author Aurelien Campeas <>
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:46:49 +0100
changeset 485 0f830732be19
parent 299 4761e0ca406d
child 1693 49075f57cf2c
child 1802 d628defebc17
permissions -rw-r--r--
[tabs] provide a working tabs implementation, that lazy-loads tab content & should remember the current position

import sys

Generates the chapter that list all the modules in CubicWeb
in order to pull all the docstring.

class ModuleGenerator:
    HEADER = """.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

CubicWeb API
    EXCLUDE_DIRS = ('test', 'tests', 'examples', 'data', 'doc', '.hg', 'migration')  

    def __init__(self, output_fn, mod_names):
        self.mod_names =  mod_names
        self.fn = open(output_fn, 'w')

    def done(self):
    def gen_module(self, mod_name):
        mod_entry = """

.. automodule:: %s
""" % (mod_name, '='*(len(':mod:``'+mod_name)), mod_name)

    def find_modules(self):
        import os
        modules = []
        for mod_name in self.mod_names:
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(mod_name):
                if self.keep_module(root):
                    for name in files:
                        if name == "":
                            if self.format_mod_name(root, mod_name) not in modules:
                                modules.append(self.format_mod_name(root, mod_name))
                            if name.endswith(".py") and name != "" and "" in files:
                                filename = root + '/' + name.split('.py')[0]
                                if self.format_mod_name(filename, mod_name) not in modules:
                                    modules.append(self.format_mod_name(filename, mod_name))
        return modules

    def gen_modules(self):
        for module in self.find_modules():

    def format_mod_name(self, path, mod_name):
        mod_root = mod_name.split('/')[-1]
        mod_end = path.split(mod_root)[-1]
        return mod_root + mod_end.replace('/', '.')

    def keep_module(self, mod_end):
        Filter modules in order to exclude specific package directories.
        for dir in self.EXCLUDE_DIRS:
            if mod_end.find(dir) != -1:
                return False
        return True

USAGE = """
Two arguments required:
    generate_modules [cubicweb-root] [file-out]

[cubicweb-root] : full path to cubicweb forest
[file-out] : rest file containing the list of modules for Sphinx
def generate_modules_file(args):
    if len(args) != 2:
        print USAGE
    CW_ROOT = args[0]
    OUTPUT = args[1]
    modules = (CW_ROOT + '/cubicweb', \
               CW_ROOT + '/indexer', \
               CW_ROOT + '/logilab', \
               CW_ROOT + '/rql', \
               CW_ROOT + '/yams')

    mg = ModuleGenerator(CW_ROOT + '/cubicweb/doc/book/en/' + OUTPUT, modules)
    print args

if __name__ == '__main__':