[javascript] fix #736185: add_onload / jQuery.bind() vs. jQuery.one()
This patch introduces a new 'server-response' event and
deprecates the 'ajax-loaded' event.
- 'server-response' is triggered by postAjaxLoad() (instead of
- 'server-response' is also triggered on document.ready().
- The add_onload() method binds the javascript code the
'server-response' event whether or not it's an ajax
request, thus removing the need of the jsoncall hackish
parameter. The binding is done with jQuery.one() instead
of jQuery.bind().
- The javascript callbacks will be passed two extra parameters :
a boolean to indicate if it's an ajax request or not, the DOM
node (result of the HTTP query). As javascript is what it is,
callbacks can safely ignore those two parameters if they don't
need them.
Backward compatibility is maintained by triggerring an 'ajax-loaded'
event when a 'server-response' is emitted.
* This file contains Calendar utilities
* :organization: Logilab
* :copyright: 2003-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
* :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
// IMPORTANT NOTE: the variables DAYNAMES AND MONTHNAMES will be added
// by cubicweb automatically
// dynamically computed (and cached)
var _CAL_HEADER = null;
TODAY = new Date();
* Calendar (graphical) widget
* public methods are :
* __init__ :
* @param containerId: the DOM node's ID where the calendar will be displayed
* @param inputId: which input needs to be updated when a date is selected
* @param year, @param month: year and month to be displayed
* @param cssclass: CSS class of the calendar widget (default is commandCal)
* show() / hide():
* show or hide the calendar widget
* toggle():
* show (resp. hide) the calendar if it's hidden (resp. displayed)
* displayNextMonth(): (resp. displayPreviousMonth())
* update the calendar to display next (resp. previous) month
Calendar = function(containerId, inputId, year, month, cssclass) {
this.containerId = containerId;
this.inputId = inputId;
this.year = year;
this.month = month-1; // Javascript's counter starts at 0 for january
this.cssclass = cssclass || "popupCalendar";
this.visible = false;
this.domtable = null;
this.cellprops = { 'onclick' : function() {dateSelected(this, containerId); },
'onmouseover' : function() {this.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; },
'onmouseout' : function() {this.style.fontWeight = 'normal';}
this.todayprops = jQuery.extend({}, this.cellprops, {'class' : 'today'});
this._rowdisplay = function(row) {
return TR(null, map(partial(TD, this.cellprops), row));
this._makecell = function(cellinfo) {
return TD(cellinfo[0], cellinfo[1]);
/* utility function (the only use for now is inside the calendar) */
this._uppercaseFirst = function(s) { return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); }
/* accepts the cells data and builds the corresponding TR nodes
* @param rows a list of list of couples (daynum, cssprops)
this._domForRows = function(rows) {
var lines = []
for (i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
lines.push(TR(null, map(this._makecell, rows[i])));
return lines;
/* builds the calendar headers */
this._headdisplay = function(row) {
if (_CAL_HEADER) {
return _CAL_HEADER;
daynames = map(this._uppercaseFirst, DAYNAMES);
_CAL_HEADER = TR(null, map(partial(TH, null), daynames));
return _CAL_HEADER;
this._getrows = function() {
var rows = [];
var firstday = new Date(this.year, this.month, 1);
var stopdate = firstday.nextMonth();
var curdate = firstday.sub(firstday.getRealDay());
while (curdate.getTime() < stopdate) {
var row = []
for (var i=0; i<7; i++) {
if (curdate.getMonth() == this.month) {
props = curdate.equals(TODAY) ? this.todayprops:this.cellprops;
row.push([props, curdate.getDate()]);
} else {
row.push([this.cellprops, ""]);
return rows;
this._makecal = function() {
var rows = this._getrows();
var monthname = MONTHNAMES[this.month] + " " + this.year;
var prevlink = "javascript: togglePreviousMonth('" + this.containerId + "');";
var nextlink = "javascript: toggleNextMonth('" + this.containerId + "');";
this.domtable = TABLE({'class': this.cssclass},
THEAD(null, TR(null,
TH(null, A({'href' : prevlink}, "<<")),
// IE 6/7 requires colSpan instead of colspan
TH({'colSpan': 5, 'colspan':5, 'style' : "text-align: center;"}, monthname),
TH(null, A({'href' : nextlink}, ">>")))),
return this.domtable;
this._updateDiv = function() {
if (!this.domtable) {
// replaceChildNodes($(this.containerId), this.domtable);
this.displayNextMonth = function() {
this.domtable = null;
if (this.month == 11) {
this.month = (this.month+1) % 12;
this.displayPreviousMonth = function() {
this.domtable = null;
if (this.month == 0) {
this.month = (this.month+11) % 12;
this.show = function() {
if (!this.visible) {
container = jqNode(this.containerId);
if (!this.domtable) {
this.visible = true;
this.hide = function(event) {
var self;
if (event) {
self = event.data.self;
} else {
self = this;
if (self.visible) {
self.visible = false;
this.toggle = function() {
if (this.visible) {
else {
// call hide() when the user explicitly sets the focus on the matching input
jqNode(inputId).bind('focus', {'self': this}, this.hide); // connect(inputId, 'onfocus', this, 'hide');
// keep track of each calendar created
Calendar.REGISTRY = {};
* popup / hide calendar associated to `containerId`
function toggleCalendar(containerId, inputId, year, month) {
var cal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
if (!cal) {
cal = new Calendar(containerId, inputId, year, month);
Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId] = cal;
/* hide other calendars */
for (containerId in Calendar.REGISTRY) {
var othercal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
if (othercal !== cal) {
* ask for next month to calendar displayed in `containerId`
function toggleNextMonth(containerId) {
var cal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
* ask for previous month to calendar displayed in `containerId`
function togglePreviousMonth(containerId) {
var cal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
* Callback called when the user clicked on a cell in the popup calendar
function dateSelected(cell, containerId) {
var cal = Calendar.REGISTRY[containerId];
var input = getNode(cal.inputId);
// XXX: the use of innerHTML might cause problems, but it seems to be
// the only way understood by both IE and Mozilla. Otherwise,
// IE accepts innerText and mozilla accepts textContent
var selectedDate = new Date(cal.year, cal.month, cell.innerHTML, 12);
var xxx = remoteExec("format_date", toISOTimestamp(selectedDate));
input.value = xxx;
function whichElement(e)
var targ;
if (!e)
var e=window.event;
if (e.target)
else if (e.srcElement)
if (targ.nodeType==3) // defeat Safari bug
targ = targ.parentNode;
return targ;
function getPosition(element) {
var left;
var top;
var offset;
// TODO: deal scrollbar positions also!
left = element.offsetLeft;
top = element.offsetTop;
if (element.offsetParent != null)
offset = getPosition(element.offsetParent);
left = left + offset[0];
top = top + offset[1];
return [left, top];
function getMouseInBlock(event) {
var elt = event.target;
var x = event.clientX;
var y = event.clientY;
var w = elt.clientWidth;
var h = elt.clientHeight;
var offset = getPosition(elt);
x = 1.0*(x-offset[0])/w;
y = 1.0*(y-offset[1])/h;
return [x, y];
function getHourFromMouse(event, hmin, hmax) {
var pos = getMouseInBlock(event);
var y = pos[1];
return Math.floor((hmax-hmin)*y + hmin);
function addCalendarItem(event, hmin, hmax, year, month, day, duration, baseurl) {
var hour = getHourFromMouse(event, hmin, hmax);
if (0<=hour && hour < 24) {
baseurl += "&start="+year+"%2F"+month+"%2F"+day+"%20"+hour+":00";
baseurl += "&stop="+year+"%2F"+month+"%2F"+day+"%20"+(hour+duration)+":00";
return false;
return true;
function stopPropagation(event) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();