[CWEP002 migration] support add_relation_type/add_attribute for computed attributes
Related to #3546717.
# copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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"""cubicweb server sources support"""
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import itertools
from os.path import join, splitext
from time import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from logging import getLogger
from logilab.common import configuration
from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
from yams.schema import role_name
from cubicweb import ValidationError, set_log_methods, server
from cubicweb.schema import VIRTUAL_RTYPES
from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import SQL_PREFIX
from cubicweb.server.edition import EditedEntity
def dbg_st_search(uri, union, varmap, args, cachekey=None, prefix='rql for'):
if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_RQL:
global t
print ' %s %s source: %s' % (prefix, uri, repr(union.as_string()))
t = time()
if varmap:
print ' using varmap', varmap
if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_MORE:
print ' args', repr(args)
print ' cache key', cachekey
print ' solutions', ','.join(str(s.solutions)
for s in union.children)
# return true so it can be used as assertion (and so be killed by python -O)
return True
def dbg_results(results):
if server.DEBUG & server.DBG_RQL:
if len(results) > 10:
print ' -->', results[:10], '...', len(results),
print ' -->', results,
print 'time: ', time() - t
# return true so it can be used as assertion (and so be killed by python -O)
return True
class AbstractSource(object):
"""an abstract class for sources"""
# boolean telling if modification hooks should be called when something is
# modified in this source
should_call_hooks = True
# boolean telling if the repository should connect to this source during
# migration
connect_for_migration = True
# mappings telling which entities and relations are available in the source
# keys are supported entity/relation types and values are boolean indicating
# wether the support is read-only (False) or read-write (True)
support_entities = {}
support_relations = {}
# a global identifier for this source, which has to be set by the source
# instance
uri = None
# a reference to the system information helper
repo = None
# a reference to the instance'schema (may differs from the source'schema)
schema = None
# force deactivation (configuration error for instance)
disabled = False
# boolean telling if cwuri of entities from this source is the url that
# should be used as entity's absolute url
use_cwuri_as_url = False
# source configuration options
options = ()
# these are overridden by set_log_methods below
# only defining here to prevent pylint from complaining
info = warning = error = critical = exception = debug = lambda msg,*a,**kw: None
def __init__(self, repo, source_config, eid=None):
self.repo = repo
self.support_relations['identity'] = False
self.eid = eid
self.public_config = source_config.copy()
self.public_config['use-cwuri-as-url'] = self.use_cwuri_as_url
self.uri = source_config.pop('uri')
set_log_methods(self, getLogger('cubicweb.sources.'+self.uri))
self.update_config(None, self.check_conf_dict(eid, source_config,
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %s source %s @%#x>' % (self.uri, self.__class__.__name__,
self.eid, id(self))
def __lt__(self, other):
"""simple comparison function to get predictable source order, with the
system source at last
if self.uri == other.uri:
return False
if self.uri == 'system':
return False
if other.uri == 'system':
return True
return self.uri < other.uri
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.uri == other.uri
def backup(self, backupfile, confirm, format='native'):
"""method called to create a backup of source's data"""
def restore(self, backupfile, confirm, drop, format='native'):
"""method called to restore a backup of source's data"""
def check_conf_dict(cls, eid, confdict, _=unicode, fail_if_unknown=True):
"""check configuration of source entity. Return config dict properly
typed with defaults set.
processed = {}
for optname, optdict in cls.options:
value = confdict.pop(optname, optdict.get('default'))
if value is configuration.REQUIRED:
if not fail_if_unknown:
msg = _('specifying %s is mandatory' % optname)
raise ValidationError(eid, {role_name('config', 'subject'): msg})
elif value is not None:
# type check
value = configuration._validate(value, optdict, optname)
except Exception as ex:
msg = unicode(ex) # XXX internationalization
raise ValidationError(eid, {role_name('config', 'subject'): msg})
processed[optname] = value
# cw < 3.10 bw compat
processed['adapter'] = confdict['adapter']
except KeyError:
# check for unknown options
if confdict and tuple(confdict) != ('adapter',):
if fail_if_unknown:
msg = _('unknown options %s') % ', '.join(confdict)
raise ValidationError(eid, {role_name('config', 'subject'): msg})
logger = getLogger('cubicweb.sources')
logger.warning('unknown options %s', ', '.join(confdict))
# add options to processed, they may be necessary during migration
return processed
def check_config(cls, source_entity):
"""check configuration of source entity"""
return cls.check_conf_dict(source_entity.eid, source_entity.host_config,
def update_config(self, source_entity, typedconfig):
"""update configuration from source entity. `typedconfig` is config
properly typed with defaults set
if source_entity is not None:
self.config = typedconfig
def _entity_update(self, source_entity):
if source_entity.url:
self.urls = [url.strip() for url in source_entity.url.splitlines()
if url.strip()]
self.urls = []
# source initialization / finalization #####################################
def set_schema(self, schema):
"""set the instance'schema"""
self.schema = schema
def init_creating(self):
"""method called by the repository once ready to create a new instance"""
def init(self, activated, source_entity):
"""method called by the repository once ready to handle request.
`activated` is a boolean flag telling if the source is activated or not.
if activated:
PUBLIC_KEYS = ('type', 'uri', 'use-cwuri-as-url')
def remove_sensitive_information(self, sourcedef):
"""remove sensitive information such as login / password from source
for key in list(sourcedef):
if not key in self.PUBLIC_KEYS:
# connections handling #####################################################
def get_connection(self):
"""open and return a connection to the source"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def close_source_connections(self):
for cnxset in self.repo.cnxsets:
cnxset.cu = None
def open_source_connections(self):
for cnxset in self.repo.cnxsets:
cnxset.cnx = self.get_connection()
cnxset.cu = cnxset.cnx.cursor()
# cache handling ###########################################################
def reset_caches(self):
"""method called during test to reset potential source caches"""
def clear_eid_cache(self, eid, etype):
"""clear potential caches for the given eid"""
# external source api ######################################################
def support_entity(self, etype, write=False):
"""return true if the given entity's type is handled by this adapter
if write is true, return true only if it's a RW support
wsupport = self.support_entities[etype]
except KeyError:
return False
if write:
return wsupport
return True
def support_relation(self, rtype, write=False):
"""return true if the given relation's type is handled by this adapter
if write is true, return true only if it's a RW support
current implementation return true if the relation is defined into
`support_relations` or if it is a final relation of a supported entity
wsupport = self.support_relations[rtype]
except KeyError:
rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
if not rschema.final or rschema.type == 'has_text':
return False
for etype in rschema.subjects():
wsupport = self.support_entities[etype]
except KeyError:
return False
if write:
return wsupport
return True
def before_entity_insertion(self, cnx, lid, etype, eid, sourceparams):
"""called by the repository when an eid has been attributed for an
entity stored here but the entity has not been inserted in the system
table yet.
This method must return the an Entity instance representation of this
entity = self.repo.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(etype)(cnx)
entity.eid = eid
entity.cw_edited = EditedEntity(entity)
return entity
def after_entity_insertion(self, cnx, lid, entity, sourceparams):
"""called by the repository after an entity stored here has been
inserted in the system table.
def _load_mapping(self, session=None, **kwargs):
if not 'CWSourceSchemaConfig' in self.schema:
self.warning('instance is not mapping ready')
if session is None:
_session = self.repo.internal_session()
_session = session
for schemacfg in _session.execute(
'CFG options CFGO, CFG cw_schema S, '
'CFG cw_for_source X, X eid %(x)s', {'x': self.eid}).entities():
self.add_schema_config(schemacfg, **kwargs)
if session is None:
def add_schema_config(self, schemacfg, checkonly=False):
"""added CWSourceSchemaConfig, modify mapping accordingly"""
msg = schemacfg._cw._("this source doesn't use a mapping")
raise ValidationError(schemacfg.eid, {None: msg})
def del_schema_config(self, schemacfg, checkonly=False):
"""deleted CWSourceSchemaConfig, modify mapping accordingly"""
msg = schemacfg._cw._("this source doesn't use a mapping")
raise ValidationError(schemacfg.eid, {None: msg})
def update_schema_config(self, schemacfg, checkonly=False):
"""updated CWSourceSchemaConfig, modify mapping accordingly"""
self.del_schema_config(schemacfg, checkonly)
self.add_schema_config(schemacfg, checkonly)
# user authentication api ##################################################
def authenticate(self, cnx, login, **kwargs):
"""if the source support CWUser entity type, it should implement
this method which should return CWUser eid for the given login/password
if this account is defined in this source and valid login / password is
given. Else raise `AuthenticationError`
raise NotImplementedError(self)
# RQL query api ############################################################
def syntax_tree_search(self, cnx, union,
args=None, cachekey=None, varmap=None, debug=0):
"""return result from this source for a rql query (actually from a rql
syntax tree and a solution dictionary mapping each used variable to a
possible type). If cachekey is given, the query necessary to fetch the
results (but not the results themselves) may be cached using this key.
raise NotImplementedError(self)
# write modification api ###################################################
# read-only sources don't have to implement methods below
def get_extid(self, entity):
"""return the external id for the given newly inserted entity"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def add_entity(self, session, entity):
"""add a new entity to the source"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def update_entity(self, session, entity):
"""update an entity in the source"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def delete_entities(self, session, entities):
"""delete several entities from the source"""
for entity in entities:
self.delete_entity(session, entity)
def delete_entity(self, session, entity):
"""delete an entity from the source"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def add_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
"""add a relation to the source"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def add_relations(self, session, rtype, subj_obj_list):
"""add a relations to the source"""
# override in derived classes if you feel you can
# optimize
for subject, object in subj_obj_list:
self.add_relation(session, subject, rtype, object)
def delete_relation(self, session, subject, rtype, object):
"""delete a relation from the source"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
# system source interface #################################################
def eid_type_source(self, session, eid):
"""return a tuple (type, source, extid) for the entity with id <eid>"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def create_eid(self, session):
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def add_info(self, session, entity, source, extid):
"""add type and source info for an eid into the system table"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def update_info(self, session, entity, need_fti_update):
"""mark entity as being modified, fulltext reindex if needed"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def index_entity(self, session, entity):
"""create an operation to [re]index textual content of the given entity
on commit
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def fti_unindex_entities(self, session, entities):
"""remove text content for entities from the full text index
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def fti_index_entities(self, session, entities):
"""add text content of created/modified entities to the full text index
raise NotImplementedError(self)
# sql system source interface #############################################
def sqlexec(self, session, sql, args=None):
"""execute the query and return its result"""
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def create_index(self, session, table, column, unique=False):
raise NotImplementedError(self)
def drop_index(self, session, table, column, unique=False):
raise NotImplementedError(self)
@deprecated('[3.13] use extid2eid(source, value, etype, session, **kwargs)')
def extid2eid(self, value, etype, session, **kwargs):
return self.repo.extid2eid(self, value, etype, session, **kwargs)
from cubicweb.server import SOURCE_TYPES
def source_adapter(source_type):
return SOURCE_TYPES[source_type]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown source type %r' % source_type)
def get_source(type, source_config, repo, eid):
"""return a source adapter according to the adapter field in the source's
return source_adapter(type)(repo, source_config, eid)