[testlib] temporary_appobjects should call __registered__ if it exists. Closes #3064075
# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
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"""cubicweb.server.sources.ldapusers unit and functional tests"""
import os
import sys
import shutil
import time
from os.path import join, exists
import subprocess
import tempfile
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main, mock_object, Tags
from cubicweb import AuthenticationError
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from cubicweb.devtools.repotest import RQLGeneratorTC
from cubicweb.devtools.httptest import get_available_port
from cubicweb.devtools import get_test_db_handler
from cubicweb.server.sources.ldapuser import GlobTrFunc, UnknownEid, RQL2LDAPFilter
URL = None
def create_slapd_configuration(cls):
global URL
slapddir = tempfile.mkdtemp('cw-unittest-ldap')
config = cls.config
slapdconf = join(config.apphome, "slapd.conf")
confin = file(join(config.apphome, "slapd.conf.in")).read()
confstream = file(slapdconf, 'w')
confstream.write(confin % {'apphome': config.apphome, 'testdir': slapddir})
# fill ldap server with some data
ldiffile = join(config.apphome, "ldap_test.ldif")
config.info('Initing ldap database')
cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/slapadd', '-f', slapdconf, '-l', ldiffile, '-c']
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
slapproc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = slapproc.communicate()
if slapproc.returncode:
print >> sys.stderr, ('slapadd returned with status: %s'
% slapproc.returncode)
#ldapuri = 'ldapi://' + join(basedir, "ldapi").replace('/', '%2f')
port = get_available_port(xrange(9000, 9100))
host = 'localhost:%s' % port
ldapuri = 'ldap://%s' % host
cmdline = ["/usr/sbin/slapd", "-f", slapdconf, "-h", ldapuri, "-d", "0"]
config.info('Starting slapd:', ' '.join(cmdline))
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
cls.slapd_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
if cls.slapd_process.poll() is None:
config.info('slapd started with pid %s', cls.slapd_process.pid)
raise EnvironmentError('Cannot start slapd with cmdline="%s" (from directory "%s")' %
(" ".join(cmdline), os.getcwd()))
URL = u'ldap://%s' % host
return slapddir
def terminate_slapd(cls):
config = cls.config
if cls.slapd_process and cls.slapd_process.returncode is None:
config.info('terminating slapd')
if hasattr(cls.slapd_process, 'terminate'):
import os, signal
os.kill(cls.slapd_process.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
stdout, stderr = cls.slapd_process.communicate()
if cls.slapd_process.returncode:
print >> sys.stderr, ('slapd returned with status: %s'
% cls.slapd_process.returncode)
class LDAPFeedTestBase(CubicWebTC):
test_db_id = 'ldap-feed'
loglevel = 'ERROR'
def setUpClass(cls):
from cubicweb.cwctl import init_cmdline_log_threshold
init_cmdline_log_threshold(cls.config, cls.loglevel)
cls._tmpdir = create_slapd_configuration(cls)
def tearDownClass(cls):
def pre_setup_database(cls, session, config):
session.create_entity('CWSource', name=u'ldap', type=u'ldapfeed', parser=u'ldapfeed',
return cls._pull(session)
def _pull(cls, session):
with session.repo.internal_session() as isession:
lfsource = isession.repo.sources_by_uri['ldap']
stats = lfsource.pull_data(isession, force=True, raise_on_error=True)
return stats
def pull(self):
return self._pull(self.session)
def setup_database(self):
with self.session.repo.internal_session(safe=True) as session:
session.execute('DELETE Any E WHERE E cw_source S, S name "ldap"')
session.execute('SET S config %(conf)s, S url %(url)s '
'WHERE S is CWSource, S name "ldap"',
{"conf": CONFIG_LDAPFEED, 'url': URL} )
def add_ldap_entry(self, dn, mods):
add an LDAP entity
modcmd = ['dn: %s'%dn, 'changetype: add']
for key, values in mods.iteritems():
if isinstance(values, basestring):
values = [values]
for value in values:
modcmd.append('%s: %s'%(key, value))
def delete_ldap_entry(self, dn):
delete an LDAP entity
modcmd = ['dn: %s'%dn, 'changetype: delete']
def update_ldap_entry(self, dn, mods):
modify one or more attributes of an LDAP entity
modcmd = ['dn: %s'%dn, 'changetype: modify']
for (kind, key), values in mods.iteritems():
modcmd.append('%s: %s' % (kind, key))
if isinstance(values, basestring):
values = [values]
for value in values:
modcmd.append('%s: %s'%(key, value))
def _ldapmodify(self, modcmd):
uri = self.repo.sources_by_uri['ldap'].urls[0]
updatecmd = ['ldapmodify', '-H', uri, '-v', '-x', '-D',
'cn=admin,dc=cubicweb,dc=test', '-w', 'cw']
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
p = subprocess.Popen(updatecmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
if p.wait():
raise RuntimeError("ldap update failed: %s"%('\n'.join(p.stderr.readlines())))
class CheckWrongGroup(LDAPFeedTestBase):
A testcase for situations where the default group for CWUser
created from LDAP is wrongly configured.
def test_wrong_group(self):
with self.session.repo.internal_session(safe=True) as session:
source = self.session.execute('CWSource S WHERE S type="ldapfeed"').get_entity(0,0)
config = source.repo_source.check_config(source)
# inject a bogus group here, along with at least a valid one
config['user-default-group'] = ('thisgroupdoesnotexists','users')
source.repo_source.update_config(source, config)
# here we emitted an error log entry
stats = source.repo_source.pull_data(session, force=True, raise_on_error=True)
class LDAPFeedUserTC(LDAPFeedTestBase):
A testcase for CWUser support in ldapfeed (basic tests and authentication).
def assertMetadata(self, entity):
def test_authenticate(self):
source = self.repo.sources_by_uri['ldap']
# ensure we won't be logged against
source.authenticate, self.session, 'toto', 'toto')
self.assertTrue(source.authenticate(self.session, 'syt', 'syt'))
self.assertTrue(self.repo.connect('syt', password='syt'))
def test_base(self):
# check a known one
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})
e = rset.get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.login, 'syt')
self.assertEqual(e.firstname, None)
self.assertEqual(e.surname, None)
self.assertTrue('users' in [g.name for g in e.in_group])
self.assertEqual(e.owned_by[0].login, 'syt')
self.assertEqual(e.created_by, ())
addresses = [pe.address for pe in e.use_email]
self.assertEqual(['sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr', 'syt@logilab.fr'],
self.assertIn(e.primary_email[0].address, ['sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr',
# email content should be indexed on the user
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X has_text "thenault"')
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[e.eid]])
def test_copy_to_system_source(self):
"make sure we can 'convert' an LDAP user into a system one"
source = self.repo.sources_by_uri['ldap']
eid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})[0][0]
self.sexecute('SET X cw_source S WHERE X eid %(x)s, S name "system"', {'x': eid})
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
e = rset.get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.eid, eid)
self.assertEqual(e.cw_metainformation(), {'source': {'type': u'native',
'uri': u'system',
'use-cwuri-as-url': False},
'type': 'CWUser',
'extid': None})
self.assertEqual(e.cw_source[0].name, 'system')
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
self.session, 'syt', password='syt'))
# make sure the pull from ldap have not "reverted" user as a ldap-feed user
self.assertEqual(e.cw_metainformation(), {'source': {'type': u'native',
'uri': u'system',
'use-cwuri-as-url': False},
'type': 'CWUser',
'extid': None})
# and that the password stored in the system source is not empty or so
user = self.execute('CWUser U WHERE U login "syt"').get_entity(0, 0)
pwd = self.session.system_sql("SELECT cw_upassword FROM cw_cwuser WHERE cw_login='syt';").fetchall()[0][0]
class LDAPFeedUserDeletionTC(LDAPFeedTestBase):
A testcase for situations where users are deleted from or
unavailabe in the LDAP database.
def test_a_filter_inactivate(self):
""" filtered out people should be deactivated, unable to authenticate """
source = self.session.execute('CWSource S WHERE S type="ldapfeed"').get_entity(0,0)
config = source.repo_source.check_config(source)
# filter with adim's phone number
config['user-filter'] = u'(%s=%s)' % ('telephoneNumber', '109')
source.repo_source.update_config(source, config)
self.assertRaises(AuthenticationError, self.repo.connect, 'syt', password='syt')
self.assertEqual(self.execute('Any N WHERE U login "syt", '
'U in_state S, S name N').rows[0][0],
self.assertEqual(self.execute('Any N WHERE U login "adim", '
'U in_state S, S name N').rows[0][0],
# unfilter, syt should be activated again
config['user-filter'] = u''
source.repo_source.update_config(source, config)
self.assertEqual(self.execute('Any N WHERE U login "syt", '
'U in_state S, S name N').rows[0][0],
self.assertEqual(self.execute('Any N WHERE U login "adim", '
'U in_state S, S name N').rows[0][0],
def test_delete(self):
""" delete syt, pull, check deactivation, repull,
read syt, pull, check activation
self.assertRaises(AuthenticationError, self.repo.connect, 'syt', password='syt')
self.assertEqual(self.execute('Any N WHERE U login "syt", '
'U in_state S, S name N').rows[0][0],
# check that it doesn't choke
# reinsert syt
{ 'objectClass': ['OpenLDAPperson','posixAccount','top','shadowAccount'],
'cn': 'Sylvain Thenault',
'sn': 'Thenault',
'gidNumber': '1004',
'uid': 'syt',
'homeDirectory': '/home/syt',
'shadowFlag': '134538764',
'uidNumber': '1004',
'givenName': 'Sylvain',
'telephoneNumber': '106',
'displayName': 'sthenault',
'gecos': 'Sylvain Thenault',
'mail': ['sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr','syt@logilab.fr'],
'userPassword': 'syt',
self.assertEqual(self.execute('Any N WHERE U login "syt", '
'U in_state S, S name N').rows[0][0],
def test_reactivate_deleted(self):
# test reactivating BY HAND the user isn't enough to
# authenticate, as the native source refuse to authenticate
# user from other sources
# reactivate user (which source is still ldap-feed)
user = self.execute('CWUser U WHERE U login "syt"').get_entity(0, 0)
with self.assertRaises(AuthenticationError):
self.repo.connect('syt', password='syt')
# ok now let's try to make it a system user
self.sexecute('SET X cw_source S WHERE X eid %(x)s, S name "system"', {'x': user.eid})
# and that we can now authenticate again
self.assertRaises(AuthenticationError, self.repo.connect, 'syt', password='toto')
self.assertTrue(self.repo.connect('syt', password='syt'))
class LDAPFeedGroupTC(LDAPFeedTestBase):
A testcase for group support in ldapfeed.
def test_groups_exist(self):
rset = self.sexecute('CWGroup X WHERE X name "dir"')
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
rset = self.sexecute('CWGroup X WHERE X cw_source S, S name "ldap"')
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 2)
def test_group_deleted(self):
rset = self.sexecute('CWGroup X WHERE X name "dir"')
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
def test_in_group(self):
rset = self.sexecute('CWGroup X WHERE X name %(name)s', {'name': 'dir'})
dirgroup = rset.get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(set(['syt', 'adim']),
set([u.login for u in dirgroup.reverse_in_group]))
rset = self.sexecute('CWGroup X WHERE X name %(name)s', {'name': 'logilab'})
logilabgroup = rset.get_entity(0, 0)
set([u.login for u in logilabgroup.reverse_in_group]))
def test_group_member_added(self):
rset = self.sexecute('Any L WHERE U in_group G, G name %(name)s, U login L',
{'name': 'logilab'})
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
self.assertEqual(rset[0][0], 'adim')
{('add', 'memberUid'): ['syt']})
time.sleep(1.1) # timestamps precision is 1s
rset = self.sexecute('Any L WHERE U in_group G, G name %(name)s, U login L',
{'name': 'logilab'})
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 2)
members = set([u[0] for u in rset])
self.assertEqual(set(['adim', 'syt']), members)
# back to normal ldap setup
def test_group_member_deleted(self):
self.pull() # ensure we are sync'ed
rset = self.sexecute('Any L WHERE U in_group G, G name %(name)s, U login L',
{'name': 'logilab'})
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 1)
self.assertEqual(rset[0][0], 'adim')
{('delete', 'memberUid'): ['adim']})
time.sleep(1.1) # timestamps precision is 1s
rset = self.sexecute('Any L WHERE U in_group G, G name %(name)s, U login L',
{'name': 'logilab'})
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 0)
# back to normal ldap setup
class LDAPUserSourceTC(LDAPFeedTestBase):
test_db_id = 'ldap-user'
tags = CubicWebTC.tags | Tags(('ldap'))
def pre_setup_database(cls, session, config):
session.create_entity('CWSource', name=u'ldap', type=u'ldapuser',
# XXX keep it there
session.execute('CWUser U')
def setup_database(self):
# XXX a traceback may appear in the logs of the test due to
# the _init_repo method that may fail to connect to the ldap
# source if its URI has changed (from what is stored in the
# database). This TB is NOT a failure or so.
with self.session.repo.internal_session(safe=True) as session:
session.execute('SET S url %(url)s, S config %(conf)s '
'WHERE S is CWSource, S name "ldap"',
{"conf": CONFIG_LDAPUSER, 'url': URL} )
def assertMetadata(self, entity):
self.assertEqual(entity.creation_date, None)
self.assertEqual(entity.modification_date, None)
def test_synchronize(self):
source = self.repo.sources_by_uri['ldap']
def test_base(self):
# check a known one
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})
e = rset.get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.login, 'syt')
self.assertEqual(e.firstname, None)
self.assertEqual(e.surname, None)
self.assertEqual(e.in_group[0].name, 'users')
self.assertEqual(e.owned_by[0].login, 'syt')
self.assertEqual(e.created_by, ())
addresses = [pe.address for pe in e.use_email]
# should habe two element but ldapuser seems buggy. It's going to be dropped anyway.
self.assertEqual(['sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr',], # 'syt@logilab.fr'],
['sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr', 'syt@logilab.fr'])
# email content should be indexed on the user
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X has_text "thenault"')
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[e.eid]])
def test_not(self):
eid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})[0][0]
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE NOT X eid %s' % eid)
self.assert_(not eid in (r[0] for r in rset))
def test_multiple(self):
seid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})[0][0]
aeid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'adim'})[0][0]
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X, Y WHERE X login %(syt)s, Y login %(adim)s',
{'syt': 'syt', 'adim': 'adim'})
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[seid, aeid]])
rset = self.sexecute('Any X,Y,L WHERE X login L, X login %(syt)s, Y login %(adim)s',
{'syt': 'syt', 'adim': 'adim'})
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[seid, aeid, 'syt']])
def test_in(self):
seid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})[0][0]
aeid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'adim'})[0][0]
rset = self.sexecute('Any X,L ORDERBY L WHERE X login IN("%s", "%s"), X login L' % ('syt', 'adim'))
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[aeid, 'adim'], [seid, 'syt']])
def test_relations(self):
eid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})[0][0]
rset = self.sexecute('Any X,E WHERE X is CWUser, X login L, X primary_email E')
self.assert_(eid in (r[0] for r in rset))
rset = self.sexecute('Any X,L,E WHERE X is CWUser, X login L, X primary_email E')
self.assert_('syt' in (r[1] for r in rset))
def test_count(self):
nbusers = self.sexecute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is CWUser')[0][0]
# just check this is a possible number
self.assert_(nbusers > 1, nbusers)
self.assert_(nbusers < 30, nbusers)
def test_upper(self):
eid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})[0][0]
rset = self.sexecute('Any UPPER(L) WHERE X eid %s, X login L' % eid)
self.assertEqual(rset[0][0], 'syt'.upper())
def test_unknown_attr(self):
eid = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})[0][0]
rset = self.sexecute('Any L,C,M WHERE X eid %s, X login L, '
'X creation_date C, X modification_date M' % eid)
self.assertEqual(rset[0][0], 'syt')
self.assertEqual(rset[0][1], None)
self.assertEqual(rset[0][2], None)
def test_sort(self):
logins = [l for l, in self.sexecute('Any L ORDERBY L WHERE X login L')]
self.assertEqual(logins, sorted(logins))
def test_lower_sort(self):
logins = [l for l, in self.sexecute('Any L ORDERBY lower(L) WHERE X login L')]
self.assertEqual(logins, sorted(logins))
def test_or(self):
rset = self.sexecute('DISTINCT Any X WHERE X login %(login)s OR (X in_group G, G name "managers")',
{'login': 'syt'})
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 2, rset.rows) # syt + admin
def test_nonregr_set_owned_by(self):
# test that when a user coming from ldap is triggering a transition
# the related TrInfo has correct owner information
self.sexecute('SET X in_group G WHERE X login %(syt)s, G name "managers"', {'syt': 'syt'})
syt = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual([g.name for g in syt.in_group], ['managers', 'users'])
cnx = self.login('syt', password='syt')
cu = cnx.cursor()
adim = cu.execute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'adim'}).get_entity(0, 0)
iworkflowable = adim.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable')
self.assertEqual(adim.in_state[0].name, 'deactivated')
trinfo = iworkflowable.latest_trinfo()
self.assertEqual(trinfo.owned_by[0].login, 'syt')
# select from_state to skip the user's creation TrInfo
rset = self.sexecute('Any U ORDERBY D DESC WHERE WF wf_info_for X,'
'WF creation_date D, WF from_state FS,'
'WF owned_by U?, X eid %(x)s',
{'x': adim.eid})
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[syt.eid]])
# restore db state
adim = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'adim'}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.sexecute('DELETE X in_group G WHERE X login %(syt)s, G name "managers"', {'syt': 'syt'})
def test_same_column_names(self):
self.sexecute('Any X, Y WHERE X copain Y, X login "comme", Y login "cochon"')
def test_multiple_entities_from_different_sources(self):
req = self.request()
self.create_user(req, 'cochon')
self.assertTrue(self.sexecute('Any X,Y WHERE X login %(syt)s, Y login "cochon"', {'syt': 'syt'}))
def test_exists1(self):
self.session.create_entity('CWGroup', name=u'bougloup1')
self.session.create_entity('CWGroup', name=u'bougloup2')
self.sexecute('SET U in_group G WHERE G name ~= "bougloup%", U login "admin"')
self.sexecute('SET U in_group G WHERE G name = "bougloup1", U login %(syt)s', {'syt': 'syt'})
rset = self.sexecute('Any L,SN ORDERBY L WHERE X in_state S, '
'S name SN, X login L, EXISTS(X in_group G, G name ~= "bougloup%")')
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [['admin', 'activated'], ['syt', 'activated']])
def test_exists2(self):
req = self.request()
self.create_user(req, 'comme')
self.create_user(req, 'cochon')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "comme", Y login "cochon"')
rset = self.sexecute('Any GN ORDERBY GN WHERE X in_group G, G name GN, '
'(G name "managers" OR EXISTS(X copain T, T login in ("comme", "cochon")))')
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [['managers'], ['users']])
def test_exists3(self):
req = self.request()
self.create_user(req, 'comme')
self.create_user(req, 'cochon')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "comme", Y login "cochon"')
self.assertTrue(self.sexecute('Any X, Y WHERE X copain Y, X login "comme", Y login "cochon"'))
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login %(syt)s, Y login "cochon"', {'syt': 'syt'})
self.assertTrue(self.sexecute('Any X, Y WHERE X copain Y, X login %(syt)s, Y login "cochon"', {'syt': 'syt'}))
rset = self.sexecute('Any GN,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name GN, G name "managers" '
'OR EXISTS(X copain T, T login in ("comme", "cochon"))')
self.assertEqual(sorted(rset.rows), [['managers', 'admin'], ['users', 'comme'], ['users', 'syt']])
def test_exists4(self):
req = self.request()
self.create_user(req, 'comme')
self.create_user(req, 'cochon', groups=('users', 'guests'))
self.create_user(req, 'billy')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "comme", Y login "cochon"')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "cochon", Y login "cochon"')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "comme", Y login "billy"')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login %(syt)s, Y login "billy"', {'syt': 'syt'})
# search for group name, login where
# CWUser copain with "comme" or "cochon" AND same login as the copain
# OR
# CWUser in_state activated AND not copain with billy
# SO we expect everybody but "comme" and "syt"
rset= self.sexecute('Any GN,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name GN, '
'EXISTS(X copain T, T login L, T login in ("comme", "cochon")) OR '
'EXISTS(X in_state S, S name "activated", NOT X copain T2, T2 login "billy")')
all = self.sexecute('Any GN, L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name GN')
all.rows.remove(['users', 'comme'])
all.rows.remove(['users', 'syt'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(rset.rows), sorted(all.rows))
def test_exists5(self):
req = self.request()
self.create_user(req, 'comme')
self.create_user(req, 'cochon', groups=('users', 'guests'))
self.create_user(req, 'billy')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "comme", Y login "cochon"')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "cochon", Y login "cochon"')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login "comme", Y login "billy"')
self.sexecute('SET X copain Y WHERE X login %(syt)s, Y login "cochon"', {'syt': 'syt'})
rset= self.sexecute('Any L WHERE X login L, '
'EXISTS(X copain T, T login in ("comme", "cochon")) AND '
'NOT EXISTS(X copain T2, T2 login "billy")')
self.assertEqual(sorted(rset.rows), [['cochon'], ['syt']])
rset= self.sexecute('Any GN,L WHERE X in_group G, X login L, G name GN, '
'EXISTS(X copain T, T login in ("comme", "cochon")) AND '
'NOT EXISTS(X copain T2, T2 login "billy")')
self.assertEqual(sorted(rset.rows), [['guests', 'cochon'],
['users', 'cochon'],
['users', 'syt']])
def test_cd_restriction(self):
rset = self.sexecute('CWUser X WHERE X creation_date > "2009-02-01"')
# admin/anon but no ldap user since it doesn't support creation_date
self.assertEqual(sorted(e.login for e in rset.entities()),
['admin', 'anon'])
def test_union(self):
afeids = self.sexecute('State X')
ueids = self.sexecute('CWUser X')
rset = self.sexecute('(Any X WHERE X is State) UNION (Any X WHERE X is CWUser)')
self.assertEqual(sorted(r[0] for r in rset.rows),
sorted(r[0] for r in afeids + ueids))
def _init_security_test(self):
req = self.request()
self.create_user(req, 'iaminguestsgrouponly', groups=('guests',))
cnx = self.login('iaminguestsgrouponly')
return cnx.cursor()
def test_security1(self):
cu = self._init_security_test()
rset = cu.execute('CWUser X WHERE X login %(login)s', {'login': 'syt'})
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [])
rset = cu.execute('Any X WHERE X login "iaminguestsgrouponly"')
self.assertEqual(len(rset.rows), 1)
def test_security2(self):
cu = self._init_security_test()
rset = cu.execute('Any X WHERE X has_text %(syt)s', {'syt': 'syt'})
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [])
rset = cu.execute('Any X WHERE X has_text "iaminguestsgrouponly"')
self.assertEqual(len(rset.rows), 1)
def test_security3(self):
cu = self._init_security_test()
rset = cu.execute('Any F WHERE X has_text %(syt)s, X firstname F', {'syt': 'syt'})
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [])
rset = cu.execute('Any F WHERE X has_text "iaminguestsgrouponly", X firstname F')
self.assertEqual(rset.rows, [[None]])
def test_nonregr1(self):
self.sexecute('Any X,AA ORDERBY AA DESC WHERE E eid %(x)s, E owned_by X, '
'X modification_date AA',
{'x': self.session.user.eid})
def test_nonregr2(self):
self.sexecute('Any X,L,AA WHERE E eid %(x)s, E owned_by X, '
'X login L, X modification_date AA',
{'x': self.session.user.eid})
def test_nonregr3(self):
self.sexecute('Any X,AA ORDERBY AA DESC WHERE E eid %(x)s, '
'X modification_date AA',
{'x': self.session.user.eid})
def test_nonregr4(self):
emaileid = self.sexecute('INSERT EmailAddress X: X address "toto@logilab.org"')[0][0]
self.sexecute('Any X,AA WHERE X use_email Y, Y eid %(x)s, X modification_date AA',
{'x': emaileid})
def test_nonregr5(self):
# original jpl query:
# Any X, NOW - CD, P WHERE P is Project, U interested_in P, U is CWUser,
# U login "sthenault", X concerns P, X creation_date CD ORDERBY CD DESC LIMIT 5
rql = ('Any X, NOW - CD, P ORDERBY CD DESC LIMIT 5 WHERE P bookmarked_by U, '
'U login "%s", P is X, X creation_date CD') % self.session.user.login
self.sexecute(rql, )#{'x': })
def test_nonregr6(self):
self.sexecute('Any B,U,UL GROUPBY B,U,UL WHERE B created_by U?, B is File '
'WITH U,UL BEING (Any U,UL WHERE ME eid %(x)s, (EXISTS(U identity ME) '
'OR (EXISTS(U in_group G, G name IN("managers", "staff")))) '
'OR (EXISTS(U in_group H, ME in_group H, NOT H name "users")), U login UL, U is CWUser)',
{'x': self.session.user.eid})
class GlobTrFuncTC(TestCase):
def test_count(self):
trfunc = GlobTrFunc('count', 0)
res = trfunc.apply([[1], [2], [3], [4]])
self.assertEqual(res, [[4]])
trfunc = GlobTrFunc('count', 1)
res = trfunc.apply([[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 6], [1, 5]])
self.assertEqual(res, [[1, 2], [2, 1], [3, 1]])
def test_sum(self):
trfunc = GlobTrFunc('sum', 0)
res = trfunc.apply([[1], [2], [3], [4]])
self.assertEqual(res, [[10]])
trfunc = GlobTrFunc('sum', 1)
res = trfunc.apply([[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 6], [1, 5]])
self.assertEqual(res, [[1, 7], [2, 4], [3, 6]])
def test_min(self):
trfunc = GlobTrFunc('min', 0)
res = trfunc.apply([[1], [2], [3], [4]])
self.assertEqual(res, [[1]])
trfunc = GlobTrFunc('min', 1)
res = trfunc.apply([[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 6], [1, 5]])
self.assertEqual(res, [[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 6]])
def test_max(self):
trfunc = GlobTrFunc('max', 0)
res = trfunc.apply([[1], [2], [3], [4]])
self.assertEqual(res, [[4]])
trfunc = GlobTrFunc('max', 1)
res = trfunc.apply([[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 6], [1, 5]])
self.assertEqual(res, [[1, 5], [2, 4], [3, 6]])
class RQL2LDAPFilterTC(RQLGeneratorTC):
tags = RQLGeneratorTC.tags | Tags(('ldap'))
def schema(self):
"""return the application schema"""
return self._schema
def setUp(self):
self.handler = get_test_db_handler(LDAPUserSourceTC.config)
self.handler.build_db_cache('ldap-rqlgenerator', LDAPUserSourceTC.pre_setup_database)
self._repo = repo = self.handler.get_repo()
self._schema = repo.schema
super(RQL2LDAPFilterTC, self).setUp()
ldapsource = repo.sources[-1]
self.cnxset = repo._get_cnxset()
session = mock_object(cnxset=self.cnxset)
self.o = RQL2LDAPFilter(ldapsource, session)
self.ldapclasses = ''.join(ldapsource.base_filters)
def tearDown(self):
super(RQL2LDAPFilterTC, self).tearDown()
def test_base(self):
rqlst = self._prepare('CWUser X WHERE X login "toto"').children[0]
self.assertEqual(self.o.generate(rqlst, 'X')[1],
'(&%s(uid=toto))' % self.ldapclasses)
def test_kwargs(self):
rqlst = self._prepare('CWUser X WHERE X login %(x)s').children[0]
self.o._args = {'x': "toto"}
self.assertEqual(self.o.generate(rqlst, 'X')[1],
'(&%s(uid=toto))' % self.ldapclasses)
def test_get_attr(self):
rqlst = self._prepare('Any X WHERE E firstname X, E eid 12').children[0]
self.assertRaises(UnknownEid, self.o.generate, rqlst, 'E')
if __name__ == '__main__':