[server/migractions] finish migration to repoapi objects
Changeset 241b1232ed7f (Use repoapi instead of dbapi for cwctl shell,
upgrade and db-init) only did half of the job. It left the migration
handler with both a session (cubicweb.server.session.Session) and a cnx
(cubicweb.repoapi.ClientConnection) attribute with different ideas of
what Connection they were talking to.
With this change, we:
- make the caller responsible of disabling security on the Connection if
it wants to
- turn mih.session into an actual attribute, set on __init__
- same for cnx (the client connection)
- drop the "lazy connection" logic, and establish the connection
- always go through the connection instead of the session when we need
to talk to the db
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Put here information about external resources / styles used by your cube,
# or to overides existing UI properties.
# Existing properties are available through the `sheet` dictionary available
# in the global namespace. You also have access to a `data` function which
# will return proper url for resources in the 'data' directory.
# /!\ this file should not be imported /!\
# CSS stylesheets to include in HTML headers
# uncomment the line below to use template specific stylesheet
# STYLESHEETS = sheet['STYLESHEETS'] + [data('cubes.%(cubename)s.css')]