author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Wed, 27 Jan 2010 09:56:16 +0100
changeset 4388 15c6607c4bda
parent 4252 6c4f109c2b03
child 4436 294e084f1263
permissions -rw-r--r--
[forms] propagate aguments given to .vocabulary to .choices if it's a callable. So we can properly uses vocabulary(limit=xxx) in places where we used to call .choices(limit), since field.choices is not meant to be accessed directly. Also, document expected behaviour for custom choices method for relation fields.

"""entity classes user and group entities

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from logilab.common.decorators import cached

from cubicweb import Unauthorized
from cubicweb.entities import AnyEntity, fetch_config

class CWGroup(AnyEntity):
    __regid__ = 'CWGroup'
    fetch_attrs, fetch_order = fetch_config(['name'])
    fetch_unrelated_order = fetch_order

    def db_key_name(self):
        """XXX goa specific"""
        return self.get('name')

class CWUser(AnyEntity):
    __regid__ = 'CWUser'
    fetch_attrs, fetch_order = fetch_config(['login', 'firstname', 'surname'])
    fetch_unrelated_order = fetch_order

    # used by repository to check if  the user can log in or not
    AUTHENTICABLE_STATES = ('activated',)

    # low level utilities #####################################################
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        groups = kwargs.pop('groups', None)
        properties = kwargs.pop('properties', None)
        super(CWUser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if groups is not None:
            self._groups = groups
        if properties is not None:
            self._properties = properties

    def groups(self):
            return self._groups
        except AttributeError:
            self._groups = set(g.name for g in self.in_group)
            return self._groups

    def properties(self):
            return self._properties
        except AttributeError:
            self._properties = dict((p.pkey, p.value) for p in self.reverse_for_user)
            return self._properties

    def property_value(self, key):
            # properties stored on the user aren't correctly typed
            # (e.g. all values are unicode string)
            return self._cw.vreg.typed_value(key, self.properties[key])
        except KeyError:
        except ValueError:
            self.warning('incorrect value for eproperty %s of user %s',
                         key, self.login)
        return self._cw.vreg.property_value(key)

    def matching_groups(self, groups):
        """return the number of the given group(s) in which the user is

        :type groups: str or iterable(str)
        :param groups: a group name or an iterable on group names
        if isinstance(groups, basestring):
            groups = frozenset((groups,))
        elif isinstance(groups, (tuple, list)):
            groups = frozenset(groups)
        return len(groups & self.groups) # XXX return the resulting set instead of its size

    def is_in_group(self, group):
        """convience / shortcut method to test if the user belongs to `group`
        return group in self._groups

    def is_anonymous(self):
        """ checks if user is an anonymous user"""
        #FIXME on the web-side anonymous user is detected according
        # to config['anonymous-user'], we don't have this info on
        # the server side.
        return self.groups == frozenset(('guests', ))

    def owns(self, eid):
        if hasattr(self._cw, 'unsafe_execute'):
            # use unsafe_execute on the repository side, in case
            # session's user doesn't have access to CWUser
            execute = self._cw.unsafe_execute
            execute = self._cw.execute
            return execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X owned_by U, U eid %(u)s',
                           {'x': eid, 'u': self.eid}, 'x')
        except Unauthorized:
            return False
    owns = cached(owns, keyarg=1)

    def has_permission(self, pname, contexteid=None):
        rql = 'Any P WHERE P is CWPermission, U eid %(u)s, U in_group G, '\
              'P name %(pname)s, P require_group G'
        kwargs = {'pname': pname, 'u': self.eid}
        cachekey = None
        if contexteid is not None:
            rql += ', X require_permission P, X eid %(x)s'
            kwargs['x'] = contexteid
            cachekey = 'x'
            return self._cw.execute(rql, kwargs, cachekey)
        except Unauthorized:
            return False

    # presentation utilities ##################################################

    def name(self):
        """construct a name using firstname / surname or login if not defined"""

        if self.firstname and self.surname:
            return self._cw._('%(firstname)s %(surname)s') % {
                'firstname': self.firstname, 'surname' : self.surname}
        if self.firstname:
            return self.firstname
        return self.login

    def dc_title(self):
        return self.login

    dc_long_title = name

    def db_key_name(self):
        """XXX goa specific"""
        return self.get('login')

from logilab.common.deprecation import class_renamed
EUser = class_renamed('EUser', CWUser)
EGroup = class_renamed('EGroup', CWGroup)