author Denis Laxalde <denis.laxalde@logilab.fr>
Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:41:22 +0100
changeset 10075 136b5f995f8e
parent 9460 a2a0bc984863
child 10589 7c23b7de2b8d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Provide sufficient context to check 'delete' permission in AjaxEditRelationCtxComponent Call rdef.check only when both fromeid and toeid are available. Though only call it once (for the first encountered related entity). Factorize a bit to keep handling of CSS/JS addition the same. Closes #3670209.

import base64
from cubicweb.server.utils import crypt_password

dbdriver  = config.system_source_config['db-driver']
from logilab.database import get_db_helper
dbhelper = get_db_helper(driver)

insert = ('INSERT INTO cw_cwuser (cw_creation_date,'
          '                       cw_eid,'
          '                       cw_modification_date,'
          '                       cw_login,'
          '                       cw_firstname,'
          '                       cw_surname,'
          '                       cw_last_login_time,' 
          '                       cw_upassword,'
          '                       cw_cwuri) '
          "VALUES (%(mtime)s, %(eid)s, %(mtime)s, %(login)s, "
          "        %(firstname)s, %(surname)s, %(mtime)s, %(pwd)s, 'foo');")
update = "UPDATE entities SET source='system' WHERE eid=%(eid)s;"
rset = sql("SELECT eid,type,source,extid,mtime FROM entities WHERE source!='system'", ask_confirm=False)
for eid, type, source, extid, mtime in rset:
    if type != 'CWUser':
        print "don't know what to do with entity type", type
    if not source.lower().startswith('ldap'):
        print "don't know what to do with source type", source
    extid = base64.decodestring(extid)
    ldapinfos = [x.strip().split('=') for x in extid.split(',')]
    login = ldapinfos[0][1]
    firstname = login.capitalize()
    surname = login.capitalize()
    args = dict(eid=eid, type=type, source=source, login=login,
                firstname=firstname, surname=surname, mtime=mtime,
    print args
    sql(insert, args)
    sql(update, args)
