[pkg] do not include toplevel directories in rpm (closes #10362119)
Our spec file conflicts with the filesystem package in centos7: we set
permissions to 0755 for /usr/bin and /usr/lib whereas filesystem sets
them to 0555.
So to be compatible with both centos7 and others we simply ignore these
# coding: utf-8
# copyright 2015 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
from io import StringIO
from six.moves import range
from yams.constraints import SizeConstraint
from psycopg2 import ProgrammingError
from cubicweb.server.schema2sql import rschema_has_table
from cubicweb.schema import PURE_VIRTUAL_RTYPES
from cubicweb.dataimport import stores, pgstore
from cubicweb.utils import make_uid
from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import SQL_PREFIX
class MassiveObjectStore(stores.RQLObjectStore):
Store for massive import of data, with delayed insertion of meta data.
- This store may be only used with PostgreSQL for now, as it relies
on the COPY FROM method, and on specific PostgreSQL tables to get all
the indexes.
- This store can only insert relations that are not inlined (i.e.,
which do *not* have inlined=True in their definition in the schema).
It should be used as follows:
store = MassiveObjectStore(cnx)
store.init_rtype_table('Person', 'lives_in', 'Location')
store.prepare_insert_entity('Person', subj_iid_attribute=person_iid, ...)
store.prepare_insert_entity('Location', obj_iid_attribute=location_iid, ...)
# subj_iid_attribute and obj_iid_attribute are argument names
# chosen by the user (e.g. "cwuri"). These names can be identical.
# person_iid and location_iid are unique IDs and depend on the data
# (e.g URI).
store.relate_by_iid(person_iid, 'lives_in', location_iid)
# For example:
# Finally
store.convert_relations('Person', 'lives_in', 'Location',
'subj_iid_attribute', 'obj_iid_attribute')
# For the previous example:
store.convert_relations('Person', 'lives_in', 'Location', 'cwuri', 'uri')
# max size of the iid, used to create the iid_eid conversion table
iid_maxsize = 1024
def __init__(self, cnx,
on_commit_callback=None, on_rollback_callback=None,
""" Create a MassiveObject store, with the following attributes:
- cnx: CubicWeb cnx
- eids_seq_range: size of eid range reserved by the store for each batch
super(MassiveObjectStore, self).__init__(cnx)
self.logger = logging.getLogger('dataimport.massive_store')
self._cnx = cnx
self.sql = cnx.system_sql
self._data_uri_relations = defaultdict(list)
self.eids_seq_range = eids_seq_range
# etypes for which we have a uri_eid_%(etype)s table
self._init_uri_eid = set()
# etypes for which we have a uri_eid_%(e)s_idx index
self._uri_eid_inserted = set()
# set of rtypes for which we have a %(rtype)s_relation_iid_tmp table
self._uri_rtypes = set()
# set of etypes whose tables are created
self._entities = set()
# set of rtypes for which we have a %(rtype)s_relation_tmp table
self._rtypes = set()
self.slave_mode = slave_mode
self.default_values = get_default_values(cnx.vreg.schema)
pg_schema = cnx.repo.config.system_source_config.get('db-namespace') or 'public'
self._dbh = PGHelper(self._cnx, pg_schema)
self._data_entities = defaultdict(list)
self._data_relations = defaultdict(list)
self._now = datetime.utcnow()
self._default_cwuri = make_uid('_auto_generated')
self._count_cwuri = 0
self.on_commit_callback = on_commit_callback
self.on_rollback_callback = on_rollback_callback
# Do our meta tables already exist?
self.get_next_eid = lambda g=self._get_eid_gen(): next(g)
# recreate then when self.finish() is called
if not self.slave_mode:
if source is None:
source = cnx.repo.system_source
self.source = source
self._etype_eid_idx = dict(cnx.execute('Any XN,X WHERE X is CWEType, X name XN'))
cnx.read_security = False
cnx.write_security = False
### INIT FUNCTIONS ########################################################
def _drop_all_constraints(self):
schema = self._cnx.vreg.schema
tables = ['cw_%s' % etype.type.lower()
for etype in schema.entities() if not etype.final]
for rschema in schema.relations():
if rschema.inlined:
elif rschema_has_table(rschema, skip_relations=PURE_VIRTUAL_RTYPES):
tables.append('%s_relation' % rschema.type.lower())
for tablename in tables:
def _store_and_drop_constraints(self, tablename):
if not self._constraint_table_created:
# Create a table to save the constraints
# Allow reload even after crash
sql = "CREATE TABLE cwmassive_constraints (origtable text, query text, type varchar(256))"
self._constraint_table_created = True
constraints = self._dbh.application_constraints(tablename)
for name, query in constraints.items():
sql = 'INSERT INTO cwmassive_constraints VALUES (%(e)s, %(c)s, %(t)s)'
self.sql(sql, {'e': tablename, 'c': query, 't': 'constraint'})
sql = 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s' % (tablename, name)
def reapply_all_constraints(self):
if not self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_constraints'):
self.logger.info('The table cwmassive_constraints does not exist')
sql = 'SELECT query FROM cwmassive_constraints WHERE type = %(t)s'
crs = self.sql(sql, {'t': 'constraint'})
for query, in crs.fetchall():
self.sql('DELETE FROM cwmassive_constraints WHERE type = %(t)s '
'AND query = %(q)s', {'t': 'constraint', 'q': query})
def init_rtype_table(self, etype_from, rtype, etype_to):
""" Build temporary table for standard rtype """
# Create an uri_eid table for each etype for a better
# control of which etype is concerned by a particular
# possibly multivalued relation.
for etype in (etype_from, etype_to):
if etype and etype not in self._init_uri_eid:
if rtype not in self._uri_rtypes:
# Create the temporary table
if not self._cnx.repo.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined:
sql = 'CREATE TABLE %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp (uri_from character ' \
'varying(%(s)s), uri_to character varying(%(s)s))'
self.sql(sql % {'r': rtype, 's': self.iid_maxsize})
except ProgrammingError:
# XXX Already exist (probably due to multiple import)
self.logger.warning("inlined relation %s: cannot insert it", rtype)
# Add it to the initialized set
def _init_uri_eid_table(self, etype):
""" Build a temporary table for id/eid convertion
sql = "CREATE TABLE uri_eid_%(e)s (uri character varying(%(size)s), eid integer)"
self.sql(sql % {'e': etype.lower(), 'size': self.iid_maxsize,})
except ProgrammingError:
# XXX Already exist (probably due to multiple import)
# Add it to the initialized set
def _init_massive_metatables(self):
# Check if our tables are not already created (i.e. a restart)
self._initialized_table_created = self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_initialized')
self._constraint_table_created = self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_constraints')
self._metadata_table_created = self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_metadata')
### RELATE FUNCTION #######################################################
def relate_by_iid(self, iid_from, rtype, iid_to):
"""Add new relation based on the internal id (iid)
of the entities (not the eid)"""
# Push data
if isinstance(iid_from, unicode):
iid_from = iid_from.encode('utf-8')
if isinstance(iid_to, unicode):
iid_to = iid_to.encode('utf-8')
self._data_uri_relations[rtype].append({'uri_from': iid_from, 'uri_to': iid_to})
### FLUSH FUNCTIONS #######################################################
def flush_relations(self):
""" Flush the relations data
for rtype, data in self._data_uri_relations.items():
if not data:
self.logger.info('No data for rtype %s', rtype)
buf = StringIO('\n'.join(['%(uri_from)s\t%(uri_to)s' % d for d in data]))
if not buf:
self.logger.info('Empty Buffer for rtype %s', rtype)
cursor = self._cnx.cnxset.cu
if not self._cnx.repo.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined:
cursor.copy_from(buf, '%s_relation_iid_tmp' % rtype.lower(),
null='NULL', columns=('uri_from', 'uri_to'))
self.logger.warning("inlined relation %s: cannot insert it", rtype)
# Clear data cache
self._data_uri_relations[rtype] = []
def fill_uri_eid_table(self, etype, uri_label):
""" Fill the uri_eid table
self.logger.info('Fill uri_eid for etype %s', etype)
sql = 'INSERT INTO uri_eid_%(e)s SELECT cw_%(l)s, cw_eid FROM cw_%(e)s'
self.sql(sql % {'l': uri_label, 'e': etype.lower()})
# Add indexes
self.sql('CREATE INDEX uri_eid_%(e)s_idx ON uri_eid_%(e)s' '(uri)' % {'e': etype.lower()})
# Set the etype as converted
def convert_relations(self, etype_from, rtype, etype_to,
uri_label_from='cwuri', uri_label_to='cwuri'):
""" Flush the converted relations
# Always flush relations to be sure
self.logger.info('Convert relations %s %s %s', etype_from, rtype, etype_to)
if uri_label_from and etype_from not in self._uri_eid_inserted:
self.fill_uri_eid_table(etype_from, uri_label_from)
if uri_label_to and etype_to not in self._uri_eid_inserted:
self.fill_uri_eid_table(etype_to, uri_label_to)
if self._cnx.repo.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined:
self.logger.warning("Can't insert inlined relation %s", rtype)
if uri_label_from and uri_label_to:
sql = '''INSERT INTO %(r)s_relation (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT O1.eid, O2.eid
FROM %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp AS T, uri_eid_%(ef)s as O1, uri_eid_%(et)s as O2
WHERE O1.uri=T.uri_from AND O2.uri=T.uri_to AND NOT EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM %(r)s_relation AS TT WHERE TT.eid_from=O1.eid AND TT.eid_to=O2.eid);
elif uri_label_to:
sql = '''INSERT INTO %(r)s_relation (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT
CAST(T.uri_from AS INTEGER), O1.eid
FROM %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp AS T, uri_eid_%(et)s as O1
WHERE O1.uri=T.uri_to AND NOT EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM %(r)s_relation AS TT WHERE
TT.eid_from=CAST(T.uri_from AS INTEGER) AND TT.eid_to=O1.eid);
elif uri_label_from:
sql = '''INSERT INTO %(r)s_relation (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT O1.eid, T.uri_to
O1.eid, CAST(T.uri_to AS INTEGER)
FROM %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp AS T, uri_eid_%(ef)s as O1
WHERE O1.uri=T.uri_from AND NOT EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM %(r)s_relation AS TT WHERE
TT.eid_from=O1.eid AND TT.eid_to=CAST(T.uri_to AS INTEGER));
self.sql(sql % {'r': rtype.lower(),
'et': etype_to.lower() if etype_to else u'',
'ef': etype_from.lower() if etype_from else u''})
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.error("Can't insert relation %s: %s", rtype, ex)
### SQL UTILITIES #########################################################
def drop_and_store_indexes(self, tablename):
# Drop indexes and constraints
if not self._constraint_table_created:
# Create a table to save the constraints
# Allow reload even after crash
sql = "CREATE TABLE cwmassive_constraints (origtable text, query text, type varchar(256))"
self._constraint_table_created = True
def _drop_table_indexes(self, tablename):
""" Drop and store table constraints and indexes """
indexes = self._dbh.application_indexes(tablename)
for name, query in indexes.items():
sql = 'INSERT INTO cwmassive_constraints VALUES (%(e)s, %(c)s, %(t)s)'
self.sql(sql, {'e': tablename, 'c': query, 't': 'index'})
sql = 'DROP INDEX %s' % name
def reapply_constraint_index(self, tablename):
if not self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_constraints'):
self.logger.info('The table cwmassive_constraints does not exist')
sql = 'SELECT query FROM cwmassive_constraints WHERE origtable = %(e)s'
crs = self.sql(sql, {'e': tablename})
for query, in crs.fetchall():
self.sql('DELETE FROM cwmassive_constraints WHERE origtable = %(e)s '
'AND query = %(q)s', {'e': tablename, 'q': query})
def _drop_metatables_constraints(self):
""" Drop all the constraints for the meta data"""
for tablename in ('created_by_relation', 'owned_by_relation',
'is_instance_of_relation', 'is_relation',
def _create_metatables_constraints(self):
""" Create all the constraints for the meta data"""
for tablename in ('entities',
'created_by_relation', 'owned_by_relation',
'is_instance_of_relation', 'is_relation'):
# Indexes and constraints
def init_relation_table(self, rtype):
""" Get and remove all indexes for performance sake """
# Create temporary table
if not self.slave_mode and rtype not in self._rtypes:
sql = "CREATE TABLE %s_relation_tmp (eid_from integer, eid_to integer)" % rtype.lower()
# Drop indexes and constraints
tablename = '%s_relation' % rtype.lower()
# Push the etype in the initialized table for easier restart
sql = 'INSERT INTO cwmassive_initialized VALUES (%(e)s, %(t)s)'
self.sql(sql, {'e': rtype, 't': 'rtype'})
# Mark rtype as "initialized" for faster check
def init_create_initialized_table(self):
""" Create the cwmassive initialized table
if not self._initialized_table_created:
sql = "CREATE TABLE cwmassive_initialized (retype text, type varchar(128))"
self._initialized_table_created = True
def init_etype_table(self, etype):
""" Add eid sequence to a particular etype table and
remove all indexes for performance sake """
if etype not in self._entities:
# Only for non-initialized etype and not slave mode store
if not self.slave_mode:
# Drop indexes and constraints
tablename = 'cw_%s' % etype.lower()
# Push the etype in the initialized table for easier restart
sql = 'INSERT INTO cwmassive_initialized VALUES (%(e)s, %(t)s)'
self.sql(sql, {'e': etype, 't': 'etype'})
# Mark etype as "initialized" for faster check
def restart_eid_sequence(self, start_eid):
'entities_id_seq', initial_value=start_eid))
### ENTITIES CREATION #####################################################
def _get_eid_gen(self):
""" Function getting the next eid. This is done by preselecting
a given number of eids from the 'entities_id_seq', and then
storing them"""
while True:
last_eid = self._cnx.repo.system_source.create_eid(self._cnx, self.eids_seq_range)
for eid in range(last_eid - self.eids_seq_range + 1, last_eid + 1):
yield eid
def _apply_default_values(self, etype, kwargs):
"""Apply the default values for a given etype, attribute and value."""
default_values = self.default_values[etype]
missing_keys = set(default_values) - set(kwargs)
kwargs.update((key, default_values[key]) for key in missing_keys)
# store api ################################################################
def prepare_insert_entity(self, etype, **kwargs):
"""Given an entity type, attributes and inlined relations, returns the inserted entity's
# Init the table if necessary
# Add meta data if not given
if 'modification_date' not in kwargs:
kwargs['modification_date'] = self._now
if 'creation_date' not in kwargs:
kwargs['creation_date'] = self._now
if 'cwuri' not in kwargs:
kwargs['cwuri'] = self._default_cwuri + str(self._count_cwuri)
self._count_cwuri += 1
if 'eid' not in kwargs:
# If eid is not given and the eids sequence is set,
# use the value from the sequence
kwargs['eid'] = self.get_next_eid()
self._apply_default_values(etype, kwargs)
return kwargs.get('eid')
def prepare_insert_relation(self, eid_from, rtype, eid_to, **kwargs):
"""Insert into the database a relation ``rtype`` between entities with eids ``eid_from``
and ``eid_to``.
# Init the table if necessary
self._data_relations[rtype].append({'eid_from': eid_from, 'eid_to': eid_to})
def flush(self):
"""Flush the data"""
def commit(self):
"""Commit the database transaction."""
super(MassiveObjectStore, self).commit()
def finish(self):
"""Remove temporary tables and columns."""
self.logger.info("Start cleaning")
if self.slave_mode:
raise RuntimeError('Store cleanup is not allowed in slave mode')
self.logger.info("Start cleaning")
# Cleanup relations tables
for etype in self._init_uri_eid:
self.sql('DROP TABLE uri_eid_%s' % etype.lower())
# Remove relations tables
for rtype in self._uri_rtypes:
if not self._cnx.repo.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined:
self.sql('DROP TABLE %(r)s_relation_iid_tmp' % {'r': rtype})
self.logger.warning("inlined relation %s: no cleanup to be done for it" % rtype)
# Create meta constraints (entities, is_instance_of, ...)
# Get all the initialized etypes/rtypes
if self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_initialized'):
crs = self.sql('SELECT retype, type FROM cwmassive_initialized')
for retype, _type in crs.fetchall():
self.logger.info('Cleanup for %s' % retype)
if _type == 'etype':
# Cleanup entities tables - Recreate indexes
elif _type == 'rtype':
# Cleanup relations tables
self.sql('DELETE FROM cwmassive_initialized WHERE retype = %(e)s',
{'e': retype})
# Delete the meta data table
for table_name in ('cwmassive_initialized', 'cwmassive_constraints', 'cwmassive_metadata'):
if self._dbh.table_exists(table_name):
self.sql('DROP TABLE %s' % table_name)
### FLUSH #################################################################
def on_commit(self):
if self.on_commit_callback:
def on_rollback(self, exc, etype, data):
if self.on_rollback_callback:
self.on_rollback_callback(exc, etype, data)
raise exc
def flush_internal_relations(self):
""" Flush the relations data
for rtype, data in self._data_relations.items():
if not data:
# There is no data for these etype for this flush round.
buf = pgstore._create_copyfrom_buffer(data, ('eid_from', 'eid_to'))
if not buf:
# The buffer is empty. This is probably due to error in _create_copyfrom_buffer
raise ValueError
cursor = self._cnx.cnxset.cu
# Push into the tmp table
cursor.copy_from(buf, '%s_relation_tmp' % rtype.lower(),
null='NULL', columns=('eid_from', 'eid_to'))
# Clear data cache
self._data_relations[rtype] = []
def flush_entities(self):
""" Flush the entities data
for etype, data in self._data_entities.items():
if not data:
# There is no data for these etype for this flush round.
# XXX It may be interresting to directly infer the columns'
# names from the schema instead of using .keys()
columns = data[0].keys()
# XXX For now, the _create_copyfrom_buffer does a "row[column]"
# which can lead to a key error.
# Thus we should create dictionary with all the keys.
columns = set()
for d in data:
_data = []
_base_data = dict.fromkeys(columns)
for d in data:
_d = _base_data.copy()
buf = pgstore._create_copyfrom_buffer(_data, columns)
if not buf:
# The buffer is empty. This is probably due to error in _create_copyfrom_buffer
raise ValueError('Error in buffer creation for etype %s' % etype)
columns = ['cw_%s' % attr for attr in columns]
cursor = self._cnx.cnxset.cu
cursor.copy_from(buf, 'cw_%s' % etype.lower(), null='NULL', columns=columns)
except Exception as exc:
self.on_rollback(exc, etype, data)
# Clear data cache
self._data_entities[etype] = []
if not self.slave_mode:
def flush_meta_data(self):
""" Flush the meta data (entities table, is_instance table, ...)
if self.slave_mode:
raise RuntimeError('Flushing meta data is not allow in slave mode')
if not self._dbh.table_exists('cwmassive_initialized'):
self.logger.info('No information available for initialized etypes/rtypes')
if not self._metadata_table_created:
# Keep the correctly flush meta data in database
sql = "CREATE TABLE cwmassive_metadata (etype text)"
self._metadata_table_created = True
crs = self.sql('SELECT etype FROM cwmassive_metadata')
already_flushed = set(e for e, in crs.fetchall())
crs = self.sql('SELECT retype FROM cwmassive_initialized WHERE type = %(t)s',
{'t': 'etype'})
all_etypes = set(e for e, in crs.fetchall())
for etype in all_etypes:
if etype not in already_flushed:
# Deals with meta data
self.logger.info('Flushing meta data for %s' % etype)
sql = 'INSERT INTO cwmassive_metadata VALUES (%(e)s)'
self.sql(sql, {'e': etype})
def _cleanup_entities(self, etype):
""" Cleanup etype table """
# Create indexes and constraints
tablename = SQL_PREFIX + etype.lower()
def _cleanup_relations(self, rtype):
""" Cleanup rtype table """
# Push into relation table while removing duplicate
sql = '''INSERT INTO %(r)s_relation (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT DISTINCT
T.eid_from, T.eid_to FROM %(r)s_relation_tmp AS T
TT.eid_from=T.eid_from AND TT.eid_to=T.eid_to);''' % {'r': rtype}
# Drop temporary relation table
sql = ('DROP TABLE %(r)s_relation_tmp' % {'r': rtype.lower()})
# Create indexes and constraints
tablename = '%s_relation' % rtype.lower()
def insert_massive_meta_data(self, etype):
""" Massive insertion of meta data for a given etype, based on SQL statements.
# Push data - Use coalesce to avoid NULL (and get 0), if there is no
# entities of this type in the entities table.
# Meta data relations
self.metagen_push_relation(etype, self._cnx.user.eid, 'created_by_relation')
self.metagen_push_relation(etype, self._cnx.user.eid, 'owned_by_relation')
self.metagen_push_relation(etype, self.source.eid, 'cw_source_relation')
self.metagen_push_relation(etype, self._etype_eid_idx[etype], 'is_relation')
self.metagen_push_relation(etype, self._etype_eid_idx[etype], 'is_instance_of_relation')
sql = ("INSERT INTO entities (eid, type, asource, extid) "
"SELECT cw_eid, '%s', 'system', NULL FROM cw_%s "
"WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM entities WHERE eid=cw_eid)"
% (etype, etype.lower()))
def metagen_push_relation(self, etype, eid_to, rtype):
sql = ("INSERT INTO %s (eid_from, eid_to) SELECT cw_eid, %s FROM cw_%s "
"WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM entities WHERE eid=cw_eid)"
% (rtype, eid_to, etype.lower()))
### CONSTRAINTS MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS ##########################################
def get_size_constraints(schema):
"""analyzes yams ``schema`` and returns the list of size constraints.
The returned value is a dictionary mapping entity types to a
sub-dictionnaries mapping attribute names -> max size.
size_constraints = {}
# iterates on all entity types
for eschema in schema.entities():
# for each entity type, iterates on attribute definitions
size_constraints[eschema.type] = eschema_constraints = {}
for rschema, aschema in eschema.attribute_definitions():
# for each attribute, if a size constraint is found,
# append it to the size constraint list
maxsize = None
rdef = rschema.rdef(eschema, aschema)
for constraint in rdef.constraints:
if isinstance(constraint, SizeConstraint):
maxsize = constraint.max
eschema_constraints[rschema.type] = maxsize
return size_constraints
def get_default_values(schema):
"""analyzes yams ``schema`` and returns the list of default values.
The returned value is a dictionary mapping entity types to a
sub-dictionnaries mapping attribute names -> default values.
default_values = {}
# iterates on all entity types
for eschema in schema.entities():
# for each entity type, iterates on attribute definitions
default_values[eschema.type] = eschema_constraints = {}
for rschema, _ in eschema.attribute_definitions():
# for each attribute, if a size constraint is found,
# append it to the size constraint list
if eschema.default(rschema.type) is not None:
eschema_constraints[rschema.type] = eschema.default(rschema.type)
return default_values
class PGHelper(object):
def __init__(self, cnx, pg_schema='public'):
self.cnx = cnx
# Deals with pg schema, see #3216686
self.pg_schema = pg_schema
def application_indexes_constraints(self, tablename):
""" Get all the indexes/constraints for a given tablename """
indexes = self.application_indexes(tablename)
constraints = self.application_constraints(tablename)
_indexes = {}
for name, query in indexes.items():
# Remove pkey indexes (automatically created by constraints)
# Specific cases of primary key, see #3224079
if name not in constraints:
_indexes[name] = query
return _indexes, constraints
def table_exists(self, table_name):
sql = "SELECT * from information_schema.tables WHERE table_name=%(t)s AND table_schema=%(s)s"
crs = self.cnx.system_sql(sql, {'t': table_name, 's': self.pg_schema})
res = crs.fetchall()
if res:
return True
return False
# def check_if_primary_key_exists_for_table(self, table_name):
# sql = ("SELECT constraint_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints "
# "WHERE constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' AND table_name=%(t)s AND table_schema=%(s)s")
# crs = self.cnx.system_sql(sql, {'t': table_name, 's': self.pg_schema})
# res = crs.fetchall()
# if res:
# return True
# return False
def index_query(self, name):
"""Get the request to be used to recreate the index"""
return self.cnx.system_sql("SELECT pg_get_indexdef(c.oid) "
"from pg_catalog.pg_class c "
"LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
"ON n.oid = c.relnamespace "
"WHERE c.relname = %(r)s AND n.nspname=%(n)s",
{'r': name, 'n': self.pg_schema}).fetchone()[0]
def constraint_query(self, name):
"""Get the request to be used to recreate the constraint"""
return self.cnx.system_sql("SELECT pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) "
"from pg_catalog.pg_constraint c "
"LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
"ON n.oid = c.connamespace "
"WHERE c.conname = %(r)s AND n.nspname=%(n)s",
{'r': name, 'n': self.pg_schema}).fetchone()[0]
def index_list(self, tablename):
# This SQL query (cf http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/432F450F.4080700@squiz.net)
# aims at getting all the indexes for each table.
sql = '''SELECT c.relname as "Name"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON i.indexrelid = c.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.indrelid = c2.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
AND c2.relname = '%s'
AND i.indisprimary = FALSE
AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid);''' % tablename
return self.cnx.system_sql(sql).fetchall()
def application_indexes(self, tablename):
""" Iterate over all the indexes """
indexes_list = self.index_list(tablename)
indexes = {}
for name, in indexes_list:
indexes[name] = self.index_query(name)
return indexes
def constraint_list(self, tablename):
sql = '''SELECT i.conname as "Name"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint i ON i.conrelid = c.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON i.conrelid=c2.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON u.usesysid = c.relowner
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
c2.relname = '%s'
AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
''' % tablename
return self.cnx.system_sql(sql).fetchall()
def application_constraints(self, tablename):
""" Iterate over all the constraints """
constraint_list = self.constraint_list(tablename)
constraints = {}
for name, in constraint_list:
query = self.constraint_query(name)
constraints[name] = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s %s' % (tablename, name, query)
return constraints