introduce a default render implementation on the base widget, which
add_media and then call the newly introduced method
_render(form, field, formrenderer), abstract of the base widget class.
This allow a litle code factorisation and avoid to forget the call to
add_media in subclasses.
+ − /* */
+ − function LabeledMarker ( latlng , opt_opts ){ this . latlng_ = latlng ; this . opts_ = opt_opts ; this . labelText_ = opt_opts . labelText || "" ; this . labelClass_ = opt_opts . labelClass || "LabeledMarker_markerLabel" ; this . labelOffset_ = opt_opts . labelOffset || new GSize ( 0 , 0 ); this . clickable_ = opt_opts . clickable || true ; this . title_ = opt_opts . title || "" ; this . labelVisibility_ = true ; if ( opt_opts . draggable ){ opt_opts . draggable = false } GMarker . apply ( this , arguments )}; LabeledMarker . prototype = new GMarker ( new GLatLng ( 0 , 0 )); LabeledMarker . prototype . initialize = function ( map ){ GMarker . prototype . initialize . apply ( this , arguments ); this . map_ = map ; this . div_ = document . createElement ( "div" ); this . div_ . className = this . labelClass_ ; this . div_ . innerHTML = this . labelText_ ; this . div_ . style . position = "absolute" ; this . div_ . style . cursor = "pointer" ; this . div_ . title = this . title_ ; map . getPane ( G_MAP_MARKER_PANE ). appendChild ( this . div_ ); if ( this . clickable_ ){ function newEventPassthru ( obj , event ){ return function (){ GEvent . trigger ( obj , event )}} var eventPassthrus = [ 'click' , 'dblclick' , 'mousedown' , 'mouseup' , 'mouseover' , 'mouseout' ]; for ( var i = 0 ; i < eventPassthrus . length ; i ++ ){ var name = eventPassthrus [ i ]; GEvent . addDomListener ( this . div_ , name , newEventPassthru ( this , name ))}}}; LabeledMarker . prototype . redraw = function ( force ){ GMarker . prototype . redraw . apply ( this , arguments ); this . redrawLabel_ ()}; LabeledMarker . prototype . redrawLabel_ = function (){ var p = this . map_ . fromLatLngToDivPixel ( this . latlng_ ); var z = GOverlay . getZIndex ( this . latlng_ . lat ()); this . div_ . style . left = ( p . x + this . labelOffset_ . width ) + "px" ; this . div_ . style . top = ( p . y + this . labelOffset_ . height ) + "px" ; this . div_ . style . zIndex = z }; LabeledMarker . prototype . remove = function (){ GEvent . clearInstanceListeners ( this . div_ ); if ( this . div_ . outerHTML ){ this . div_ . outerHTML = "" } if ( this . div_ . parentNode ){ this . div_ . parentNode . removeChild ( this . div_ )} this . div_ = null ; GMarker . prototype . remove . apply ( this , arguments )}; LabeledMarker . prototype . copy = function (){ return new LabeledMarker ( this . latlng_ , this . opts_ )}; LabeledMarker . prototype . show = function (){ GMarker . prototype . show . apply ( this , arguments ); if ( this . labelVisibility_ ){ this . showLabel ()} else { this . hideLabel ()}}; LabeledMarker . prototype . hide = function (){ GMarker . prototype . hide . apply ( this , arguments ); this . hideLabel ()}; LabeledMarker . prototype . setLatLng = function ( latlng ){ this . latlng_ = latlng ; GMarker . prototype . setLatLng . apply ( this , arguments ); this . redrawLabel_ ()}; LabeledMarker . prototype . setLabelVisibility = function ( visibility ){ this . labelVisibility_ = visibility ; if ( ! this . isHidden ()){ if ( this . labelVisibility_ ){ this . showLabel ()} else { this . hideLabel ()}}}; LabeledMarker . prototype . getLabelVisibility = function (){ return this . labelVisibility_ }; LabeledMarker . prototype . hideLabel = function (){ this . div_ . style . visibility = 'hidden' }; LabeledMarker . prototype . showLabel = function (){ this . div_ . style . visibility = 'visible' };