author Alexandre Fayolle <>
Mon, 24 Jan 2011 09:17:11 +0100
changeset 6877 0e8fc441b38b
parent 6876 4b0b9d8207c5
child 6879 54944faf9b61
permissions -rw-r--r--
blog proofreading

Building my photos web site with |CubiWeb| part V: let's make it even more user friendly

We'll now see how to benefit from features introduced in 3.9 and 3.10 releases of CubiWeb

Step 1: Tired of the default look?

OK... Now our site has its most desired features. But... I would like to make it look
somewhat like *my* website. It is not after all. Let's tackle this

The first thing we can to is to change the logo. There are various way to achieve
this. The easiest way is to put a `logo.png` file into the cube's `data`
directory. As data files are looked at according to cubes order (CubiWeb
resources coming last), that file will be selected instead of CubiWeb's one.

.. Note::
   As the location for static resources are cached, you'll have to restart
   your instance for this to be taken into account.

Though there are some cases where you don't want to use a `logo.png` file.  For
instance if it's a JPEG file. You can still change the logo by defining in the
cube's `:file:``` file:

.. sourcecode:: python

   LOGO = data('logo.jpg')

The uiprops machinery has been introduced in `CubiWeb 3.9`_. It is used to define
some static file resources, such as the logo, default Javascript / CSS files, as
well as CSS properties (we'll see that later).

.. Note::
   This file is imported specifically by |cubicweb|, with a predefined name space,
   containing for instance the `data` function, telling the file is somewhere
   in a cube or CubiWeb's data directory.

   One side effect of this is that it can't be imported as a regular python

The nice thing is that in debug mode, change to a :file:`` file are detected
and then automatically reloaded.

Now, as it's a photos web-site, I would like to have a photo of mine as background...
After some trials I won't detail here, I've found a working recipe explained `here`_.
All I've to do is to override some stuff of the default CubiWeb user interface to
apply it as explained.

The first thing to to get the ``<img/>`` tag as first element after the ``<body>``
tag.  If you know a way to avoid this by simply specifying the image in the CSS,
tell me!  The easiest way to do so is to override the `HTMLPageHeader` view,
since that's the one that is directly called once the ``<body>`` has
been written. How did I find this?  By looking in the `cubiweb.web.views.basetemplates`
module, since I know that global page layouts sits there. I could also have
grep the "body" tag in `cubicweb.web.views`... Finding this was the hardest
part. Now all I need is to customize it to write that ``img`` tag, as below:

.. sourcecode:: python

    class HTMLPageHeader(basetemplates.HTMLPageHeader):
	# override this since it's the easier way to have our bg image
	# as the first element following <body>
	def call(self, **kwargs):
            self.w(u'<img id="bg-image" src="%sbackground.jpg" alt="background image"/>'
                   % self._cw.datadir_url)
	    super(HTMLPageHeader, self).call(**kwargs)

    def registration_callback(vreg):
	vreg.register_all(globals().values(), __name__, (HTMLPageHeader))
	vreg.register_and_replace(HTMLPageHeader, basetemplates.HTMLPageHeader)

As you may have guessed, my background image is in a `backgroundjpg`
file in the cube's `data` directory, but there are still some things to explain to
newcomers here:

* The `call` method is there the main access point of the view. It's called by
  the view's `render` method. It is not the only access point for a view, but
  this will be detailed later.

* Calling `self.w` writes something to the output stream. Except for binary views
  (which do not generate text), it *must* be passed an Unicode string.

* The proper way to get a file in `data` directory is to use the `datadir_url`
  attribute of the incoming request (e.g. `self._cw`).

I won't explain again the `registration_callback` stuff, you should understand it
now!  If not, go back to previous posts in the series :)

Fine. Now all I've to do is to add a bit of CSS to get it to behave
nicely (which is not the case at all for now). I'll put all this in a 
`cubes.sytweb.css` file, stored as usual in our `data` directory:

.. sourcecode:: css

    /* fixed full screen background image
     * as explained on
     * syt update: set z-index=0 on the img instead of z-index=1 on div#page & co to
     * avoid pb with the user actions menu
    img#bg-image {
	position: fixed;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	z-index: 0;

    div#page, table#header, div#footer {
	background: transparent;
	position: relative;

    /* add some space around the logo
    img#logo {
	padding: 5px 15px 0px 15px;

    /* more dark font for metadata to have a chance to see them with the background
     *  image
    div.metadata {
	color: black;

You can see here stuff explained in the cited page, with only a slight modification
explained in the comments, plus some additional rules to make things somewhat cleaner:

* a bit of padding around the logo

* darker metadata which appears by default below the content (the white frame in the page)

To get this CSS file used everywhere in the site, I have to modify the :file:`` file
introduced above:

.. sourcecode:: python

   STYLESHEETS = sheet['STYLESHEETS'] + [data('cubes.sytweb.css')]

.. Note:
   `sheet` is another predefined variable containing values defined by
   already process `:file:``` file, notably the CubiWeb's one.

Here we simply want our CSS in addition to CubiWeb's base CSS files, so we
redefine the `STYLESHEETS` variable to existing CSS (accessed through the `sheet`
variable) with our one added. I could also have done:

.. sourcecode:: python


But this is less interesting since we don't see the overriding mechanism...

At this point, the site should start looking good, the background image being
resized to fit the screen.

.. image:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_background-image.png

The final touch: let's customize CubiWeb's CSS to get less orange... By simply adding

.. sourcecode:: python

  contextualBoxTitleBg = incontextBoxTitleBg = '#AAAAAA'

and reloading the page we've just seen, we know have a nice greyed box instead of
the orange one:

.. image:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_grey-box.png

This is because CubiWeb's CSS include some variables which are
expanded by values defined in uiprops file. In our case we controlled the
properties of the CSS `background` property of boxes with CSS class
`contextualBoxTitleBg` and `incontextBoxTitleBg`.

Step 2: configuring boxes
Boxes present to the user some ways to use the application. Let's first do a few tweaks:

.. sourcecode:: python

  from cubicweb.selectors import none_rset
  from cubicweb.web.views import bookmark
  from import views as zone
  from cubes.tag import views as tag

  # change bookmarks box selector so it's only displayed on startup views
  bookmark.BookmarksBox.__select__ = bookmark.BookmarksBox.__select__ & none_rset()
  # move zone box to the left instead of in the context frame and tweak its order
  zone.ZoneBox.context = 'left'
  zone.ZoneBox.order = 100
  # move tags box to the left instead of in the context frame and tweak its order
  tag.TagsBox.context = 'left'
  tag.TagsBox.order = 102
  # hide similarity box, not interested
  tag.SimilarityBox.visible = False

The idea is to move all boxes in the left column, so we get more space for the
photos.  Now, serious things: I want a box similar to the tags box but to handle
the `Person displayed_on File` relation. We can do this simply by configuring a
:class:`AjaxEditRelationCtxComponent` subclass as below:

.. sourcecode:: python

    from logilab.common.decorators import monkeypatch
    from cubicweb import ValidationError
    from cubicweb.web import uicfg, component
    from cubicweb.web.views import basecontrollers

    # hide displayed_on relation using uicfg since it will be displayed by the box below
    uicfg.primaryview_section.tag_object_of(('*', 'displayed_on', '*'), 'hidden')

    class PersonBox(component.AjaxEditRelationCtxComponent):
	__regid__ = 'sytweb.displayed-on-box'
	# box position
	order = 101
	context = 'left'
	# define relation to be handled
	rtype = 'displayed_on'
	role = 'object'
	target_etype = 'Person'
	# messages
	added_msg = _('person has been added')
	removed_msg = _('person has been removed')
	# bind to js_* methods of the json controller
	fname_vocabulary = 'unrelated_persons'
	fname_validate = 'link_to_person'
	fname_remove = 'unlink_person'

    def js_unrelated_persons(self, eid):
	"""return tag unrelated to an entity"""
	rql = "Any F + ' ' + S WHERE P surname S, P firstname F, X eid %(x)s, NOT P displayed_on X"
	return [name for (name,) in self._cw.execute(rql, {'x' : eid})]

    def js_link_to_person(self, eid, people):
	req = self._cw
	for name in people:
	    name = name.strip().title()
	    if not name:
		firstname, surname = name.split(None, 1)
		raise ValidationError(eid, {('displayed_on', 'object'): 'provide <first name> <surname>'})
	    rset = req.execute('Person P WHERE '
			       'P firstname %(firstname)s, P surname %(surname)s',
	    if rset:
		person = rset.get_entity(0, 0)
		person = req.create_entity('Person', firstname=firstname,
	    req.execute('SET P displayed_on X WHERE '
			'P eid %(p)s, X eid %(x)s, NOT P displayed_on X',
			{'p': person.eid, 'x' : eid})

    def js_unlink_person(self, eid, personeid):
	self._cw.execute('DELETE P displayed_on X WHERE P eid %(p)s, X eid %(x)s',
			 {'p': personeid, 'x': eid})

You basically subclass to configure with some class attributes. The `fname_*`
attributes give the name of methods that should be defined on the json control to
make the AJAX part of the widget work: one to get the vocabulary, one to add a
relation and another to delete a relation. These methods must start by a `js_`
prefix and are added to the controller using the `@monkeypatch`
decorator. In my case, the most complicated method is the one which adds a relation, since it tries to see if the
person already exists, and else automatically create it, assuming the user
entered "firstname surname".

Let's see how it looks like on a file primary view:

.. image:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_boxes.png

Great, it's now as easy for me to link my pictures to people than to tag them.
Also, visitors get a consistent display of these two pieces of information.

.. Note:
  The ui component system has been refactored in `CubicWeb 3.10`_, which also
  introduced the :class:`AjaxEditRelationCtxComponent` class.

Step 3: configuring facets

The last feature we'll add today is facet configuration. If you access to the
'/file' url, you'll see a set of 'facets' appearing in the left column. Facets
provide an intuitive way to build a query incrementally, by proposing to the user
various way to restrict the result set. For instance CubiWeb proposes a facet to
restrict based on who created an entity; the tag cube proposes a facet to restrict
based on tags. In that gist, I want to propose a facet to restrict based
on the people displayed on the picture. To do so, there are various classes in the
:mod:`cubicweb.web.facet` module which simply have to be configured using class
attributes as we've done for the box. In our case, we'll define a subclass of

.. sourcecode:: python

    from cubicweb.web import facet

    class DisplayedOnFacet(facet.RelationFacet):
	__regid__ = 'displayed_on-facet'
	# relation to be displayed
	rtype = 'displayed_on'
	role = 'object'
	# view to use to display persons
	label_vid = 'combobox'

Let's say we also want to filter according to the `visibility` attribute. This is
even simpler as we just have to derive from the :class:`AttributeFacet` class:

.. sourcecode:: python

    class VisibilityFacet(facet.AttributeFacet):
	__regid__ = 'visibility-facet'
	rtype = 'visibility'

Now if I search for some pictures on my site, I get the following facets available:

.. image:: ../../images/tutos-photowebsite_facets.png

.. Note:

  Facets which have no choice to propose (i.e. one or less elements of
  vocabulary) are not displayed. This may be why you don't see yours.


We started to see the power behind the infrastructure provided by the
framework, both on the pure ui (CSS, Javascript) side and on the Python side
(high level generic classes for components, including boxes and facets). We now
have, with a few lines of code, a full-featured web site with a personalized look.

Of course we'll probably want more as time goes, but we can now
concentrate on making good pictures, publishing albums and sharing them with

.. _`CubicWeb 3.10`:
.. _`CubicWeb 3.9`:
.. _`here`: