author Philippe Pepiot <>
Tue, 31 Mar 2020 19:15:03 +0200
changeset 12957 0c973204033a
parent 12794 9c6dc1b071e3
permissions -rw-r--r--
[server] prevent returning closed cursor to the database pool In since c8c6ad8 init_repository use repo.internal_cnx() instead of repo.system_source.get_connection() so it use the pool and we should not close cursors from the pool before returning it back. Otherwise we may have "connection already closed" error. This bug only trigger when connection-pool-size = 1. Since we are moving to use a dynamic pooler we need to get this fixed. This does not occur with sqlite since the connection wrapper instantiate new cursor everytime, but this occur with other databases.

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Debug view for pyramid debug toolbar and others to help development

import os
import logging
import inspect

from itertools import dropwhile

from pyramid.response import Response
from mako.template import Template

from cubicweb.misc.source_highlight import highlight_html, generate_css, has_pygments

DEBUG_DISPLAY_SOURCE_CODE_PATH = '_debug_display_source_code'


def _generate_link_to_source(file_path, start=None, end=None, tag_body="[source]"):
    if start:
        # step back a bit so we have a bit of top padding wen displaying the page
        # and the highlighted line isn't glued to top of the browser window
        line_anchor = max(0, start - 10)

        if end:
            return '<a href="../%s?file=%s&line=%s&end=%s#line-%s" target="_blank">%s</a>' % (
                DEBUG_DISPLAY_SOURCE_CODE_PATH, file_path, start, end, line_anchor, tag_body
            return '<a href="../%s?file=%s&line=%s#line-%s" target="_blank">%s</a>' % (
                DEBUG_DISPLAY_SOURCE_CODE_PATH, file_path, start, line_anchor, tag_body

    return '<a href="../%s?file=%s" target="_blank">%s</a>' % (
        DEBUG_DISPLAY_SOURCE_CODE_PATH, file_path, tag_body

def source_code_url(object_or_class):
    if object_or_class is None:
        return ""

    if not inspect.isclass(object_or_class):
        object_or_class = object_or_class.__class__

        file_path = inspect.getsourcefile(object_or_class)
    except TypeError:
        logging.debug("Error while trying to source code of '%s'" % object_or_class)
        return ""


        source_code, line = inspect.getsourcelines(object_or_class)
    except OSError:  # when we couldn't read the source code/line
        return _generate_link_to_source(file_path)

    return _generate_link_to_source(file_path, line, line + len(source_code))

def source_code_url_in_stack(stack, highlighted=False):
    new_stack = []

    if highlighted:
        for i in stack.split(" File "):
            # expecting this format:
            # '<span class="nb">&quot;/path/to/;</span>,
            # line <span class="m">885</span>,...'
            if not i.startswith('<span class="nb">'):

            # this will give:
            # ['<span class="nb">', '/file/to/', '</span>, ...']
            tag, file_path, rest = i.split("&quot;", 2)

            # "rest" is like that: '</span>, line <span class="m">885</span>, ...'
            # we want to extrait "885" here
            line_number = int("".join(dropwhile(lambda x: not x.isdigit(), rest)).split("<")[0])

            new_stack.append("%s%s%s" % (
                _generate_link_to_source(file_path, start=line_number,
                                         tag_body="&quot;%s&quot;" % file_path),


        new_stack = " File ".join(new_stack)

    # no syntax
        for i in stack.split("\n"):
            # expecting this format:
            # File "/path/to/", line 885, in stuf\n  some_code\nFile "/", line...
            if not i.startswith("  File "):

            # this will give:
            # ['File "', '/path/to/', '", line 885, in stuf']
            beginning, file_path, rest = i.split('"', 2)
            line_number = int("".join(dropwhile(lambda x: not x.isdigit(), rest)).split(",")[0])

            new_stack.append("%s%s%s" % (
                _generate_link_to_source(file_path, start=line_number,
                                         tag_body='"%s"' % file_path),


        new_stack = "\n".join(new_stack)

    return new_stack

def debug_display_source_code(request):
    This view display a python source file content for making debugging easier.

    It is only activated on debug mode (-D) for pyramid during development.

    It will uses pygment if installed to colorize the source code.

    if "file" not in request.params:
        return Response('Error: you should have end up on this page following a link in the '
                        'pyramid debug toolbar with the correct parameters.')

    source_code_file = request.params["file"]

    if not os.path.exists(source_code_file):
        return Response("Error: file '%s' doesn't exist on the filesystem." % source_code_file)

    # security
    if source_code_file not in FILES_WHITE_LIST:
        return Response("Error: access to file is not authorized")

        content = open(source_code_file, "r").read()
    except Exception as e:
        return Response("Error: while opening file '%s' got the error: %s" % (source_code_file, e))

    lines = []
    line_begin = request.params.get("line", None)
    if line_begin:
        line_end = request.params.get("end", line_begin)
        lines = list(range(int(line_begin), int(line_end) + 1))

    this_file_directory = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
    template_filename = os.path.join(this_file_directory,

    html = Template(filename=template_filename).render(

    return Response(html)