# copyright 2003-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""this module contains base classes and utilities for cubicweb tests"""
from __future__ import print_function
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import sys
import re
from os.path import dirname, join, abspath
from math import log
from contextlib import contextmanager
from warnings import warn
from itertools import chain
from six import string_types
from six.moves import range
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, unquote as urlunquote
import yams.schema
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, InnerTest, Tags
from logilab.common.pytest import nocoverage, pause_trace
from logilab.common.debugger import Debugger
from logilab.common.umessage import message_from_string
from logilab.common.decorators import cached, classproperty, clear_cache, iclassmethod
from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated, class_deprecated
from logilab.common.shellutils import getlogin
from cubicweb import (ValidationError, NoSelectableObject, AuthenticationError,
ProgrammingError, BadConnectionId)
from cubicweb import cwconfig, devtools, web, server, repoapi
from cubicweb.utils import json
from cubicweb.sobjects import notification
from cubicweb.web import Redirect, application, eid_param
from cubicweb.server.hook import SendMailOp
from cubicweb.server.session import Session
from cubicweb.devtools import fake, htmlparser, DEFAULT_EMPTY_DB_ID
from cubicweb.utils import json
# low-level utilities ##########################################################
class CubicWebDebugger(Debugger):
"""special debugger class providing a 'view' function which saves some
html into a temporary file and open a web browser to examinate it.
def do_view(self, arg):
import webbrowser
data = self._getval(arg)
with open('/tmp/toto.html', 'w') as toto:
def line_context_filter(line_no, center, before=3, after=None):
"""return true if line are in context
if after is None: after = before
if after is None:
after = before
return center - before <= line_no <= center + after
def unprotected_entities(schema, strict=False):
"""returned a set of each non final entity type, excluding "system" entities
(eg CWGroup, CWUser...)
if strict:
protected_entities = yams.schema.BASE_TYPES
protected_entities = yams.schema.BASE_TYPES.union(SYSTEM_ENTITIES)
return set(schema.entities()) - protected_entities
class JsonValidator(object):
def parse_string(self, data):
return json.loads(data)
def real_error_handling(app):
"""By default, CubicWebTC `app` attribute (ie the publisher) is monkey
patched so that unexpected error are raised rather than going through the
`error_handler` method.
By using this context manager you disable this monkey-patching temporarily.
Hence when publishihng a request no error will be raised, you'll get
req.status_out set to an HTTP error status code and the generated page will
usually hold a traceback as HTML.
>>> with real_error_handling(app):
>>> page = app.handle_request(req)
# remove the monkey patched error handler
fake_error_handler = app.error_handler
del app.error_handler
# return the app
yield app
# restore
app.error_handler = fake_error_handler
# email handling, to test emails sent by an application ########################
class Email(object):
"""you'll get instances of Email into MAILBOX during tests that trigger
some notification.
* `msg` is the original message object
* `recipients` is a list of email address which are the recipients of this
def __init__(self, fromaddr, recipients, msg):
self.fromaddr = fromaddr
self.recipients = recipients
self.msg = msg
def message(self):
return message_from_string(self.msg)
def subject(self):
return self.message.get('Subject')
def content(self):
return self.message.get_payload(decode=True)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Email to %s with subject %s>' % (','.join(self.recipients),
# the trick to get email into MAILBOX instead of actually sent: monkey patch
# cwconfig.SMTP object
class MockSMTP:
def __init__(self, server, port):
def close(self):
def sendmail(self, fromaddr, recipients, msg):
MAILBOX.append(Email(fromaddr, recipients, msg))
cwconfig.SMTP = MockSMTP
# Repoaccess utility ###############################################3###########
class RepoAccess(object):
"""An helper to easily create object to access the repo as a specific user
Each RepoAccess have it own session.
A repo access can create three type of object:
.. automethod:: cubicweb.testlib.RepoAccess.cnx
.. automethod:: cubicweb.testlib.RepoAccess.web_request
The RepoAccess need to be closed to destroy the associated Session.
TestCase usually take care of this aspect for the user.
.. automethod:: cubicweb.testlib.RepoAccess.close
def __init__(self, repo, login, requestcls):
self._repo = repo
self._login = login
self.requestcls = requestcls
self._session = self._unsafe_connect(login)
def _unsafe_connect(self, login, **kwargs):
""" a completely unsafe connect method for the tests """
# use an internal connection
with self._repo.internal_cnx() as cnx:
# try to get a user object
user = cnx.find('CWUser', login=login).one()
session = Session(user, self._repo)
self._repo._sessions[session.sessionid] = session
user._cw = user.cw_rset.req = session
with session.new_cnx() as cnx:
self._repo.hm.call_hooks('session_open', cnx)
# commit connection at this point in case write operation has been
# done during `session_open` hooks
return session
def cnx(self):
"""Context manager returning a server side connection for the user"""
with self._session.new_cnx() as cnx:
yield cnx
# aliases for bw compat
client_cnx = repo_cnx = cnx
def web_request(self, url=None, headers={}, method='GET', **kwargs):
"""Context manager returning a web request pre-linked to a client cnx
To commit and rollback use::
req = self.requestcls(self._repo.vreg, url=url, headers=headers,
method=method, form=kwargs)
with self._session.new_cnx() as cnx:
if 'ecache' in cnx.transaction_data:
del cnx.transaction_data['ecache']
yield req
def close(self):
"""Close the session associated to the RepoAccess"""
if self._session is not None:
self._session = None
def shell(self):
from cubicweb.server.migractions import ServerMigrationHelper
with self._session.new_cnx() as cnx:
mih = ServerMigrationHelper(None, repo=self._repo, cnx=cnx,
# hack so it don't try to load fs schema
yield mih
# base class for cubicweb tests requiring a full cw environments ###############
class CubicWebTC(TestCase):
"""abstract class for test using an apptest environment
* `vreg`, the vregistry
* `schema`, self.vreg.schema
* `config`, cubicweb configuration
* `cnx`, repoapi connection to the repository using an admin user
* `session`, server side session associated to `cnx`
* `app`, the cubicweb publisher (for web testing)
* `repo`, the repository object
* `admlogin`, login of the admin user
* `admpassword`, password of the admin user
* `shell`, create and use shell environment
appid = 'data'
configcls = devtools.ApptestConfiguration
requestcls = fake.FakeRequest
tags = TestCase.tags | Tags('cubicweb', 'cw_repo')
test_db_id = DEFAULT_EMPTY_DB_ID
# anonymous is logged by default in cubicweb test cases
anonymous_allowed = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._admin_session = None
self.repo = None
self._open_access = set()
super(CubicWebTC, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# repository connection handling ###########################################
def new_access(self, login):
"""provide a new RepoAccess object for a given user
The access is automatically closed at the end of the test."""
login = unicode(login)
access = RepoAccess(self.repo, login, self.requestcls)
return access
def _close_access(self):
while self._open_access:
except BadConnectionId:
continue # already closed
def session(self):
"""return admin session"""
return self._admin_session
#XXX this doesn't need to a be classmethod anymore
def _init_repo(self):
"""init the repository and connection to it.
# get or restore and working db.
db_handler = devtools.get_test_db_handler(self.config, self.init_config)
db_handler.build_db_cache(self.test_db_id, self.pre_setup_database)
self.repo = db_handler.get_repo(startup=True)
# get an admin session (without actual login)
login = unicode(db_handler.config.default_admin_config['login'])
self.admin_access = self.new_access(login)
self._admin_session = self.admin_access._session
# config management ########################################################
def config(cls):
"""return the configuration object
Configuration is cached on the test class.
assert not cls is CubicWebTC, "Don't use CubicWebTC directly to prevent database caching issue"
return cls.__dict__['_config']
except KeyError:
home = abspath(join(dirname(sys.modules[cls.__module__].__file__), cls.appid))
config = cls._config = cls.configcls(cls.appid, apphome=home)
config.mode = 'test'
return config
@classmethod # XXX could be turned into a regular method
def init_config(cls, config):
"""configuration initialization hooks.
You may only want to override here the configuraton logic.
Otherwise, consider to use a different :class:`ApptestConfiguration`
defined in the `configcls` class attribute.
This method will be called by the database handler once the config has
been properly bootstrapped.
admincfg = config.default_admin_config
cls.admlogin = unicode(admincfg['login'])
cls.admpassword = admincfg['password']
# uncomment the line below if you want rql queries to be logged
# '/tmp/test_rql_log.' + `os.getpid()`)
config.global_set_option('log-file', None)
# set default-dest-addrs to a dumb email address to avoid mailbox or
# mail queue pollution
config.global_set_option('default-dest-addrs', ['whatever'])
send_to = '%s@logilab.fr' % getlogin()
config.global_set_option('sender-addr', send_to)
config.global_set_option('default-dest-addrs', send_to)
config.global_set_option('sender-name', 'cubicweb-test')
config.global_set_option('sender-addr', 'cubicweb-test@logilab.fr')
# default_base_url on config class isn't enough for TestServerConfiguration
config.global_set_option('base-url', config.default_base_url())
# web resources
config.global_set_option('embed-allowed', re.compile('.*'))
except Exception: # not in server only configuration
def vreg(self):
return self.repo.vreg
# global resources accessors ###############################################
def schema(self):
"""return the application schema"""
return self.vreg.schema
def set_option(self, optname, value):
self.config.global_set_option(optname, value)
def set_debug(self, debugmode):
def debugged(self, debugmode):
return server.debugged(debugmode)
# default test setup and teardown #########################################
def setUp(self):
# monkey patch send mail operation so emails are sent synchronously
with pause_trace():
previous_failure = self.__class__.__dict__.get('_repo_init_failed')
if previous_failure is not None:
self.skipTest('repository is not initialised: %r' % previous_failure)
except Exception as ex:
self.__class__._repo_init_failed = ex
MAILBOX[:] = [] # reset mailbox
def tearDown(self):
# XXX hack until logilab.common.testlib is fixed
if self._admin_session is not None:
self._admin_session = None
while self._cleanups:
cleanup, args, kwargs = self._cleanups.pop(-1)
cleanup(*args, **kwargs)
def _patch_SendMailOp(self):
# monkey patch send mail operation so emails are sent synchronously
_old_mail_postcommit_event = SendMailOp.postcommit_event
SendMailOp.postcommit_event = SendMailOp.sendmails
def reverse_SendMailOp_monkey_patch():
SendMailOp.postcommit_event = _old_mail_postcommit_event
def setup_database(self):
"""add your database setup code by overriding this method"""
def pre_setup_database(cls, cnx, config):
"""add your pre database setup code by overriding this method
Do not forget to set the cls.test_db_id value to enable caching of the
# user / session management ###############################################
@deprecated('[3.19] explicitly use RepoAccess object in test instead')
def user(self, req=None):
"""return the application schema"""
if req is None:
return self.request().user
return req.user
@iclassmethod # XXX turn into a class method
def create_user(self, req, login=None, groups=('users',), password=None,
email=None, commit=True, **kwargs):
"""create and return a new user entity"""
if password is None:
password = login
if login is not None:
login = unicode(login)
user = req.create_entity('CWUser', login=login,
upassword=password, **kwargs)
req.execute('SET X in_group G WHERE X eid %%(x)s, G name IN(%s)'
% ','.join(repr(str(g)) for g in groups),
{'x': user.eid})
if email is not None:
req.create_entity('EmailAddress', address=unicode(email),
user.cw_clear_relation_cache('in_group', 'subject')
if commit:
req.commit() # req is a session
except AttributeError:
return user
# other utilities #########################################################
def temporary_appobjects(self, *appobjects):
self.vreg._loadedmods.setdefault(self.__module__, {})
for obj in appobjects:
registered = getattr(obj, '__registered__', None)
if registered:
for registry in obj.__registries__:
for obj in appobjects:
def temporary_permissions(self, *perm_overrides, **perm_kwoverrides):
"""Set custom schema permissions within context.
There are two ways to call this method, which may be used together :
* using positional argument(s):
.. sourcecode:: python
rdef = self.schema['CWUser'].rdef('login')
with self.temporary_permissions((rdef, {'read': ()})):
* using named argument(s):
.. sourcecode:: python
with self.temporary_permissions(CWUser={'read': ()}):
Usually the former will be preferred to override permissions on a
relation definition, while the latter is well suited for entity types.
The allowed keys in the permission dictionary depend on the schema type
(entity type / relation definition). Resulting permissions will be
similar to `orig_permissions.update(partial_perms)`.
torestore = []
for erschema, etypeperms in chain(perm_overrides, perm_kwoverrides.items()):
if isinstance(erschema, string_types):
erschema = self.schema[erschema]
for action, actionperms in etypeperms.items():
origperms = erschema.permissions[action]
erschema.set_action_permissions(action, actionperms)
torestore.append([erschema, action, origperms])
for erschema, action, permissions in torestore:
if action is None:
erschema.permissions = permissions
erschema.set_action_permissions(action, permissions)
def assertModificationDateGreater(self, entity, olddate):
entity.cw_attr_cache.pop('modification_date', None)
self.assertGreater(entity.modification_date, olddate)
def assertMessageEqual(self, req, params, expected_msg):
msg = req.session.data[params['_cwmsgid']]
self.assertEqual(expected_msg, msg)
# workflow utilities #######################################################
def assertPossibleTransitions(self, entity, expected):
transitions = entity.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable').possible_transitions()
self.assertListEqual(sorted(tr.name for tr in transitions),
# views and actions registries inspection ##################################
def pviews(self, req, rset):
return sorted((a.__regid__, a.__class__)
for a in self.vreg['views'].possible_views(req, rset=rset))
def pactions(self, req, rset,
skipcategories=('addrelated', 'siteactions', 'useractions',
'footer', 'manage')):
return [(a.__regid__, a.__class__)
for a in self.vreg['actions'].poss_visible_objects(req, rset=rset)
if a.category not in skipcategories]
def pactions_by_cats(self, req, rset, categories=('addrelated',)):
return [(a.__regid__, a.__class__)
for a in self.vreg['actions'].poss_visible_objects(req, rset=rset)
if a.category in categories]
def pactionsdict(self, req, rset,
skipcategories=('addrelated', 'siteactions', 'useractions',
'footer', 'manage')):
res = {}
for a in self.vreg['actions'].poss_visible_objects(req, rset=rset):
if a.category not in skipcategories:
res.setdefault(a.category, []).append(a.__class__)
return res
def action_submenu(self, req, rset, id):
return self._test_action(self.vreg['actions'].select(id, req, rset=rset))
def _test_action(self, action):
class fake_menu(list):
def items(self):
return self
class fake_box(object):
def action_link(self, action, **kwargs):
return (action.title, action.url())
submenu = fake_menu()
action.fill_menu(fake_box(), submenu)
return submenu
def list_views_for(self, rset):
"""returns the list of views that can be applied on `rset`"""
req = rset.req
only_once_vids = ('primary', 'secondary', 'text')
req.data['ex'] = ValueError("whatever")
viewsvreg = self.vreg['views']
for vid, views in viewsvreg.items():
if vid[0] == '_':
if rset.rowcount > 1 and vid in only_once_vids:
views = [view for view in views
if view.category != 'startupview'
and not issubclass(view, notification.NotificationView)
and not isinstance(view, class_deprecated)]
if views:
view = viewsvreg._select_best(views, req, rset=rset)
if view is None:
raise NoSelectableObject((req,), {'rset':rset}, views)
if view.linkable():
yield view
not_selected(self.vreg, view)
# else the view is expected to be used as subview and should
# not be tested directly
except NoSelectableObject:
def list_actions_for(self, rset):
"""returns the list of actions that can be applied on `rset`"""
req = rset.req
for action in self.vreg['actions'].possible_objects(req, rset=rset):
yield action
def list_boxes_for(self, rset):
"""returns the list of boxes that can be applied on `rset`"""
req = rset.req
for box in self.vreg['ctxcomponents'].possible_objects(req, rset=rset):
yield box
def list_startup_views(self):
"""returns the list of startup views"""
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
for view in self.vreg['views'].possible_views(req, None):
if view.category == 'startupview':
yield view.__regid__
not_selected(self.vreg, view)
# web ui testing utilities #################################################
def app(self):
"""return a cubicweb publisher"""
publisher = application.CubicWebPublisher(self.repo, self.config)
def raise_error_handler(*args, **kwargs):
publisher.error_handler = raise_error_handler
return publisher
@deprecated('[3.19] use the .remote_calling method')
def remote_call(self, fname, *args):
"""remote json call simulation"""
dump = json.dumps
args = [dump(arg) for arg in args]
req = self.request(fname=fname, pageid='123', arg=args)
ctrl = self.vreg['controllers'].select('ajax', req)
return ctrl.publish(), req
def remote_calling(self, fname, *args):
"""remote json call simulation"""
args = [json.dumps(arg) for arg in args]
with self.admin_access.web_request(fname=fname, pageid='123', arg=args) as req:
ctrl = self.vreg['controllers'].select('ajax', req)
yield ctrl.publish(), req
def app_handle_request(self, req, path='view'):
return self.app.core_handle(req, path)
@deprecated("[3.15] app_handle_request is the new and better way"
" (beware of small semantic changes)")
def app_publish(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.app_handle_request(*args, **kwargs)
def ctrl_publish(self, req, ctrl='edit', rset=None):
"""call the publish method of the edit controller"""
ctrl = self.vreg['controllers'].select(ctrl, req, appli=self.app)
result = ctrl.publish(rset)
except web.Redirect:
return result
def fake_form(formid, field_dict=None, entity_field_dicts=()):
"""Build _cw.form dictionnary to fake posting of some standard cubicweb form
* `formid`, the form id, usually form's __regid__
* `field_dict`, dictionary of name:value for fields that are not tied to an entity
* `entity_field_dicts`, list of (entity, dictionary) where dictionary contains name:value
for fields that are not tied to the given entity
assert field_dict or entity_field_dicts, \
'field_dict and entity_field_dicts arguments must not be both unspecified'
if field_dict is None:
field_dict = {}
form = {'__form_id': formid}
fields = []
for field, value in field_dict.items():
form[field] = value
def _add_entity_field(entity, field, value):
form[eid_param(field, entity.eid)] = value
for entity, field_dict in entity_field_dicts:
if '__maineid' not in form:
form['__maineid'] = entity.eid
entity_fields = []
form.setdefault('eid', []).append(entity.eid)
_add_entity_field(entity, '__type', entity.cw_etype)
for field, value in field_dict.items():
_add_entity_field(entity, field, value)
if entity_fields:
form[eid_param('_cw_entity_fields', entity.eid)] = ','.join(entity_fields)
if fields:
form['_cw_fields'] = ','.join(sorted(fields))
return form
@deprecated('[3.19] use .admin_request_from_url instead')
def req_from_url(self, url):
"""parses `url` and builds the corresponding CW-web request
req.form will be setup using the url's query string
req = self.request(url=url)
if isinstance(url, unicode):
url = url.encode(req.encoding) # req.setup_params() expects encoded strings
querystring = urlparse(url)[-2]
params = parse_qs(querystring)
return req
def admin_request_from_url(self, url):
"""parses `url` and builds the corresponding CW-web request
req.form will be setup using the url's query string
with self.admin_access.web_request(url=url) as req:
if isinstance(url, unicode):
url = url.encode(req.encoding) # req.setup_params() expects encoded strings
querystring = urlparse(url)[-2]
params = parse_qs(querystring)
yield req
def url_publish(self, url, data=None):
"""takes `url`, uses application's app_resolver to find the appropriate
controller and result set, then publishes the result.
To simulate post of www-form-encoded data, give a `data` dictionary
containing desired key/value associations.
This should pretty much correspond to what occurs in a real CW server
except the apache-rewriter component is not called.
with self.admin_request_from_url(url) as req:
if data is not None:
ctrlid, rset = self.app.url_resolver.process(req, req.relative_path(False))
return self.ctrl_publish(req, ctrlid, rset)
def http_publish(self, url, data=None):
"""like `url_publish`, except this returns a http response, even in case
of errors. You may give form parameters using the `data` argument.
with self.admin_request_from_url(url) as req:
if data is not None:
with real_error_handling(self.app):
result = self.app_handle_request(req, req.relative_path(False))
return result, req
def _parse_location(req, location):
path, params = location.split('?', 1)
except ValueError:
path = location
params = {}
cleanup = lambda p: (p[0], urlunquote(p[1]))
params = dict(cleanup(p.split('=', 1)) for p in params.split('&') if p)
if path.startswith(req.base_url()): # may be relative
path = path[len(req.base_url()):]
return path, params
def expect_redirect(self, callback, req):
"""call the given callback with req as argument, expecting to get a
Redirect exception
except Redirect as ex:
return self._parse_location(req, ex.location)
self.fail('expected a Redirect exception')
def expect_redirect_handle_request(self, req, path='edit'):
"""call the publish method of the application publisher, expecting to
get a Redirect exception
result = self.app_handle_request(req, path)
self.assertTrue(300 <= req.status_out <400, req.status_out)
location = req.get_response_header('location')
return self._parse_location(req, location)
@deprecated("[3.15] expect_redirect_handle_request is the new and better way"
" (beware of small semantic changes)")
def expect_redirect_publish(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.expect_redirect_handle_request(*args, **kwargs)
def set_auth_mode(self, authmode, anonuser=None):
self.set_option('auth-mode', authmode)
self.set_option('anonymous-user', anonuser)
if anonuser is None:
self.config.anonymous_credential = None
self.config.anonymous_credential = (anonuser, anonuser)
def init_authentication(self, authmode, anonuser=None):
self.set_auth_mode(authmode, anonuser)
req = self.requestcls(self.vreg, url='login')
sh = self.app.session_handler
authm = sh.session_manager.authmanager
authm.anoninfo = self.vreg.config.anonymous_user()
authm.anoninfo = authm.anoninfo[0], {'password': authm.anoninfo[1]}
# not properly cleaned between tests
self.open_sessions = sh.session_manager._sessions = {}
return req, self.session
def assertAuthSuccess(self, req, origsession, nbsessions=1):
sh = self.app.session_handler
session = self.app.get_session(req)
cnx = repoapi.Connection(session)
self.assertEqual(len(self.open_sessions), nbsessions, self.open_sessions)
self.assertEqual(session.login, origsession.login)
self.assertEqual(session.anonymous_session, False)
def assertAuthFailure(self, req, nbsessions=0):
with self.assertRaises(AuthenticationError):
# +0 since we do not track the opened session
self.assertEqual(len(self.open_sessions), nbsessions)
clear_cache(req, 'get_authorization')
# content validation #######################################################
# validators are used to validate (XML, DTD, whatever) view's content
# validators availables are :
# DTDValidator : validates XML + declared DTD
# SaxOnlyValidator : guarantees XML is well formed
# None : do not try to validate anything
# validators used must be imported from from.devtools.htmlparser
content_type_validators = {
# maps MIME type : validator name
# do not set html validators here, we need HTMLValidator for html
# snippets
#'text/html': DTDValidator,
#'application/xhtml+xml': DTDValidator,
'application/xml': htmlparser.XMLValidator,
'text/xml': htmlparser.XMLValidator,
'application/json': JsonValidator,
'text/plain': None,
'text/comma-separated-values': None,
'text/x-vcard': None,
'text/calendar': None,
'image/png': None,
# maps vid : validator name (override content_type_validators)
vid_validators = dict((vid, htmlparser.VALMAP[valkey])
for vid, valkey in VIEW_VALIDATORS.items())
def view(self, vid, rset=None, req=None, template='main-template',
"""This method tests the view `vid` on `rset` using `template`
If no error occurred while rendering the view, the HTML is analyzed
and parsed.
:returns: an instance of `cubicweb.devtools.htmlparser.PageInfo`
encapsulation the generated HTML
if req is None:
if rset is None:
req = self.request()
req = rset.req
req.form['vid'] = vid
viewsreg = self.vreg['views']
view = viewsreg.select(vid, req, rset=rset, **kwargs)
# set explicit test description
if rset is not None:
# coerce to "bytes" on py2 because the description will be sent to
# sys.stdout/stderr which takes "bytes" on py2 and "unicode" on py3
rql = str(rset.printable_rql())
self.set_description("testing vid=%s defined in %s with (%s)" % (
vid, view.__module__, rql))
self.set_description("testing vid=%s defined in %s without rset" % (
vid, view.__module__))
if template is None: # raw view testing, no template
viewfunc = view.render
kwargs['view'] = view
viewfunc = lambda **k: viewsreg.main_template(req, template,
rset=rset, **kwargs)
return self._test_view(viewfunc, view, template, kwargs)
def _test_view(self, viewfunc, view, template='main-template', kwargs={}):
"""this method does the actual call to the view
If no error occurred while rendering the view, the HTML is analyzed
and parsed.
:returns: an instance of `cubicweb.devtools.htmlparser.PageInfo`
encapsulation the generated HTML
output = viewfunc(**kwargs)
except Exception:
# hijack exception: generative tests stop when the exception
# is not an AssertionError
klass, exc, tcbk = sys.exc_info()
msg = '[%s in %s] %s' % (klass, view.__regid__, exc)
except Exception:
msg = '[%s in %s] undisplayable exception' % (klass, view.__regid__)
exc = AssertionError(msg)
exc.__traceback__ = tcbk
raise exc
return self._check_html(output, view, template)
def get_validator(self, view=None, content_type=None, output=None):
if view is not None:
return self.vid_validators[view.__regid__]()
except KeyError:
if content_type is None:
content_type = view.content_type
if content_type is None:
content_type = 'text/html'
if content_type in ('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml') and output:
if output.startswith('<!DOCTYPE html>'):
# only check XML well-formness since HTMLValidator isn't html5
# compatible and won't like various other extensions
default_validator = htmlparser.XMLSyntaxValidator
elif output.startswith('<?xml'):
default_validator = htmlparser.DTDValidator
default_validator = htmlparser.HTMLValidator
default_validator = None
validatorclass = self.content_type_validators.get(content_type,
if validatorclass is None:
return validatorclass()
def _check_html(self, output, view, template='main-template'):
"""raises an exception if the HTML is invalid"""
output = output.strip()
validator = self.get_validator(view, output=output)
if validator is None:
return output # return raw output if no validator is defined
if isinstance(validator, htmlparser.DTDValidator):
# XXX remove <canvas> used in progress widget, unknown in html dtd
output = re.sub('<canvas.*?></canvas>', '', output)
return self.assertWellFormed(validator, output.strip(), context= view.__regid__)
def assertWellFormed(self, validator, content, context=None):
return validator.parse_string(content)
except Exception:
# hijack exception: generative tests stop when the exception
# is not an AssertionError
klass, exc, tcbk = sys.exc_info()
if context is None:
msg = u'[%s]' % (klass,)
msg = u'[%s in %s]' % (klass, context)
msg = msg.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace')
str_exc = str(exc)
except Exception:
str_exc = 'undisplayable exception'
msg += str_exc
if content is not None:
position = getattr(exc, "position", (0,))[0]
if position:
# define filter
if isinstance(content, str):
content = unicode(content, sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace')
content = validator.preprocess_data(content)
content = content.splitlines()
width = int(log(len(content), 10)) + 1
line_template = " %" + ("%i" % width) + "i: %s"
# XXX no need to iterate the whole file except to get
# the line number
content = u'\n'.join(line_template % (idx + 1, line)
for idx, line in enumerate(content)
if line_context_filter(idx+1, position))
msg += u'\nfor content:\n%s' % content
exc = AssertionError(msg)
exc.__traceback__ = tcbk
raise exc
def assertDocTestFile(self, testfile):
# doctest returns tuple (failure_count, test_count)
with self.admin_access.shell() as mih:
result = mih.process_script(testfile)
if result[0] and result[1]:
raise self.failureException("doctest file '%s' failed"
% testfile)
# notifications ############################################################
def assertSentEmail(self, subject, recipients=None, nb_msgs=None):
"""test recipients in system mailbox for given email subject
:param subject: email subject to find in mailbox
:param recipients: list of email recipients
:param nb_msgs: expected number of entries
:returns: list of matched emails
messages = [email for email in MAILBOX
if email.message.get('Subject') == subject]
if recipients is not None:
sent_to = set()
for msg in messages:
self.assertSetEqual(set(recipients), sent_to)
if nb_msgs is not None:
self.assertEqual(len(MAILBOX), nb_msgs)
return messages
# auto-populating test classes and utilities ###################################
from cubicweb.devtools.fill import insert_entity_queries, make_relations_queries
# XXX cleanup unprotected_entities & all mess
def how_many_dict(schema, cnx, how_many, skip):
"""given a schema, compute how many entities by type we need to be able to
satisfy relations cardinality.
The `how_many` argument tells how many entities of which type we want at
Return a dictionary with entity types as key, and the number of entities for
this type as value.
relmap = {}
for rschema in schema.relations():
if rschema.final:
for subj, obj in rschema.rdefs:
card = rschema.rdef(subj, obj).cardinality
# if the relation is mandatory, we'll need at least as many subj and
# obj to satisfy it
if card[0] in '1+' and card[1] in '1?':
# subj has to be linked to at least one obj,
# but obj can be linked to only one subj
# -> we need at least as many subj as obj to satisfy
# cardinalities for this relation
relmap.setdefault((rschema, subj), []).append(str(obj))
if card[1] in '1+' and card[0] in '1?':
# reverse subj and obj in the above explanation
relmap.setdefault((rschema, obj), []).append(str(subj))
unprotected = unprotected_entities(schema)
for etype in skip: # XXX (syt) duh? explain or kill
howmanydict = {}
# step 1, compute a base number of each entity types: number of already
# existing entities of this type + `how_many`
for etype in unprotected_entities(schema, strict=True):
howmanydict[str(etype)] = cnx.execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is %s' % etype)[0][0]
if etype in unprotected:
howmanydict[str(etype)] += how_many
# step 2, augment nb entity per types to satisfy cardinality constraints,
# by recomputing for each relation that constrained an entity type:
# new num for etype = max(current num, sum(num for possible target etypes))
# XXX we should first check there is no cycle then propagate changes
for (rschema, etype), targets in relmap.items():
relfactor = sum(howmanydict[e] for e in targets)
howmanydict[str(etype)] = max(relfactor, howmanydict[etype])
return howmanydict
class AutoPopulateTest(CubicWebTC):
"""base class for test with auto-populating of the database"""
__abstract__ = True
test_db_id = 'autopopulate'
tags = CubicWebTC.tags | Tags('autopopulated')
pdbclass = CubicWebDebugger
# this is a hook to be able to define a list of rql queries
# that are application dependent and cannot be guessed automatically
application_rql = []
no_auto_populate = ()
ignored_relations = set()
def to_test_etypes(self):
return unprotected_entities(self.schema, strict=True)
def custom_populate(self, how_many, cnx):
def post_populate(self, cnx):
def auto_populate(self, how_many):
"""this method populates the database with `how_many` entities
of each possible type. It also inserts random relations between them
with self.admin_access.cnx() as cnx:
with cnx.security_enabled(read=False, write=False):
self._auto_populate(cnx, how_many)
def _auto_populate(self, cnx, how_many):
self.custom_populate(how_many, cnx)
vreg = self.vreg
howmanydict = how_many_dict(self.schema, cnx, how_many, self.no_auto_populate)
for etype in unprotected_entities(self.schema):
if etype in self.no_auto_populate:
nb = howmanydict.get(etype, how_many)
for rql, args in insert_entity_queries(etype, self.schema, vreg, nb):
cnx.execute(rql, args)
edict = {}
for etype in unprotected_entities(self.schema, strict=True):
rset = cnx.execute('%s X' % etype)
edict[str(etype)] = set(row[0] for row in rset.rows)
existingrels = {}
ignored_relations = SYSTEM_RELATIONS | self.ignored_relations
for rschema in self.schema.relations():
if rschema.final or rschema in ignored_relations:
rset = cnx.execute('DISTINCT Any X,Y WHERE X %s Y' % rschema)
existingrels.setdefault(rschema.type, set()).update((x, y) for x, y in rset)
q = make_relations_queries(self.schema, edict, cnx, ignored_relations,
for rql, args in q:
cnx.execute(rql, args)
except ValidationError as ex:
# failed to satisfy some constraint
print('error in automatic db population', ex)
cnx.commit_state = None # reset uncommitable flag
def iter_individual_rsets(self, etypes=None, limit=None):
etypes = etypes or self.to_test_etypes()
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
for etype in etypes:
if limit:
rql = 'Any X LIMIT %s WHERE X is %s' % (limit, etype)
rql = 'Any X WHERE X is %s' % etype
rset = req.execute(rql)
for row in range(len(rset)):
if limit and row > limit:
# XXX iirk
rset2 = rset.limit(limit=1, offset=row)
yield rset2
def iter_automatic_rsets(self, limit=10):
"""generates basic resultsets for each entity type"""
etypes = self.to_test_etypes()
if not etypes:
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
for etype in etypes:
yield req.execute('Any X LIMIT %s WHERE X is %s' % (limit, etype))
etype1 = etypes.pop()
etype2 = etypes.pop()
except KeyError:
etype2 = etype1
# test a mixed query (DISTINCT/GROUP to avoid getting duplicate
# X which make muledit view failing for instance (html validation fails
# because of some duplicate "id" attributes)
yield req.execute('DISTINCT Any X, MAX(Y) GROUPBY X WHERE X is %s, Y is %s' % (etype1, etype2))
# test some application-specific queries if defined
for rql in self.application_rql:
yield req.execute(rql)
def _test_everything_for(self, rset):
"""this method tries to find everything that can be tested
for `rset` and yields a callable test (as needed in generative tests)
propdefs = self.vreg['propertydefs']
# make all components visible
for k, v in propdefs.items():
if k.endswith('visible') and not v['default']:
propdefs[k]['default'] = True
for view in self.list_views_for(rset):
backup_rset = rset.copy(rset.rows, rset.description)
yield InnerTest(self._testname(rset, view.__regid__, 'view'),
self.view, view.__regid__, rset,
rset.req.reset_headers(), 'main-template')
# We have to do this because some views modify the
# resultset's syntax tree
rset = backup_rset
for action in self.list_actions_for(rset):
yield InnerTest(self._testname(rset, action.__regid__, 'action'), self._test_action, action)
for box in self.list_boxes_for(rset):
w = [].append
yield InnerTest(self._testname(rset, box.__regid__, 'box'), box.render, w)
def _testname(rset, objid, objtype):
return '%s_%s_%s' % ('_'.join(rset.column_types(0)), objid, objtype)
# concrete class for automated application testing ############################
class AutomaticWebTest(AutoPopulateTest):
"""import this if you wan automatic tests to be ran"""
tags = AutoPopulateTest.tags | Tags('web', 'generated')
def setUp(self):
assert not self.__class__ is AutomaticWebTest, 'Please subclass AutomaticWebTest to prevent database caching issue'
super(AutomaticWebTest, self).setUp()
# access to self.app for proper initialization of the authentication
# machinery (else some views may fail)
## one each
def test_one_each_config(self):
for rset in self.iter_automatic_rsets(limit=1):
for testargs in self._test_everything_for(rset):
yield testargs
## ten each
def test_ten_each_config(self):
for rset in self.iter_automatic_rsets(limit=10):
for testargs in self._test_everything_for(rset):
yield testargs
## startup views
def test_startup_views(self):
for vid in self.list_startup_views():
with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
yield self.view, vid, None, req
# registry instrumentization ###################################################
def not_selected(vreg, appobject):
vreg._selected[appobject.__class__] -= 1
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
# def vreg_instrumentize(testclass):
# # XXX broken
# from cubicweb.devtools.apptest import TestEnvironment
# env = testclass._env = TestEnvironment('data', configcls=testclass.configcls)
# for reg in env.vreg.itervalues():
# reg._selected = {}
# try:
# orig_select_best = reg.__class__.__orig_select_best
# except Exception:
# orig_select_best = reg.__class__._select_best
# def instr_select_best(self, *args, **kwargs):
# selected = orig_select_best(self, *args, **kwargs)
# try:
# self._selected[selected.__class__] += 1
# except KeyError:
# self._selected[selected.__class__] = 1
# except AttributeError:
# pass # occurs on reg used to restore database
# return selected
# reg.__class__._select_best = instr_select_best
# reg.__class__.__orig_select_best = orig_select_best
# def print_untested_objects(testclass, skipregs=('hooks', 'etypes')):
# for regname, reg in testclass._env.vreg.items():
# if regname in skipregs:
# continue
# for appobjects in reg.itervalues():
# for appobject in appobjects:
# if not reg._selected.get(appobject):
# print 'not tested', regname, appobject