
mh.cmd_create_entity('Societe', tel=1)
mh.change_attribute_type('Societe', 'tel', 'Float')
self.assertNotIn(('Societe', 'Int'), self.schema['tel'].rdefs)
self.assertIn(('Societe', 'Float'), self.schema['tel'].rdefs)
self.assertEqual(self.schema['tel'].rdefs[('Societe', 'Float')].object, 'Float')
tel = mh.rqlexec('Any T WHERE X tel T')[0][0]
self.assertEqual(tel, 1.0)
self.assertIsInstance(tel, float)
class MigrationCommandsComputedTC(MigrationTC):
""" Unit tests for computed relations and attributes
appid = 'datacomputed'
def setUp(self):
# ensure vregistry is reloaded, needed by generated hooks for computed
# attributes
def test_computed_relation_add_relation_definition(self):
self.assertNotIn('works_for', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
with self.assertRaises(ExecutionError) as exc:
mh.cmd_add_relation_definition('Employee', 'works_for', 'Company')
'Cannot add a relation definition for a computed '
'relation (works_for)')
def test_computed_relation_drop_relation_definition(self):
self.assertIn('notes', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
with self.assertRaises(ExecutionError) as exc:
mh.cmd_drop_relation_definition('Company', 'notes', 'Note')
'Cannot drop a relation definition for a computed '
'relation (notes)')
def test_computed_relation_add_relation_type(self):
self.assertNotIn('works_for', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertIn('works_for', self.schema)
'O employees S, NOT EXISTS (O associates S)')
self.assertEqual(self.schema['works_for'].objects(), ('Company',))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['works_for'].subjects(), ('Employee',))
self.assertFalse(self.table_sql(mh, 'works_for_relation'))
e = cnx.create_entity('Employee')
a = cnx.create_entity('Employee')
cnx.create_entity('Company', employees=e, associates=a)
company = cnx.execute('Company X').get_entity(0, 0)
[x.eid for x in company.reverse_works_for])
def test_computed_relation_drop_relation_type(self):
self.assertIn('notes', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertNotIn('notes', self.schema)
def test_computed_relation_sync_schema_props_perms(self):
self.assertIn('whatever', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
'S employees E, O associates E')
self.assertEqual(self.schema['whatever'].objects(), ('Company',))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['whatever'].subjects(), ('Company',))
self.assertFalse(self.table_sql(mh, 'whatever_relation'))
def test_computed_relation_sync_schema_props_perms_security(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
rdef = next(iter(self.schema['perm_changes'].rdefs.values()))
{'add': (), 'delete': (),
'read': ('managers', 'users')})
{'read': ('managers',)})
rdef = next(iter(self.schema['perm_changes'].rdefs.values()))
{'add': (), 'delete': (),
'read': ('managers',)})
def test_computed_relation_sync_schema_props_perms_on_rdef(self):
self.assertIn('whatever', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
with self.assertRaises(ExecutionError) as exc:
('Company', 'whatever', 'Person'))
'Cannot synchronize a relation definition for a computed '
'relation (whatever)')
def test_computed_relation_rename_relation_type(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
mh.cmd_rename_relation_type('to_be_renamed', 'renamed')
self.assertIn('renamed', self.schema)
self.assertNotIn('to_be_renamed', self.schema)
# computed attributes migration ############################################
def setup_add_score(self):
with self.admin_access.client_cnx() as cnx:
assert not cnx.execute('Company X')
c = cnx.create_entity('Company')
e1 = cnx.create_entity('Employee', reverse_employees=c)
cnx.create_entity('Note', note=2, concerns=e1)
e2 = cnx.create_entity('Employee', reverse_employees=c)
cnx.create_entity('Note', note=4, concerns=e2)
def assert_score_initialized(self, mh):
self.assertEqual(self.schema['score'].rdefs['Company', 'Float'].formula,
'Any AVG(NN) WHERE X employees E, N concerns E, N note NN')
fields = self.table_schema(mh, '%sCompany' % SQL_PREFIX)
self.assertEqual(fields['%sscore' % SQL_PREFIX], ('double precision', None))
mh.rqlexec('Any CS WHERE C score CS, C is Company').rows)
def test_computed_attribute_add_relation_type(self):
self.assertNotIn('score', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertIn('score', self.schema)
self.assertEqual(self.schema['score'].objects(), ('Float',))
self.assertEqual(self.schema['score'].subjects(), ('Company',))
def test_computed_attribute_add_attribute(self):
self.assertNotIn('score', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
mh.cmd_add_attribute('Company', 'score')
self.assertIn('score', self.schema)
def assert_computed_attribute_dropped(self):
self.assertNotIn('note20', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
fields = self.table_schema(mh, '%sNote' % SQL_PREFIX)
self.assertNotIn('%snote20' % SQL_PREFIX, fields)
def test_computed_attribute_drop_type(self):
self.assertIn('note20', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
def test_computed_attribute_drop_relation_definition(self):
self.assertIn('note20', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
mh.cmd_drop_relation_definition('Note', 'note20', 'Int')
def test_computed_attribute_drop_attribute(self):
self.assertIn('note20', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
mh.cmd_drop_attribute('Note', 'note20')
def test_computed_attribute_sync_schema_props_perms_rtype(self):
self.assertIn('note100', self.schema)
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
self.assertEqual(self.schema['note100'].rdefs['Note', 'Int'].formula,
'Any N*100 WHERE X note N')
def test_computed_attribute_sync_schema_props_perms_rdef(self):
with self.mh() as (cnx, mh):
mh.cmd_sync_schema_props_perms(('Note', 'note100', 'Int'))
self.assertEqual([[200], [400]],
cnx.execute('Any N ORDERBY N WHERE X note100 N').rows)
cnx.execute('Any CS WHERE C score100 CS, C is Company').rows)
if __name__ == '__main__':