author Samuel Trégouët <>
Fri, 05 Feb 2016 12:26:28 +0100
changeset 11094 13c9cd75f097
parent 10775 4b3c1069bd4e
permissions -rw-r--r--
[pkg] do not include toplevel directories in rpm (closes #10362119) Our spec file conflicts with the filesystem package in centos7: we set permissions to 0755 for /usr/bin and /usr/lib whereas filesystem sets them to 0555. So to be compatible with both centos7 and others we simply ignore these directories.

# 0423.2000 by michal wallace
# based on perl's Crypt::PasswdMD5 by Luis Munoz (
# based on /usr/src/libcrypt/crypt.c from FreeBSD 2.2.5-RELEASE
#  Carey Evans -
#  Dennis Marti -
#  For the patches that got this thing working!
# modification by logilab:
# * remove usage of the string module
# * don't include the magic string in the output string
#   for true crypt.crypt compatibility
# * use hashlib module instead of md5
""" - Provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() function



        cryptedpassword = md5crypt.md5crypt(password, salt);


unix_md5_crypt() provides a crypt()-compatible interface to the
rather new MD5-based crypt() function found in modern operating systems.
It's based on the implementation found on FreeBSD 2.2.[56]-RELEASE and
contains the following license in it:

 "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
 <> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
 can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
 this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.   Poul-Henning Kamp

MAGIC = b'$1$'                        # Magic string
ITOA64 = b"./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

from hashlib import md5 # pylint: disable=E0611

from six import text_type, indexbytes
from six.moves import range

def to64 (v, n):
    ret = bytearray()
    while (n - 1 >= 0):
        n = n - 1
        ret.append(ITOA64[v & 0x3f])
        v = v >> 6
    return ret

def crypt(pw, salt):
    if isinstance(pw, text_type):
        pw = pw.encode('utf-8')
    if isinstance(salt, text_type):
        salt = salt.encode('ascii')
    # Take care of the magic string if present
    if salt.startswith(MAGIC):
        salt = salt[len(MAGIC):]
    # salt can have up to 8 characters:
    salt = salt.split(b'$', 1)[0]
    salt = salt[:8]
    ctx = pw + MAGIC + salt
    final = md5(pw + salt + pw).digest()
    for pl in range(len(pw), 0, -16):
        if pl > 16:
            ctx = ctx + final[:16]
            ctx = ctx + final[:pl]
    # Now the 'weird' xform (??)
    i = len(pw)
    while i:
        if i & 1:
            ctx = ctx + b'\0'  #if ($i & 1) { $ctx->add(pack("C", 0)); }
            ctx = ctx + pw[0]
        i = i >> 1
    final = md5(ctx).digest()
    # The following is supposed to make
    # things run slower.
    # my question: WTF???
    for i in range(1000):
        ctx1 = b''
        if i & 1:
            ctx1 = ctx1 + pw
            ctx1 = ctx1 + final[:16]
        if i % 3:
            ctx1 = ctx1 + salt
        if i % 7:
            ctx1 = ctx1 + pw
        if i & 1:
            ctx1 = ctx1 + final[:16]
            ctx1 = ctx1 + pw
        final = md5(ctx1).digest()
    # Final xform
    passwd = b''
    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 0) << 16)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 6) << 8)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 12)),4)
    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 1) << 16)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 7) << 8)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 13)), 4)
    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 2) << 16)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 8) << 8)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 14)), 4)
    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 3) << 16)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 9) << 8)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 15)), 4)
    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 4) << 16)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 10) << 8)
                   |(indexbytes(final, 5)), 4)
    passwd += to64((indexbytes(final, 11)), 2)
    return passwd