author Denis Laxalde <>
Tue, 25 Jun 2019 16:42:58 +0200
changeset 12665 112f3c2b6f1e
parent 11461 f5a4e14d1dd2
child 12504 362fdb399ff5
permissions -rw-r--r--
[debian] Install cubicweb-ctl from python2 build Previously, the binary package was empty. Now it is bound to the python2 package as support for python3 is "fresh". In order python2 and python3 packages to be co-installable, we drop the cubicweb-ctl file from both packages.

# copyright 2003-2015 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
"""Functions to help importing CSV data"""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import codecs
import csv as csvmod
import warnings

from six import PY2, PY3, string_types

from logilab.common import shellutils

def count_lines(stream_or_filename):
    if isinstance(stream_or_filename, string_types):
        f = open(stream_or_filename)
        f = stream_or_filename
    i = 0  # useful is f is an empty file
    for i, line in enumerate(f):
    return i + 1

def ucsvreader_pb(stream_or_path, encoding='utf-8', delimiter=',', quotechar='"',
                  skipfirst=False, withpb=True, skip_empty=True, separator=None,
    """same as :func:`ucsvreader` but a progress bar is displayed as we iter on rows"""
    if separator is not None:
        delimiter = separator
        warnings.warn("[3.20] 'separator' kwarg is deprecated, use 'delimiter' instead")
    if quote is not None:
        quotechar = quote
        warnings.warn("[3.20] 'quote' kwarg is deprecated, use 'quotechar' instead")
    if isinstance(stream_or_path, string_types):
        stream = open(stream_or_path, 'rb')
        stream = stream_or_path
    rowcount = count_lines(stream)
    if skipfirst:
        rowcount -= 1
    if withpb:
        pb = shellutils.ProgressBar(rowcount, 50)
    for urow in ucsvreader(stream, encoding, delimiter, quotechar,
                           skipfirst=skipfirst, skip_empty=skip_empty):
        yield urow
        if withpb:
    print(' %s rows imported' % rowcount)

def ucsvreader(stream, encoding='utf-8', delimiter=',', quotechar='"',
               skipfirst=False, ignore_errors=False, skip_empty=True,
               separator=None, quote=None):
    """A csv reader that accepts files with any encoding and outputs unicode

    if skip_empty (the default), lines without any values specified (only
    separators) will be skipped. This is useful for Excel exports which may be
    full of such lines.
    if PY3:
        stream = codecs.getreader(encoding)(stream)
    if separator is not None:
        delimiter = separator
        warnings.warn("[3.20] 'separator' kwarg is deprecated, use 'delimiter' instead")
    if quote is not None:
        quotechar = quote
        warnings.warn("[3.20] 'quote' kwarg is deprecated, use 'quotechar' instead")
    it = iter(csvmod.reader(stream, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quotechar))
    if not ignore_errors:
        if skipfirst:
        for row in it:
            if PY2:
                decoded = [item.decode(encoding) for item in row]
                decoded = row
            if not skip_empty or any(decoded):
                yield decoded
        if skipfirst:
                row = next(it)
            except csvmod.Error:
        # Safe version, that can cope with error in CSV file
        while True:
                row = next(it)
            # End of CSV, break
            except StopIteration:
            # Error in CSV, ignore line and continue
            except csvmod.Error:
            if PY2:
                decoded = [item.decode(encoding) for item in row]
                decoded = row
            if not skip_empty or any(decoded):
                yield decoded