author Adrien Di Mascio <Adrien.DiMascio@logilab.fr>
Mon, 08 Mar 2010 19:11:47 +0100
changeset 4830 10e8bc190695
parent 4466 8b0ca7904820
child 5421 8167de96c523
permissions -rw-r--r--
[javascript] fix #736185: add_onload / jQuery.bind() vs. jQuery.one() This patch introduces a new 'server-response' event and deprecates the 'ajax-loaded' event. - 'server-response' is triggered by postAjaxLoad() (instead of 'ajax-loaded'). - 'server-response' is also triggered on document.ready(). - The add_onload() method binds the javascript code the 'server-response' event whether or not it's an ajax request, thus removing the need of the jsoncall hackish parameter. The binding is done with jQuery.one() instead of jQuery.bind(). - The javascript callbacks will be passed two extra parameters : a boolean to indicate if it's an ajax request or not, the DOM node (result of the HTTP query). As javascript is what it is, callbacks can safely ignore those two parameters if they don't need them. Backward compatibility is maintained by triggerring an 'ajax-loaded' event when a 'server-response' is emitted.

"""inline help system, using ReST file in products `wdoc` directory

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2008-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from itertools import chain
from os.path import join
from bisect import bisect_right
from datetime import date

from logilab.common.changelog import ChangeLog
from logilab.common.date import strptime, todate
from logilab.mtconverter import CHARSET_DECL_RGX

from cubicweb.selectors import match_form_params, yes
from cubicweb.view import StartupView
from cubicweb.uilib import rest_publish
from cubicweb.web import NotFound, action
_ = unicode

# table of content management #################################################

    from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
except ImportError:
    from elementtree.ElementTree import parse

def build_toc_index(node, index):
        nodeidx = node.attrib['resource']
        assert not nodeidx in index, nodeidx
        index[nodeidx] = node
    except KeyError:
    for child in node:
        build_toc_index(child, index)
        child.parent = node

def get_insertion_point(section, index):
    if section.attrib.get('insertafter'):
        snode = index[section.attrib['insertafter']]
        node = snode.parent
        idx = node.getchildren().index(snode) + 1
    elif section.attrib.get('insertbefore'):
        snode = index[section.attrib['insertbefore']]
        node = snode.parent
        idx = node.getchildren().index(snode)
        node = index[section.attrib['appendto']]
        idx = None
    return node, idx

def build_toc(config):
    alltocfiles = reversed(tuple(config.locate_all_files('toc.xml')))
    maintoc = parse(alltocfiles.next()).getroot()
    maintoc.parent = None
    index = {}
    build_toc_index(maintoc, index)
    # insert component documentation into the tree according to their toc.xml
    # file
    for fpath in alltocfiles:
        toc = parse(fpath).getroot()
        for section in toc:
            node, idx = get_insertion_point(section, index)
            if idx is None:
                node.insert(idx, section)
            section.parent = node
            build_toc_index(section, index)
    return index

def title_for_lang(node, lang):
    for title in node.findall('title'):
        if title.attrib['{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang'] == lang:
            return unicode(title.text)

def subsections(node):
    return [child for child in node if child.tag == 'section']

# help views ##################################################################

class InlineHelpView(StartupView):
    __select__ = match_form_params('fid')
    __regid__ = 'wdoc'
    title = _('site documentation')

    def call(self):
        fid = self._cw.form['fid']
        vreg = self._cw.vreg
        for lang in chain((self._cw.lang, vreg.property_value('ui.language')),
            rid = '%s_%s.rst' % (fid, lang)
            resourcedir = vreg.config.locate_doc_file(rid)
            if resourcedir:
            raise NotFound
        self.tocindex = build_toc(vreg.config)
            node = self.tocindex[fid]
        except KeyError:
            node = None
            self.w(u'<div class="hr"></div>')
            self.w(u'<h1>%s</h1>' % (title_for_lang(node, self._cw.lang)))
        data = open(join(resourcedir, rid)).read()
        self.w(rest_publish(self, data))
        if node is not None:
            self.w(u'<div class="hr"></div>')

    def navigation_links(self, node):
        req = self._cw
        parent = node.parent
        if parent is None:
        brothers = subsections(parent)
        self.w(u'<div class="docnav">\n')
        previousidx = brothers.index(node) - 1
        if previousidx >= 0:
            self.navsection(brothers[previousidx], 'prev')
        self.navsection(parent, 'up')
        nextidx = brothers.index(node) + 1
        if nextidx < len(brothers):
            self.navsection(brothers[nextidx], 'next')

    navinfo = {'prev': ('', 'data/previous.png', _('i18nprevnext_previous')),
               'next': ('', 'data/next.png', _('i18nprevnext_next')),
               'up': ('', 'data/up.png', _('i18nprevnext_up'))}

    def navsection(self, node, navtype):
        htmlclass, imgpath, msgid = self.navinfo[navtype]
        self.w(u'<span class="%s">' % htmlclass)
        self.w(u'%s : ' % self._cw._(msgid))
        self.w(u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
            title_for_lang(node, self._cw.lang)))

    def subsections_links(self, node, first=True):
        sub = subsections(node)
        if not sub:
        if first:
            self.w(u'<div class="hr"></div>')
        self.w(u'<ul class="docsum">')
        for child in sub:
            self.w(u'<li><a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
                title_for_lang(child, self._cw.lang)))
            self.subsections_links(child, False)

class InlineHelpImageView(StartupView):
    __regid__ = 'wdocimages'
    __select__ = match_form_params('fid')
    binary = True
    templatable = False
    content_type = 'image/png'

    def call(self):
        fid = self._cw.form['fid']
        for lang in chain((self._cw.lang, self._cw.vreg.property_value('ui.language')),
            rid = join('images', '%s_%s.png' % (fid, lang))
            resourcedir = self._cw.vreg.config.locate_doc_file(rid)
            if resourcedir:
            raise NotFound
        self.w(open(join(resourcedir, rid)).read())

class ChangeLogView(StartupView):
    __regid__ = 'changelog'
    title = _('What\'s new?')
    maxentries = 25

    def call(self):
        rid = 'ChangeLog_%s' % (self._cw.lang)
        allentries = []
        title = self._cw._(self.title)
        restdata = ['.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-', '', title, '='*len(title), '']
        w = restdata.append
        today = date.today()
        for fpath in self._cw.vreg.config.locate_all_files(rid):
            cl = ChangeLog(fpath)
            encoding = 'utf-8'
            # additional content may be found in title
            for line in (cl.title + cl.additional_content).splitlines():
                m = CHARSET_DECL_RGX.search(line)
                if m is not None:
                    encoding = m.group(1)
                elif line.startswith('.. '):
                    w(unicode(line, encoding))
            for entry in cl.entries:
                if entry.date:
                    edate = todate(strptime(entry.date, '%Y-%m-%d'))
                    edate = today
                messages = []
                for msglines, submsgs in entry.messages:
                    msgstr = unicode(' '.join(l.strip() for l in msglines), encoding)
                    msgstr += u'\n\n'
                    for submsglines in submsgs:
                        msgstr += '     - ' + unicode(' '.join(l.strip() for l in submsglines), encoding)
                        msgstr += u'\n'
                entry = (edate, messages)
                allentries.insert(bisect_right(allentries, entry), entry)
        latestdate = None
        i = 0
        for edate, messages in reversed(allentries):
            if latestdate != edate:
                fdate = self._cw.format_date(edate)
                w(u'\n%s' % fdate)
                w('~' * len(fdate))
                latestdate = edate
            for msg in messages:
                w(u'* %s' % msg)
                i += 1
                if i > self.maxentries:
        w('') # blank line
        self.w(rest_publish(self, '\n'.join(restdata)))

class HelpAction(action.Action):
    __regid__ = 'help'
    __select__ = yes()

    category = 'footer'
    order = 0
    title = _('Help')

    def url(self):
        return self._cw.build_url('doc/main')

class ChangeLogAction(action.Action):
    __regid__ = 'changelog'
    __select__ = yes()

    category = 'footer'
    order = 1
    title = ChangeLogView.title

    def url(self):
        return self._cw.build_url('changelog')

class AboutAction(action.Action):
    __regid__ = 'about'
    __select__ = yes()

    category = 'footer'
    order = 2
    title = _('about this site')

    def url(self):
        return self._cw.build_url('doc/about')