author Aurelien Campeas <>
Tue, 02 Mar 2010 18:10:03 +0100
changeset 4748 135329e51713
parent 4429 0cd207567f37
child 4784 eed95a456b88
permissions -rw-r--r--
[book/faq] cleanup & complete a bit

.. _Additional Tips:

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips as far as administration of a CubicWeb is concerned.

Backup, backup, backup

It is always a good idea to backup. If your system does not do that,
you should set it up. Note that whenever you do an upgrade,
`cubicweb-ctl` offers you to backup your database.

There are a number of ways for doing backups. Before you go ahead,
make sure the following permissions are correct ::

   # chgrp postgres /var/lib/cubicweb/backup

   # chmod g+ws /var/lib/cubicweb/backup

   # chgrp postgres /etc/cubicweb.d/*<instance>*/sources

   # chmod g+r /etc/cubicweb.d/*<instance>*/sources

**Classic way**

Simply use the pg_dump in a cron ::

    pg_dump -Fc --username=cubicweb --no-owner --file=/var/lib/cubicweb/backup/<instance>-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S').dump

**CubicWeb way**

The CubicWeb way is to use the `db-dump` command. For that, you have to put your passwords in a user-only-readable file at the
root of the postgres user. The file is `.pgpass` (`chmod 0600`), in this case for a socket run connection to postgres ::


The postgres documentation for the `.pgpass` format can be found `here`_

Then add the following command to the crontab of the postgres user (`su posgres 'crontab -e'`)::

    # m h  dom mon dow   command
    0 2 * * * cubicweb-ctl db-dump <instance>

**The automated sysadmin way**

You can use a combination `backup-ninja`_ (which has a postgres script in the example directory), `backuppc`)_ (for versionning).

Please note that in the *CubicWeb way* it adds a second location for your password which is error-prone.

.. _`here` :
.. _`backup-ninja` :
.. _`backuppc` :