author Julien Jehannet <julien.jehannet@logilab.fr>
Thu, 09 Jun 2011 16:41:41 +0200
changeset 7530 15178bf89fb6
parent 5832 16a4235e031f
child 9460 a2a0bc984863
permissions -rw-r--r--
[server] fix unicode conversion capability in UndoException By overriding the __unicode__ method, we ensure unicode builtin will return Unicode object even for python versions that don't have a __unicode__ method by default (python < 2.6) In previous versions, when this method is not defined, string conversion is attempted, and the result of string conversion is converted to Unicode using the system default encoding which is ascii the most of the time.

def migrate_varchar_to_nvarchar():
    dbdriver  = config.sources()['system']['db-driver']
    if dbdriver != "sqlserver2005":

    introspection_sql = """\
SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, is_nullable, character_maximum_length
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE data_type = 'VARCHAR' and table_name <> 'SYSDIAGRAMS'
    has_index_sql = """\
SELECT i.name AS index_name,
FROM sys.indexes AS i, sys.index_columns as j, sys.columns as k
WHERE is_hypothetical = 0 AND i.index_id <> 0
AND i.object_id = j.object_id
AND i.index_id = j.index_id
AND i.object_id = OBJECT_ID('%(table)s')
AND k.name = '%(col)s'
AND k.object_id=i.object_id
AND j.column_id = k.column_id;"""

    generated_statements = []
    for schema, table, column, is_nullable, length in sql(introspection_sql, ask_confirm=False):
        qualified_table = '[%s].[%s]' % (schema, table)
        rset = sql(has_index_sql % {'table': qualified_table, 'col':column},
                   ask_confirm = False)
        drops = []
        creates = []
        for idx_name, idx_type, idx_unique, is_unique_constraint in rset:
            if is_unique_constraint:
                drops.append('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s' % (qualified_table, idx_name))
                creates.append('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s UNIQUE (%s)' % (qualified_table, idx_name, column))
                drops.append('DROP INDEX %s ON %s' % (idx_name, qualified_table))
                if idx_unique:
                    unique = 'UNIQUE'
                    unique = ''
                creates.append('CREATE %s %s INDEX %s ON %s(%s)' % (unique, idx_type, idx_name, qualified_table, column))

        if length == -1:
            length = 'max'
        if is_nullable == 'YES':
            not_null = 'NULL'
            not_null = 'NOT NULL'
        alter_sql = 'ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s NVARCHAR(%s) %s' % (qualified_table, column, length, not_null)
        generated_statements+= drops + [alter_sql] + creates

    for statement in generated_statements:
        print statement
        sql(statement, ask_confirm=False)
