[etwist] clear ui cache at server startup time. Closes #1806933
this avoid pb when cubicweb/cubes provide new version of some js/css and also accumulating junk in the cache directories
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"""RQL to SQL generator for native sources.
SQL queries optimization
1. CWUser X WHERE X in_group G, G name 'users':
CWUser is the only subject entity type for the in_group relation,
which allow us to do ::
SELECT eid_from FROM in_group, CWGroup
WHERE in_group.eid_to = CWGroup.eid_from
AND CWGroup.name = 'users'
2. Any X WHERE X nonfinal1 Y, Y nonfinal2 Z
-> direct join between nonfinal1 and nonfinal2, whatever X,Y, Z (unless
NOT IMPLEMENTED (and quite hard to implement)
Potential optimization information is collected by the querier, sql generation
is done according to this information
cross RDMS note : read `Comparison of different SQL implementations`_
by Troels Arvin. Features SQL ISO Standard, PG, mysql, Oracle, MS SQL, DB2
and Informix.
.. _Comparison of different SQL implementations: http://www.troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import threading
from datetime import datetime, time
from logilab.common.date import utcdatetime, utctime
from logilab.database import FunctionDescr, SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY
from rql import BadRQLQuery, CoercionError
from rql.stmts import Union, Select
from rql.nodes import (SortTerm, VariableRef, Constant, Function, Variable, Or,
Not, Comparison, ColumnAlias, Relation, SubQuery, Exists)
from cubicweb import QueryError
from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import SQL_PREFIX
from cubicweb.server.utils import cleanup_solutions
ColumnAlias._q_invariant = False # avoid to check for ColumnAlias / Variable
FunctionDescr.source_execute = None
def default_update_cb_stack(self, stack):
FunctionDescr.update_cb_stack = default_update_cb_stack
get_func_descr = SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.get_function
LENGTH = get_func_descr('LENGTH')
def length_source_execute(source, session, value):
return len(value.getvalue())
LENGTH.source_execute = length_source_execute
def _new_var(select, varname):
newvar = select.get_variable(varname)
if not 'relations' in newvar.stinfo:
# not yet initialized
newvar.stinfo['scope'] = select
newvar._q_invariant = False
return newvar
def _fill_to_wrap_rel(var, newselect, towrap, schema):
for rel in var.stinfo['relations'] - var.stinfo['rhsrelations']:
rschema = schema.rschema(rel.r_type)
if rschema.inlined:
towrap.add( (var, rel) )
for vref in rel.children[1].iget_nodes(VariableRef):
newivar = _new_var(newselect, vref.name)
_fill_to_wrap_rel(vref.variable, newselect, towrap, schema)
elif rschema.final:
towrap.add( (var, rel) )
for vref in rel.children[1].iget_nodes(VariableRef):
newivar = _new_var(newselect, vref.name)
newivar.stinfo['attrvar'] = (var, rel.r_type)
def rewrite_unstable_outer_join(select, solutions, unstable, schema):
"""if some optional variables are unstable, they should be selected in a
subquery. This function check this and rewrite the rql syntax tree if
necessary (in place). Return a boolean telling if the tree has been modified
modified = False
for varname in tuple(unstable):
var = select.defined_vars[varname]
if not var.stinfo.get('optrelations'):
newselect = Select()
newselect.need_distinct = False
myunion = Union()
# extract aliases / selection
newvar = _new_var(newselect, var.name)
newselect.selection = [VariableRef(newvar)]
towrap_rels = set()
_fill_to_wrap_rel(var, newselect, towrap_rels, schema)
# extract relations
for var, rel in towrap_rels:
newrel = rel.copy(newselect)
if rel.optional in ('left', 'both'):
for vref in newrel.children[1].iget_nodes(VariableRef):
var = vref.variable
if rel.optional in ('right', 'both'):
if not select.where and not modified:
# oops, generated the same thing as the original select....
# restore original query, else we'll indefinitly loop
for var, rel in towrap_rels:
modified = True
# extract subquery solutions
mysolutions = [sol.copy() for sol in solutions]
cleanup_solutions(newselect, mysolutions)
# full sub-query
aliases = [VariableRef(select.get_variable(avar.name, i))
for i, avar in enumerate(newselect.selection)]
select.add_subquery(SubQuery(aliases, myunion), check=False)
return modified
def _new_solutions(rqlst, solutions):
"""first filter out subqueries variables from solutions"""
newsolutions = []
for origsol in solutions:
asol = {}
for vname in rqlst.defined_vars:
asol[vname] = origsol[vname]
if not asol in newsolutions:
return newsolutions
def remove_unused_solutions(rqlst, solutions, varmap, schema):
"""cleanup solutions: remove solutions where invariant variables are taking
different types
newsols = _new_solutions(rqlst, solutions)
existssols = {}
unstable = set()
invariants = {}
for vname, var in rqlst.defined_vars.iteritems():
vtype = newsols[0][vname]
if var._q_invariant or vname in varmap:
# remove invariant variable from solutions to remove duplicates
# later, then reinserting a type for the variable even later
for sol in newsols:
invariants.setdefault(id(sol), {})[vname] = sol.pop(vname)
elif var.scope is not rqlst:
# move appart variables which are in a EXISTS scope and are variating
thisexistssols, thisexistsvars = existssols[var.scope]
except KeyError:
thisexistssols = [newsols[0]]
thisexistsvars = set()
existssols[var.scope] = thisexistssols, thisexistsvars
for i in xrange(len(newsols)-1, 0, -1):
if vtype != newsols[i][vname]:
# remember unstable variables
for i in xrange(1, len(newsols)):
if vtype != newsols[i][vname]:
if invariants:
# filter out duplicates
newsols_ = []
for sol in newsols:
if not sol in newsols_:
newsols = newsols_
# reinsert solutions for invariants
for sol in newsols:
for invvar, vartype in invariants[id(sol)].iteritems():
sol[invvar] = vartype
for sol in existssols:
for invvar, vartype in invariants[id(sol)].iteritems():
sol[invvar] = vartype
except KeyError:
if len(newsols) > 1:
if rewrite_unstable_outer_join(rqlst, newsols, unstable, schema):
# remove variables extracted to subqueries from solutions
newsols = _new_solutions(rqlst, newsols)
return newsols, existssols, unstable
def relation_info(relation):
lhs, rhs = relation.get_variable_parts()
lhs = lhs.variable
lhsconst = lhs.stinfo['constnode']
except AttributeError:
lhsconst = lhs
lhs = None
except KeyError:
lhsconst = None # ColumnAlias
rhs = rhs.variable
rhsconst = rhs.stinfo['constnode']
except AttributeError:
rhsconst = rhs
rhs = None
except KeyError:
rhsconst = None # ColumnAlias
return lhs, lhsconst, rhs, rhsconst
def switch_relation_field(sql, table=''):
switchedsql = sql.replace(table + '.eid_from', '__eid_from__')
switchedsql = switchedsql.replace(table + '.eid_to',
table + '.eid_from')
return switchedsql.replace('__eid_from__', table + '.eid_to')
def sort_term_selection(sorts, rqlst, groups):
# XXX beurk
if isinstance(rqlst, list):
def append(term):
selectionidx = set(str(term) for term in rqlst)
def append(term):
selectionidx = set(str(term) for term in rqlst.selection)
for sortterm in sorts:
term = sortterm.term
if not isinstance(term, Constant) and not str(term) in selectionidx:
if groups:
for vref in term.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
if not vref in groups:
def fix_selection_and_group(rqlst, needwrap, selectsortterms,
sorts, groups, having):
if selectsortterms and sorts:
sort_term_selection(sorts, rqlst, not needwrap and groups)
groupvrefs = [vref for term in groups for vref in term.iget_nodes(VariableRef)]
if sorts and groups:
# when a query is grouped, ensure sort terms are grouped as well
for sortterm in sorts:
term = sortterm.term
if not (isinstance(term, Constant) or \
(isinstance(term, Function) and
for vref in term.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
if not vref in groupvrefs:
if needwrap and (groups or having):
selectedidx = set(vref.name for term in rqlst.selection
for vref in term.get_nodes(VariableRef))
if groups:
for vref in groupvrefs:
if vref.name not in selectedidx:
if having:
for term in having:
for vref in term.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
if vref.name not in selectedidx:
def iter_mapped_var_sels(stmt, variable):
# variable is a Variable or ColumnAlias node mapped to a source side
# callback
if not (len(variable.stinfo['rhsrelations']) <= 1 and # < 1 on column alias
raise QueryError("can't use %s as a restriction variable"
% variable.name)
for selectidx in variable.stinfo['selected']:
vrefs = stmt.selection[selectidx].get_nodes(VariableRef)
if len(vrefs) != 1:
raise QueryError()
yield selectidx, vrefs[0]
def update_source_cb_stack(state, stmt, node, stack):
while True:
node = node.parent
if node is stmt:
if not isinstance(node, Function):
raise QueryError()
funcd = get_func_descr(node.name)
if funcd.source_execute is None:
raise QueryError('%s can not be called on mapped attribute'
% node.name)
# IGenerator implementation for RQL->SQL #######################################
class StateInfo(object):
"""this class stores data accumulated during the RQL syntax tree visit
for later SQL generation.
Attributes related to OUTER JOIN handling
* `outer_chains`, list of list of strings. Each list represent a tables
that have to be outer joined together.
* `outer_tables`, dictionnary used as index of tables used in outer join ::
'table alias': (outertype, [conditions], [chain])
* `outertype` is one of None, 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'FULL'
* `conditions` is a list of join conditions (string)
* `chain` is a list of table alias (the *outer chain*) in which the key
alias appears
* `outer_pending` is a dictionary containing some conditions that will have
to be added to the outer join when the table will be turned into an
outerjoin ::
'table alias': [conditions]
def __init__(self, select, existssols, unstablevars):
self.existssols = existssols
self.unstablevars = unstablevars
self.subtables = {}
self.needs_source_cb = None
self.subquery_source_cb = None
self.source_cb_funcs = set()
self.scopes = {select: 0}
self.scope_nodes = []
def reset(self, solution):
"""reset some visit variables"""
self.solution = solution
self.count = 0
self.done = set()
self.tables = self.subtables.copy()
self.actual_tables = [[]]
for _, tsql in self.tables.itervalues():
self.outer_chains = []
self.outer_tables = {}
self.outer_pending = {}
self.duplicate_switches = []
self.aliases = {}
self.restrictions = []
self._restr_stack = []
self.ignore_varmap = False
self._needs_source_cb = {}
def merge_source_cbs(self, needs_source_cb):
if self.needs_source_cb is None:
self.needs_source_cb = needs_source_cb
elif needs_source_cb != self.needs_source_cb:
raise QueryError('query fetch some source mapped attribute, some not')
def finalize_source_cbs(self):
if self.subquery_source_cb is not None:
def add_restriction(self, restr):
if restr:
def iter_exists_sols(self, exists):
if not exists in self.existssols:
yield 1
thisexistssols, thisexistsvars = self.existssols[exists]
# when iterating other solutions inner to an EXISTS subquery, we should
# reset variables which have this exists node as scope at each iteration
for var in exists.stmt.defined_vars.itervalues():
if var.scope is exists:
origsol = self.solution
origtables = self.tables
done = self.done
for thisexistssol in thisexistssols:
for vname in self.unstablevars:
if thisexistssol[vname] != origsol[vname] and vname in thisexistsvars:
self.tables = origtables.copy()
self.solution = thisexistssol
yield 1
# cleanup self.done from stuff specific to exists
for var in thisexistsvars:
if var in done:
for rel in exists.iget_nodes(Relation):
if rel in done:
self.solution = origsol
self.tables = origtables
def push_scope(self, scope_node):
self.scopes[scope_node] = len(self.actual_tables)
self.restrictions = []
def pop_scope(self):
del self.scopes[self.scope_nodes[-1]]
restrictions = self.restrictions
self.restrictions = self._restr_stack.pop()
scope = len(self.actual_tables) - 1
# check if we have some outer chain for this scope
matching_chains = []
for chain in self.outer_chains:
for tablealias in chain:
if self.tables[tablealias][0] < scope:
# chain belongs to outer scope
# chain match current scope
# call to `tables_sql` will pop actual_tables
tables = self.tables_sql(matching_chains)
# cleanup outer join related structure for tables in matching chains
for chain in matching_chains:
for alias in chain:
del self.outer_tables[alias]
return restrictions, tables
# tables handling #########################################################
def add_table(self, table, key=None, scope=-1):
if key is None:
key = table
if key in self.tables:
if scope < 0:
scope = len(self.actual_tables) + scope
self.tables[key] = (scope, table)
def alias_and_add_table(self, tablename, scope=-1):
alias = '%s%s' % (tablename, self.count)
self.count += 1
self.add_table('%s AS %s' % (tablename, alias), alias, scope)
return alias
def relation_table(self, relation):
"""return the table alias used by the given relation"""
if relation in self.done:
return relation._q_sqltable
rid = 'rel_%s%s' % (relation.r_type, self.count)
# relation's table is belonging to the root scope if it is the principal
# table of one of it's variable and if that variable belong's to parent
# scope
for varref in relation.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
var = varref.variable
if isinstance(var, ColumnAlias):
scope = 0
# XXX may have a principal without being invariant for this generation,
# not sure this is a pb or not
if var.stinfo.get('principal') is relation and var.scope is var.stmt:
scope = 0
scope = -1
self.count += 1
self.add_table('%s_relation AS %s' % (relation.r_type, rid), rid, scope=scope)
relation._q_sqltable = rid
return rid
def fti_table(self, relation, fti_table):
"""return the table alias used by the given has_text relation,
`fti_table` being the table name for the plain text index
if relation in self.done:
return relation._q_sqltable
except AttributeError:
scope = self.scopes[relation.scope]
alias = self.alias_and_add_table(fti_table, scope=scope)
relation._q_sqltable = alias
return alias
# outer join handling ######################################################
def mark_as_used_in_outer_join(self, tablealias, addpending=True):
"""Mark table of given alias as used in outer join. This must be called
after `outer_tables[tablealias]` has been initialized.
# remove a table from actual_table because it's used in an outer join
# chain
scope, tabledef = self.tables[tablealias]
# check if there are some pending outer join condition for this table
if addpending:
pending_conditions = self.outer_pending.pop(tablealias)
except KeyError:
assert not tablealias in self.outer_pending
def add_outer_join_condition(self, tablealias, condition):
outer, conditions, chain = self.outer_tables[tablealias]
except KeyError:
self.outer_pending.setdefault(tablealias, []).append(condition)
def replace_tables_by_outer_join(self, leftalias, rightalias,
outertype, condition):
"""tell we need <leftalias> <outertype> JOIN <rightalias> ON <condition>
assert leftalias != rightalias, leftalias
outer_tables = self.outer_tables
louter, lconditions, lchain = outer_tables.get(leftalias,
(None, None, None))
router, rconditions, rchain = outer_tables.get(rightalias,
(None, None, None))
if lchain is None and rchain is None:
# create a new outer chaine
chain = [leftalias, rightalias]
outer_tables[leftalias] = (None, [], chain)
outer_tables[rightalias] = (outertype, [condition], chain)
self.mark_as_used_in_outer_join(leftalias, addpending=False)
elif lchain is None:
# [A > B > C] + [D > A] -> [D > A > B > C]
if rightalias == rchain[0]:
outer_tables[leftalias] = (None, [], rchain)
conditions = outer_tables[rightalias][1] + [condition]
outer_tables[rightalias] = (outertype, conditions, rchain)
rchain.insert(0, leftalias)
# [A > B > C] + [D > B] -> [A > B > C < D]
if outertype == 'LEFT':
outertype = 'RIGHT'
outer_tables[leftalias] = (outertype, [condition], rchain)
elif rchain is None:
# [A > B > C] + [B > D] -> [A > B > C > D]
outer_tables[rightalias] = (outertype, [condition], lchain)
elif lchain is rchain:
# already in the same chain, simply check compatibility and append
# the condition if it's ok
lidx = lchain.index(leftalias)
ridx = lchain.index(rightalias)
if (outertype == 'FULL' and router != 'FULL') \
or (lidx < ridx and router != 'LEFT') \
or (ridx < lidx and louter != 'RIGHT'):
raise BadRQLQuery()
# merge conditions
if lidx < ridx:
elif louter is None:
# merge chains
rchain += lchain
for alias, (aouter, aconditions, achain) in outer_tables.iteritems():
if achain is lchain:
outer_tables[alias] = (aouter, aconditions, rchain)
raise BadRQLQuery()
# sql generation helpers ###################################################
def tables_sql(self, outer_chains=None):
"""generate SQL for FROM clause"""
# sort for test predictability
tables = sorted(self.actual_tables.pop())
# process outer joins
if outer_chains is None:
assert not self.actual_tables, self.actual_tables
assert not self.outer_pending
outer_chains = self.outer_chains
for chain in sorted(outer_chains):
tablealias = chain[0]
outertype, conditions, _ = self.outer_tables[tablealias]
assert _ is chain, (chain, _)
assert outertype is None, (chain, self.outer_chains)
assert not conditions, (chain, self.outer_chains)
assert len(chain) > 1
tabledef = self.tables[tablealias][1]
outerjoin = [tabledef]
for tablealias in chain[1:]:
outertype, conditions, _ = self.outer_tables[tablealias]
assert _ is chain, (chain, self.outer_chains)
assert outertype in ('LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'FULL'), (
tablealias, outertype, conditions)
assert isinstance(conditions, (list)), (
tablealias, outertype, conditions)
tabledef = self.tables[tablealias][1]
outerjoin.append('%s OUTER JOIN %s ON (%s)' % (
outertype, tabledef, ' AND '.join(conditions)))
tables.append(' '.join(outerjoin))
return ', '.join(tables)
def extract_fake_having_terms(having):
"""RQL's HAVING may be used to contains stuff that should go in the WHERE
clause of the SQL query, due to RQL grammar limitation. Split them...
Return a list nodes that can be ANDed with query's WHERE clause. Having
subtrees updated in place.
fakehaving = []
for subtree in having:
ors, tocheck = set(), []
for compnode in subtree.get_nodes(Comparison):
for fnode in compnode.get_nodes(Function):
if fnode.descr().aggregat:
p = compnode.parent
oor = None
while not isinstance(p, Select):
if isinstance(p, (Or, Not)):
oor = p
p = p.parent
if oor is not None:
# tocheck hold a set of comparison not implying an aggregat function
# put them in fakehaving if the don't share an Or node as ancestor
# with another comparison containing an aggregat function
for compnode in tocheck:
parents = set()
p = compnode.parent
oor = None
while not isinstance(p, Select):
if p in ors or p is None: # p is None for nodes already in fakehaving
if isinstance(p, (Or, Not)):
oor = p
p = p.parent
node = oor or compnode
return fakehaving
class SQLGenerator(object):
generation of SQL from the fully expanded RQL syntax tree
SQL is designed to be used with a CubicWeb SQL schema
Groups and sort are not handled here since they should not be handled at
this level (see cubicweb.server.querier)
we should not have errors here !
WARNING: a CubicWebSQLGenerator instance is not thread safe, but generate is
protected by a lock
def __init__(self, schema, dbhelper, attrmap=None):
self.schema = schema
self.dbhelper = dbhelper
self.dbencoding = dbhelper.dbencoding
self.keyword_map = {'NOW' : self.dbhelper.sql_current_timestamp,
'TODAY': self.dbhelper.sql_current_date,
if not self.dbhelper.union_parentheses_support:
self.union_sql = self.noparen_union_sql
if self.dbhelper.fti_need_distinct:
self.__union_sql = self.union_sql
self.union_sql = self.has_text_need_distinct_union_sql
self._lock = threading.Lock()
if attrmap is None:
attrmap = {}
self.attr_map = attrmap
def generate(self, union, args=None, varmap=None):
"""return SQL queries and a variable dictionnary from a RQL syntax tree
:partrqls: a list of couple (rqlst, solutions)
:args: optional dictionary with values of substitutions used in the query
:varmap: optional dictionary mapping variable name to a special table
name, in case the query as to fetch data from temporary tables
return an sql string and a dictionary with substitutions values
if args is None:
args = {}
if varmap is None:
varmap = {}
self._args = args
self._varmap = varmap
self._query_attrs = {}
self._state = None
# self._not_scope_offset = 0
# union query for each rqlst / solution
sql = self.union_sql(union)
# we are done
return sql, self._query_attrs, self._state.needs_source_cb
def has_text_need_distinct_union_sql(self, union, needalias=False):
if getattr(union, 'has_text_query', False):
for select in union.children:
select.need_distinct = True
return self.__union_sql(union, needalias)
def union_sql(self, union, needalias=False): # pylint: disable=E0202
if len(union.children) == 1:
return self.select_sql(union.children[0], needalias)
sqls = ('(%s)' % self.select_sql(select, needalias)
for select in union.children)
return '\nUNION ALL\n'.join(sqls)
def noparen_union_sql(self, union, needalias=False):
# needed for sqlite backend which doesn't like parentheses around union
# query. This may cause bug in some condition (sort in one of the
# subquery) but will work in most case
# see http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=3074
sqls = (self.select_sql(select, needalias)
for i, select in enumerate(union.children))
return '\nUNION ALL\n'.join(sqls)
def select_sql(self, select, needalias=False):
"""return SQL queries and a variable dictionnary from a RQL syntax tree
:select: a selection statement of the syntax tree (`rql.stmts.Select`)
:solution: a dictionnary containing variables binding.
A solution's dictionnary has variable's names as key and variable's
types as values
:needwrap: boolean telling if the query will be wrapped in an outer
query (to deal with aggregat and/or grouping)
distinct = selectsortterms = select.need_distinct
sorts = select.orderby
groups = select.groupby
having = select.having
morerestr = extract_fake_having_terms(having)
# remember selection, it may be changed and have to be restored
origselection = select.selection[:]
# check if the query will have union subquery, if it need sort term
# selection (union or distinct query) and wrapping (union with groups)
needwrap = False
sols = select.solutions
if len(sols) > 1:
# remove invariant from solutions
sols, existssols, unstable = remove_unused_solutions(
select, sols, self._varmap, self.schema)
if len(sols) > 1:
# if there is still more than one solution, a UNION will be
# generated and so sort terms have to be selected
selectsortterms = True
# and if select is using group by or aggregat, a wrapping
# query will be necessary
if groups or select.has_aggregat:
needwrap = True
existssols, unstable = {}, ()
state = StateInfo(select, existssols, unstable)
if self._state is not None:
# state from a previous unioned select
# treat subqueries
self._subqueries_sql(select, state)
# generate sql for this select node
if needwrap:
outerselection = origselection[:]
if sorts and selectsortterms:
if distinct:
sort_term_selection(sorts, outerselection, groups)
fix_selection_and_group(select, needwrap, selectsortterms,
sorts, groups, having)
if needwrap:
fneedwrap = len(outerselection) != len(origselection)
fneedwrap = len(select.selection) != len(origselection)
if fneedwrap:
needalias = True
self._in_wrapping_query = False
self._state = state
sql = self._solutions_sql(select, morerestr, sols, distinct,
needalias or needwrap)
# generate groups / having before wrapping query selection to get
# correct column aliases
self._in_wrapping_query = needwrap
if groups:
# no constant should be inserted in GROUP BY else the backend
# will interpret it as a positional index in the selection
groups = ','.join(vref.accept(self) for vref in groups
if not isinstance(vref, Constant))
if having:
# filter out constants as for GROUP BY
having = ' AND '.join(term.accept(self) for term in having
if not isinstance(term, Constant))
if needwrap:
sql = '%s FROM (%s) AS T1' % (
self._selection_sql(outerselection, distinct,needalias),
if groups:
sql += '\nGROUP BY %s' % groups
if having:
sql += '\nHAVING %s' % having
# sort
if sorts:
sqlsortterms = []
if needwrap:
selectidx = [str(term) for term in outerselection]
selectidx = [str(term) for term in select.selection]
for sortterm in sorts:
_term = self._sortterm_sql(sortterm, selectidx)
if _term is not None:
if sqlsortterms:
sql = self.dbhelper.sql_add_order_by(
sql, sqlsortterms, origselection, fneedwrap,
select.limit or select.offset)
sqlsortterms = None
select.selection = origselection
# limit / offset
sql = self.dbhelper.sql_add_limit_offset(sql,
return sql
def _subqueries_sql(self, select, state):
for i, subquery in enumerate(select.with_):
sql = self.union_sql(subquery.query, needalias=True)
tablealias = '_T%s' % i # XXX nested subqueries
sql = '(%s) AS %s' % (sql, tablealias)
state.subtables[tablealias] = (0, sql)
latest_state = self._state
for vref in subquery.aliases:
alias = vref.variable
alias._q_sqltable = tablealias
alias._q_sql = '%s.C%s' % (tablealias, alias.colnum)
stack = latest_state.needs_source_cb[alias.colnum]
if state.subquery_source_cb is None:
state.subquery_source_cb = {}
for selectidx, vref in iter_mapped_var_sels(select, alias):
stack = stack[:]
update_source_cb_stack(state, select, vref, stack)
state.subquery_source_cb[selectidx] = stack
except KeyError:
def _solutions_sql(self, select, morerestr, solutions, distinct, needalias):
sqls = []
for solution in solutions:
# visit restriction subtree
if select.where is not None:
for restriction in morerestr:
sql = [self._selection_sql(select.selection, distinct, needalias)]
if self._state.restrictions:
sql.append('WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(self._state.restrictions))
# add required tables
assert len(self._state.actual_tables) == 1, self._state.actual_tables
tables = self._state.tables_sql()
if tables:
sql.insert(1, 'FROM %s' % tables)
elif self._state.restrictions and self.dbhelper.needs_from_clause:
sql.insert(1, 'FROM (SELECT 1) AS _T')
if distinct:
return '\nUNION\n'.join(sqls)
return '\nUNION ALL\n'.join(sqls)
def _selection_sql(self, selected, distinct, needaliasing=False):
clause = []
for term in selected:
sql = term.accept(self)
if needaliasing:
colalias = 'C%s' % len(clause)
clause.append('%s AS %s' % (sql, colalias))
if isinstance(term, VariableRef):
self._state.aliases[term.name] = colalias
if distinct:
return 'SELECT DISTINCT %s' % ', '.join(clause)
return 'SELECT %s' % ', '.join(clause)
def _sortterm_sql(self, sortterm, selectidx):
term = sortterm.term
sqlterm = selectidx.index(str(term)) + 1
except ValueError:
# Constant node or non selected term
sqlterm = term.accept(self)
if sqlterm is None:
return None
if sortterm.asc:
return str(sqlterm)
return '%s DESC' % sqlterm
def visit_and(self, et):
"""generate SQL for a AND subtree"""
res = []
for c in et.children:
part = c.accept(self)
if part:
return ' AND '.join(res)
def visit_or(self, ou):
"""generate SQL for a OR subtree"""
res = []
for c in ou.children:
part = c.accept(self)
if part:
res.append('(%s)' % part)
if res:
if len(res) > 1:
return '(%s)' % ' OR '.join(res)
return res[0]
return ''
def visit_not(self, node):
csql = node.children[0].accept(self)
if node in self._state.done or not csql:
# already processed or no sql generated by children
return csql
return 'NOT (%s)' % csql
def visit_exists(self, exists):
"""generate SQL name for a exists subquery"""
sqls = []
for dummy in self._state.iter_exists_sols(exists):
sql = self._visit_exists(exists)
if sql:
if not sqls:
return ''
return 'EXISTS(%s)' % ' UNION '.join(sqls)
def _visit_exists(self, exists):
restriction = exists.children[0].accept(self)
restrictions, tables = self._state.pop_scope()
if restriction:
restriction = ' AND '.join(restrictions)
if not restriction:
if tables:
return 'SELECT 1 FROM %s' % tables
return ''
if not tables:
# XXX could leave surrounding EXISTS() in this case no?
sql = 'SELECT 1 WHERE %s' % restriction
sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM %s WHERE %s' % (tables, restriction)
return sql
def visit_relation(self, relation):
"""generate SQL for a relation"""
rtype = relation.r_type
# don't care of type constraint statement (i.e. relation_type = 'is')
if relation.is_types_restriction():
return ''
lhs, rhs = relation.get_parts()
rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
if rschema.final:
if rtype == 'eid' and lhs.variable._q_invariant and \
# special case where this restriction is already generated by
# some other relation
return ''
# attribute relation
if rtype == 'has_text':
sql = self._visit_has_text_relation(relation)
rhs_vars = rhs.get_nodes(VariableRef)
if rhs_vars:
# if variable(s) in the RHS
sql = self._visit_var_attr_relation(relation, rhs_vars)
# no variables in the RHS
sql = self._visit_attribute_relation(relation)
elif (rtype == 'is' and isinstance(rhs.children[0], Constant)
and rhs.children[0].eval(self._args) is None):
# special case "C is NULL"
if lhs.name in self._varmap:
lhssql = self._varmap[lhs.name]
lhssql = lhs.accept(self)
return '%s%s' % (lhssql, rhs.accept(self))
elif '%s.%s' % (lhs, relation.r_type) in self._varmap:
# relation has already been processed by a previous step
return ''
elif relation.optional:
# OPTIONAL relation, generate a left|right outer join
if rtype == 'identity' or rschema.inlined:
sql = self._visit_outer_join_inlined_relation(relation, rschema)
sql = self._visit_outer_join_relation(relation, rschema)
elif rschema.inlined:
sql = self._visit_inlined_relation(relation)
# regular (non final) relation
sql = self._visit_relation(relation, rschema)
return sql
def _visit_inlined_relation(self, relation):
lhsvar, _, rhsvar, rhsconst = relation_info(relation)
# we are sure lhsvar is not None
lhssql = self._inlined_var_sql(lhsvar, relation.r_type)
if rhsvar is None:
moresql = None
moresql = self._extra_join_sql(relation, lhssql, rhsvar)
if isinstance(relation.parent, Not):
if rhsvar is not None and rhsvar._q_invariant:
sql = '%s IS NULL' % lhssql
# column != 1234 may not get back rows where column is NULL...
sql = '(%s IS NULL OR %s!=%s)' % (
lhssql, lhssql, (rhsvar or rhsconst).accept(self))
elif rhsconst is not None:
sql = '%s=%s' % (lhssql, rhsconst.accept(self))
elif isinstance(rhsvar, Variable) and rhsvar._q_invariant and \
not rhsvar.name in self._varmap:
# if the rhs variable is only linked to this relation, this mean we
# only want the relation to exists, eg NOT NULL in case of inlined
# relation
if moresql is not None:
return moresql
return '%s IS NOT NULL' % lhssql
sql = '%s=%s' % (lhssql, rhsvar.accept(self))
if moresql is None:
return sql
return '%s AND %s' % (sql, moresql)
def _process_relation_term(self, relation, rid, termvar, termconst, relfield):
if termconst or not termvar._q_invariant:
termsql = termconst and termconst.accept(self) or termvar.accept(self)
yield '%s.%s=%s' % (rid, relfield, termsql)
elif termvar._q_invariant:
# if the variable is mapped, generate restriction anyway
if termvar.name in self._varmap:
termsql = termvar.accept(self)
yield '%s.%s=%s' % (rid, relfield, termsql)
extrajoin = self._extra_join_sql(relation, '%s.%s' % (rid, relfield), termvar)
if extrajoin is not None:
yield extrajoin
def _visit_relation(self, relation, rschema):
"""generate SQL for a relation
implements optimization 1.
if relation.r_type == 'identity':
# special case "X identity Y"
lhs, rhs = relation.get_parts()
return '%s%s' % (lhs.accept(self), rhs.accept(self))
lhsvar, lhsconst, rhsvar, rhsconst = relation_info(relation)
rid = self._state.relation_table(relation)
sqls = []
sqls += self._process_relation_term(relation, rid, lhsvar, lhsconst, 'eid_from')
sqls += self._process_relation_term(relation, rid, rhsvar, rhsconst, 'eid_to')
sql = ' AND '.join(sqls)
if rschema.symmetric:
sql = '(%s OR %s)' % (sql, switch_relation_field(sql))
return sql
def _visit_outer_join_relation(self, relation, rschema):
left outer join syntax (optional=='right'):
X relation Y?
right outer join syntax (optional=='left'):
X? relation Y
full outer join syntaxes (optional=='both'):
X? relation Y?
if relation is inlined:
if it's a left outer join:
-> X LEFT OUTER JOIN Y ON (X.relation=Y.eid)
elif it's a right outer join:
-> Y LEFT OUTER JOIN X ON (X.relation=Y.eid)
elif it's a full outer join:
-> X FULL OUTER JOIN Y ON (X.relation=Y.eid)
if it's a left outer join:
-> X LEFT OUTER JOIN relation ON (relation.eid_from=X.eid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN Y ON (relation.eid_to=Y.eid)
elif it's a right outer join:
-> Y LEFT OUTER JOIN relation ON (relation.eid_to=Y.eid)
LEFT OUTER JOIN X ON (relation.eid_from=X.eid)
elif it's a full outer join:
-> X FULL OUTER JOIN Y ON (X.relation=Y.eid)
leftvar, leftconst, rightvar, rightconst = relation_info(relation)
assert not (leftconst and rightconst), "doesn't make sense"
if relation.optional == 'left':
leftvar, rightvar = rightvar, leftvar
leftconst, rightconst = rightconst, leftconst
joinattr, restrattr = 'eid_to', 'eid_from'
joinattr, restrattr = 'eid_from', 'eid_to'
# search table for this variable, to use as left table of the outer join
leftalias = None
if leftvar:
# take care, may return None for invariant variable
leftalias = self._var_table(leftvar)
if leftalias is None:
if leftvar.stinfo['principal'] is not relation:
# use variable's principal relation
leftalias = leftvar.stinfo['principal']._q_sqltable
# search for relation on which we should join
for orelation in leftvar.stinfo['relations']:
if (orelation is not relation and
not self.schema.rschema(orelation.r_type).final):
for orelation in rightvar.stinfo['relations']:
if (orelation is not relation and
not self.schema.rschema(orelation.r_type).final
and orelation.optional):
# unexpected
assert False, leftvar
leftalias = self._state.relation_table(orelation)
# right table of the outer join
rightalias = self._state.relation_table(relation)
# compute join condition
if not leftconst or (leftvar and not leftvar._q_invariant):
leftsql = leftvar.accept(self)
leftsql = leftconst.accept(self)
condition = '%s.%s=%s' % (rightalias, joinattr, leftsql)
if rightconst:
condition += ' AND %s.%s=%s' % (rightalias, restrattr, rightconst.accept(self))
# record outer join
outertype = 'FULL' if relation.optional == 'both' else 'LEFT'
self._state.replace_tables_by_outer_join(leftalias, rightalias,
outertype, condition)
# need another join?
if rightconst is None:
# we need another outer join for the other side of the relation (e.g.
# for "X relation Y?" in RQL, we treated earlier the (cw_X.eid /
# relation.eid_from) join, now we've to do (relation.eid_to /
# cw_Y.eid)
leftalias = rightalias
rightsql = rightvar.accept(self) # accept before using var_table
rightalias = self._var_table(rightvar)
if rightalias is None:
if rightvar.stinfo['principal'] is not relation:
leftalias, rightvar.stinfo['principal']._q_sqltable,
outertype, '%s.%s=%s' % (leftalias, restrattr, rightvar.accept(self)))
leftalias, rightalias, outertype,
'%s.%s=%s' % (leftalias, restrattr, rightvar.accept(self)))
# this relation will hence be expressed in FROM clause, return nothing
# here
return ''
def _visit_outer_join_inlined_relation(self, relation, rschema):
leftvar, leftconst, rightvar, rightconst = relation_info(relation)
assert not (leftconst and rightconst), "doesn't make sense"
if relation.optional != 'right':
leftvar, rightvar = rightvar, leftvar
leftconst, rightconst = rightconst, leftconst
outertype = 'FULL' if relation.optional == 'both' else 'LEFT'
leftalias = self._var_table(leftvar)
attr = 'eid' if relation.r_type == 'identity' else relation.r_type
lhs, rhs = relation.get_variable_parts()
lhssql = self._varmap['%s.%s' % (lhs.name, attr)]
except KeyError:
lhssql = '%s.%s%s' % (self._var_table(lhs.variable), SQL_PREFIX, attr)
if rightvar is not None:
rightalias = self._var_table(rightvar)
if rightalias is None:
if rightconst is not None:
# inlined relation with invariant as rhs
condition = '%s=%s' % (lhssql, rightconst.accept(self))
if relation.r_type != 'identity':
condition = '(%s OR %s IS NULL)' % (condition, lhssql)
if not leftvar.stinfo.get('optrelations'):
return condition
self._state.add_outer_join_condition(leftalias, condition)
leftalias, rightalias, outertype, '%s=%s' % (lhssql, rhs.accept(self)))
return ''
def _visit_var_attr_relation(self, relation, rhs_vars):
"""visit an attribute relation with variable(s) in the RHS
attribute variables are used either in the selection or for
unification (eg X attr1 A, Y attr2 A). In case of selection,
nothing to do here.
for vref in rhs_vars:
var = vref.variable
if var.name in self._varmap:
# ensure table is added
if isinstance(var, ColumnAlias):
# force sql generation whatever the computed principal
principal = 1
principal = var.stinfo.get('principal')
if principal is not None and principal is not relation:
# we have to generate unification expression
lhssql = self._inlined_var_sql(relation.children[0].variable,
self._state.ignore_varmap = True
return '%s%s' % (lhssql, relation.children[1].accept(self))
self._state.ignore_varmap = False
return ''
def _visit_attribute_relation(self, rel):
"""generate SQL for an attribute relation"""
lhs, rhs = rel.get_parts()
rhssql = rhs.accept(self)
table = self._var_table(lhs.variable)
if table is None:
assert rel.r_type == 'eid'
lhssql = lhs.accept(self)
lhssql = self._varmap['%s.%s' % (lhs.name, rel.r_type)]
except KeyError:
mapkey = '%s.%s' % (self._state.solution[lhs.name], rel.r_type)
if mapkey in self.attr_map:
cb, sourcecb = self.attr_map[mapkey]
if sourcecb:
# callback is a source callback, we can't use this
# attribute in restriction
raise QueryError("can't use %s (%s) in restriction"
% (mapkey, rel.as_string()))
lhssql = cb(self, lhs.variable, rel)
elif rel.r_type == 'eid':
lhssql = lhs.variable._q_sql
lhssql = '%s.%s%s' % (table, SQL_PREFIX, rel.r_type)
if rel._q_needcast == 'TODAY':
sql = 'DATE(%s)%s' % (lhssql, rhssql)
# XXX which cast function should be used
#elif rel._q_needcast == 'NOW':
# sql = 'TIMESTAMP(%s)%s' % (lhssql, rhssql)
sql = '%s%s' % (lhssql, rhssql)
except AttributeError:
sql = '%s%s' % (lhssql, rhssql)
if lhs.variable.stinfo.get('optrelations'):
self._state.add_outer_join_condition(table, sql)
return sql
def _visit_has_text_relation(self, rel):
"""generate SQL for a has_text relation"""
lhs, rhs = rel.get_parts()
const = rhs.children[0]
alias = self._state.fti_table(rel, self.dbhelper.fti_table)
jointo = lhs.accept(self)
restriction = ''
lhsvar = lhs.variable
me_is_principal = lhsvar.stinfo.get('principal') is rel
if me_is_principal:
if lhsvar.stinfo['typerel'] is None:
# the variable is using the fti table, no join needed
jointo = None
elif not lhsvar.name in self._varmap:
# join on entities instead of etype's table to get result for
# external entities on multisources configurations
ealias = lhsvar._q_sqltable = '_' + lhsvar.name
jointo = lhsvar._q_sql = '%s.eid' % ealias
self._state.add_table('entities AS %s' % ealias, ealias)
if not lhsvar._q_invariant or len(lhsvar.stinfo['possibletypes']) == 1:
restriction = " AND %s.type='%s'" % (ealias, self._state.solution[lhs.name])
etypes = ','.join("'%s'" % etype for etype in lhsvar.stinfo['possibletypes'])
restriction = " AND %s.type IN (%s)" % (ealias, etypes)
if isinstance(rel.parent, Not):
not_ = True
not_ = False
query = const.eval(self._args)
return self.dbhelper.fti_restriction_sql(alias, query,
jointo, not_) + restriction
def visit_comparison(self, cmp):
"""generate SQL for a comparison"""
if len(cmp.children) == 2:
# XXX occurs ?
lhs, rhs = cmp.children
lhs = None
rhs = cmp.children[0]
operator = cmp.operator
if operator in ('LIKE', 'ILIKE'):
if operator == 'ILIKE' and not self.dbhelper.ilike_support:
operator = ' LIKE '
operator = ' %s ' % operator
elif operator == 'REGEXP':
return ' %s' % self.dbhelper.sql_regexp_match_expression(rhs.accept(self))
elif (operator == '=' and isinstance(rhs, Constant)
and rhs.eval(self._args) is None):
if lhs is None:
return ' IS NULL'
return '%s IS NULL' % lhs.accept(self)
elif isinstance(rhs, Function) and rhs.name == 'IN':
assert operator == '='
operator = ' '
if lhs is None:
return '%s%s'% (operator, rhs.accept(self))
return '%s%s%s'% (lhs.accept(self), operator, rhs.accept(self))
def visit_mathexpression(self, mexpr):
"""generate SQL for a mathematic expression"""
lhs, rhs = mexpr.get_parts()
# check for string concatenation
operator = mexpr.operator
if mexpr.operator == '+' and mexpr.get_type(self._state.solution, self._args) == 'String':
return '(%s)' % self.dbhelper.sql_concat_string(lhs.accept(self),
except CoercionError:
return '(%s %s %s)'% (lhs.accept(self), operator, rhs.accept(self))
def visit_function(self, func):
"""generate SQL name for a function"""
if func.name == 'FTIRANK':
rel = iter(func.children[0].variable.stinfo['ftirels']).next()
except KeyError:
raise BadRQLQuery("can't use FTIRANK on variable not used in an"
" 'has_text' relation (eg full-text search)")
const = rel.get_parts()[1].children[0]
return self.dbhelper.fti_rank_order(
self._state.fti_table(rel, self.dbhelper.fti_table),
args = [c.accept(self) for c in func.children]
if func in self._state.source_cb_funcs:
# function executed as a callback on the source
assert len(args) == 1
return args[0]
# func_as_sql will check function is supported by the backend
return self.dbhelper.func_as_sql(func.name, args)
def visit_constant(self, constant):
"""generate SQL name for a constant"""
if constant.type is None:
return 'NULL'
value = constant.value
if constant.type == 'etype':
return value
if constant.type == 'Int' and isinstance(constant.parent, SortTerm):
return value
if constant.type in ('Date', 'Datetime'):
rel = constant.relation()
if rel is not None:
rel._q_needcast = value
return self.keyword_map[value]()
if constant.type == 'Boolean':
value = self.dbhelper.boolean_value(value)
if constant.type == 'Substitute':
# we may found constant from simplified var in varmap
return self._mapped_term(constant, '%%(%s)s' % value)[0]
except KeyError:
_id = value
if isinstance(_id, unicode):
_id = _id.encode()
# convert timestamp to utc.
# expect SET TiME ZONE to UTC at connection opening time.
# This shouldn't change anything for datetime without TZ.
value = self._args[_id]
if isinstance(value, datetime) and value.tzinfo is not None:
self._query_attrs[_id] = utcdatetime(value)
elif isinstance(value, time) and value.tzinfo is not None:
self._query_attrs[_id] = utctime(value)
_id = str(id(constant)).replace('-', '', 1)
self._query_attrs[_id] = value
return '%%(%s)s' % _id
def visit_variableref(self, variableref):
"""get the sql name for a variable reference"""
# use accept, .variable may be a variable or a columnalias
return variableref.variable.accept(self)
def visit_columnalias(self, colalias):
"""get the sql name for a subquery column alias"""
if colalias.name in self._varmap:
sql = self._varmap[colalias.name]
table = sql.split('.', 1)[0]
colalias._q_sqltable = table
colalias._q_sql = sql
return sql
return colalias._q_sql
def visit_variable(self, variable):
"""get the table name and sql string for a variable"""
#if contextrels is None and variable.name in self._state.done:
if variable.name in self._state.done:
if self._in_wrapping_query:
return 'T1.%s' % self._state.aliases[variable.name]
return variable._q_sql
vtablename = None
if not self._state.ignore_varmap and variable.name in self._varmap:
sql, vtablename = self._var_info(variable)
elif variable.stinfo['attrvar']:
# attribute variable (systematically used in rhs of final
# relation(s)), get table name and sql from any rhs relation
sql = self._linked_var_sql(variable)
elif variable._q_invariant:
# since variable is invariant, we know we won't found final relation
principal = variable.stinfo['principal']
if principal is None:
vtablename = '_' + variable.name
self._state.add_table('entities AS %s' % vtablename, vtablename)
sql = '%s.eid' % vtablename
if variable.stinfo['typerel'] is not None:
# add additional restriction on entities.type column
pts = variable.stinfo['possibletypes']
if len(pts) == 1:
etype = iter(variable.stinfo['possibletypes']).next()
restr = "%s.type='%s'" % (vtablename, etype)
etypes = ','.join("'%s'" % et for et in pts)
restr = '%s.type IN (%s)' % (vtablename, etypes)
elif principal.r_type == 'has_text':
sql = '%s.%s' % (self._state.fti_table(principal,
elif principal in variable.stinfo['rhsrelations']:
if self.schema.rschema(principal.r_type).inlined:
sql = self._linked_var_sql(variable)
sql = '%s.eid_to' % self._state.relation_table(principal)
sql = '%s.eid_from' % self._state.relation_table(principal)
# standard variable: get table name according to etype and use .eid
# attribute
sql, vtablename = self._var_info(variable)
variable._q_sqltable = vtablename
variable._q_sql = sql
return sql
# various utilities #######################################################
def _extra_join_sql(self, relation, sql, var):
# if rhs var is invariant, and this relation is not its principal,
# generate extra join
if not var.stinfo['principal'] is relation:
op = relation.operator()
if op == '=':
# need a predicable result for tests
args = sorted( (sql, var.accept(self)) )
args.insert(1, op)
args = (sql, op, var.accept(self))
return '%s%s%s' % tuple(args)
except KeyError:
# no principal defined, relation is necessarily the principal and
# so nothing to return here
return None
def _temp_table_scope(self, select, table):
scope = 9999
for var, sql in self._varmap.iteritems():
# skip "attribute variable" in varmap (such 'T.login')
if not '.' in var and table == sql.split('.', 1)[0]:
scope = min(scope, self._state.scopes[select.defined_vars[var].scope])
except KeyError:
scope = 0 # XXX
if scope == 0:
return scope
def _mapped_term(self, term, key):
"""return sql and table alias to the `term`, mapped as `key` or raise
KeyError when the key is not found in the varmap
sql = self._varmap[key]
tablealias = sql.split('.', 1)[0]
scope = self._temp_table_scope(term.stmt, tablealias)
self._state.add_table(tablealias, scope=scope)
return sql, tablealias
def _var_info(self, var):
return self._mapped_term(var, var.name)
except KeyError:
scope = self._state.scopes[var.scope]
etype = self._state.solution[var.name]
# XXX this check should be moved in rql.stcheck
if self.schema.eschema(etype).final:
raise BadRQLQuery(var.stmt.root)
tablealias = '_' + var.name
sql = '%s.%seid' % (tablealias, SQL_PREFIX)
self._state.add_table('%s%s AS %s' % (SQL_PREFIX, etype, tablealias),
tablealias, scope=scope)
return sql, tablealias
def _inlined_var_sql(self, var, rtype):
sql = self._varmap['%s.%s' % (var.name, rtype)]
scope = self._state.scopes[var.scope]
self._state.add_table(sql.split('.', 1)[0], scope=scope)
except KeyError:
# rtype may be an attribute relation when called from
# _visit_var_attr_relation. take care about 'eid' rtype, since in
# some case we may use the `entities` table, so in that case we've
# to properly use variable'sql
if rtype == 'eid':
sql = var.accept(self)
sql = '%s.%s%s' % (self._var_table(var), SQL_PREFIX, rtype)
return sql
def _linked_var_sql(self, variable):
if not self._state.ignore_varmap:
return self._varmap[variable.name]
except KeyError:
rel = (variable.stinfo.get('principal') or
linkedvar = rel.children[0].variable
if rel.r_type == 'eid':
return linkedvar.accept(self)
if isinstance(linkedvar, ColumnAlias):
raise BadRQLQuery('variable %s should be selected by the subquery'
% variable.name)
sql = self._varmap['%s.%s' % (linkedvar.name, rel.r_type)]
except KeyError:
mapkey = '%s.%s' % (self._state.solution[linkedvar.name], rel.r_type)
if mapkey in self.attr_map:
cb, sourcecb = self.attr_map[mapkey]
if not sourcecb:
return cb(self, linkedvar, rel)
# attribute mapped at the source level (bfss for instance)
stmt = rel.stmt
for selectidx, vref in iter_mapped_var_sels(stmt, variable):
stack = [cb]
update_source_cb_stack(self._state, stmt, vref, stack)
self._state._needs_source_cb[selectidx] = stack
sql = '%s.%s%s' % (linkedvar._q_sqltable, SQL_PREFIX, rel.r_type)
return sql
# tables handling #########################################################
def _var_table(self, var):
return var._q_sqltable