[repo security] deal with rewriten constant nodes in check_read_access, necessary when repo is used as an external source
"""abstract class for http request
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import Cookie
import sha
import time
import random
import base64
from datetime import date
from urlparse import urlsplit
from itertools import count
from rql.utils import rqlvar_maker
from logilab.common.decorators import cached
from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
from cubicweb.dbapi import DBAPIRequest
from cubicweb.mail import header
from cubicweb.uilib import remove_html_tags
from cubicweb.utils import SizeConstrainedList, HTMLHead, make_uid
from cubicweb.web import (INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, LOGGER, NothingToEdit,
RequestError, StatusResponse, json)
dumps = json.dumps
_MARKER = object()
def list_form_param(form, param, pop=False):
"""get param from form parameters and return its value as a list,
skipping internal markers if any
* if the parameter isn't defined, return an empty list
* if the parameter is a single (unicode) value, return a list
containing that value
* if the parameter is already a list or tuple, just skip internal
if pop is True, the parameter is removed from the form dictionnary
if pop:
value = form.pop(param)
except KeyError:
return []
value = form.get(param, ())
if value is None:
value = ()
elif not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = [value]
return [v for v in value if v != INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE]
class CubicWebRequestBase(DBAPIRequest):
"""abstract HTTP request, should be extended according to the HTTP backend"""
json_request = False # to be set to True by json controllers
def __init__(self, vreg, https, form=None):
super(CubicWebRequestBase, self).__init__(vreg)
self.authmode = vreg.config['auth-mode']
self.https = https
# raw html headers that can be added from any view
self.html_headers = HTMLHead()
# form parameters
# dictionnary that may be used to store request data that has to be
# shared among various components used to publish the request (views,
# controller, application...)
self.data = {}
# search state: 'normal' or 'linksearch' (eg searching for an object
# to create a relation with another)
self.search_state = ('normal',)
# tabindex generator
self.tabindexgen = count(1)
self.next_tabindex = self.tabindexgen.next
# page id, set by htmlheader template
self.pageid = None
self.datadir_url = self._datadir_url()
def _set_pageid(self):
"""initialize self.pageid
if req.form provides a specific pageid, use it, otherwise build a
new one.
pid = self.form.get('pageid')
if pid is None:
pid = make_uid(id(self))
self.pageid = pid
self.html_headers.define_var('pageid', pid, override=False)
def varmaker(self):
"""the rql varmaker is exposed both as a property and as the
set_varmaker function since we've two use cases:
* accessing the req.varmaker property to get a new variable name
* calling req.set_varmaker() to ensure a varmaker is set for later ajax
calls sharing our .pageid
return self.set_varmaker()
def set_varmaker(self):
varmaker = self.get_page_data('rql_varmaker')
if varmaker is None:
varmaker = rqlvar_maker()
self.set_page_data('rql_varmaker', varmaker)
return varmaker
def set_connection(self, cnx, user=None):
"""method called by the session handler when the user is authenticated
or an anonymous connection is open
super(CubicWebRequestBase, self).set_connection(cnx, user)
# set request language
vreg = self.vreg
if self.user:
# 1. user specified language
lang = vreg.typed_value('ui.language',
except KeyError:
if vreg.config['language-negociation']:
# 2. http negociated language
for lang in self.header_accept_language():
if lang in self.translations:
# 3. default language
def set_language(self, lang):
gettext, self.pgettext = self.translations[lang]
self._ = self.__ = gettext
self.lang = lang
self.debug('request language: %s', lang)
# input form parameters management ########################################
# common form parameters which should be protected against html values
# XXX can't add 'eid' for instance since it may be multivalued
# dont put rql as well, if query contains < and > it will be corrupted!
no_script_form_params = set(('vid',
'vtitle', 'title',
'__redirectvid', '__redirectrql'))
def setup_params(self, params):
"""WARNING: we're intentionaly leaving INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE here
subclasses should overrides to
self.form = {}
if params is None:
encoding = self.encoding
for param, val in params.iteritems():
if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)):
val = [unicode(x, encoding) for x in val]
if len(val) == 1:
val = val[0]
elif isinstance(val, str):
val = unicode(val, encoding)
if param in self.no_script_form_params and val:
val = self.no_script_form_param(param, val)
if param == '_cwmsgid':
elif param == '__message':
self.form[param] = val
def no_script_form_param(self, param, value):
"""ensure there is no script in a user form param
by default return a cleaned string instead of raising a security
this method should be called on every user input (form at least) fields
that are at some point inserted in a generated html page to protect
against script kiddies
# safety belt for strange urls like http://...?vtitle=yo&vtitle=yo
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
self.error('no_script_form_param got a list (%s). Who generated the URL ?',
value = value[0]
return remove_html_tags(value)
def list_form_param(self, param, form=None, pop=False):
"""get param from form parameters and return its value as a list,
skipping internal markers if any
* if the parameter isn't defined, return an empty list
* if the parameter is a single (unicode) value, return a list
containing that value
* if the parameter is already a list or tuple, just skip internal
if pop is True, the parameter is removed from the form dictionnary
if form is None:
form = self.form
return list_form_param(form, param, pop)
def reset_headers(self):
"""used by AutomaticWebTest to clear html headers between tests on
the same resultset
self.html_headers = HTMLHead()
return self
# web state helpers #######################################################
def message(self):
return self.get_session_data(self._msgid, default=u'', pop=True)
except AttributeError:
return self._msg
except AttributeError:
return None
def set_message(self, msg):
assert isinstance(msg, unicode)
self._msg = msg
def set_message_id(self, msgid):
self._msgid = msgid
def redirect_message_id(self):
return make_uid()
def set_redirect_message(self, msg):
assert isinstance(msg, unicode)
msgid = self.redirect_message_id()
self.set_session_data(msgid, msg)
return msgid
def append_to_redirect_message(self, msg):
msgid = self.redirect_message_id()
currentmsg = self.get_session_data(msgid)
if currentmsg is not None:
currentmsg = '%s %s' % (currentmsg, msg)
currentmsg = msg
self.set_session_data(msgid, currentmsg)
return msgid
def reset_message(self):
if hasattr(self, '_msg'):
del self._msg
if hasattr(self, '_msgid'):
del self._msgid
def update_search_state(self):
"""update the current search state"""
searchstate = self.form.get('__mode')
if not searchstate and self.cnx is not None:
searchstate = self.get_session_data('search_state', 'normal')
def set_search_state(self, searchstate):
"""set a new search state"""
if searchstate is None or searchstate == 'normal':
self.search_state = (searchstate or 'normal',)
self.search_state = ('linksearch', searchstate.split(':'))
assert len(self.search_state[-1]) == 4
if self.cnx is not None:
self.set_session_data('search_state', searchstate)
def match_search_state(self, rset):
"""when searching an entity to create a relation, return True if entities in
the given rset may be used as relation end
searchedtype = self.search_state[1][-1]
except IndexError:
return False # no searching for association
for etype in rset.column_types(0):
if etype != searchedtype:
return False
return True
def update_breadcrumbs(self):
"""stores the last visisted page in session data"""
searchstate = self.get_session_data('search_state')
if searchstate == 'normal':
breadcrumbs = self.get_session_data('breadcrumbs', None)
if breadcrumbs is None:
breadcrumbs = SizeConstrainedList(10)
self.set_session_data('breadcrumbs', breadcrumbs)
url = self.url()
if breadcrumbs and breadcrumbs[-1] != url:
def last_visited_page(self):
breadcrumbs = self.get_session_data('breadcrumbs', None)
if breadcrumbs:
return breadcrumbs.pop()
return self.base_url()
def user_rql_callback(self, args, msg=None):
"""register a user callback to execute some rql query and return an url
to call it ready to be inserted in html
def rqlexec(req, rql, args=None, key=None):
req.execute(rql, args, key)
return self.user_callback(rqlexec, args, msg)
def user_callback(self, cb, args, msg=None, nonify=False):
"""register the given user callback and return an url to call it ready to be
inserted in html
cbname = self.register_onetime_callback(cb, *args)
msg = dumps(msg or '')
return "javascript:userCallbackThenReloadPage('%s', %s)" % (
cbname, msg)
def register_onetime_callback(self, func, *args):
cbname = 'cb_%s' % (
sha.sha('%s%s%s%s' % (time.time(), func.__name__,
def _cb(req):
ret = func(req, *args)
except TypeError:
from warnings import warn
warn('user callback should now take request as argument')
ret = func(*args)
self.unregister_callback(self.pageid, cbname)
return ret
self.set_page_data(cbname, _cb)
return cbname
def unregister_callback(self, pageid, cbname):
assert pageid is not None
assert cbname.startswith('cb_')
self.info('unregistering callback %s for pageid %s', cbname, pageid)
def clear_user_callbacks(self):
if self.cnx is not None:
sessdata = self.session_data()
callbacks = [key for key in sessdata if key.startswith('cb_')]
for callback in callbacks:
# web edition helpers #####################################################
@cached # so it's writed only once
def fckeditor_config(self):
self.html_headers.define_var('fcklang', self.lang)
def use_fckeditor(self):
return self.vreg.config.fckeditor_installed() and self.property_value('ui.fckeditor')
def edited_eids(self, withtype=False):
"""return a list of edited eids"""
yielded = False
# warning: use .keys since the caller may change `form`
form = self.form
eids = form['eid']
except KeyError:
raise NothingToEdit(self._('no selected entities'))
if isinstance(eids, basestring):
eids = (eids,)
for peid in eids:
if withtype:
typekey = '__type:%s' % peid
assert typekey in form, 'no entity type specified'
yield peid, form[typekey]
yield peid
yielded = True
if not yielded:
raise NothingToEdit(self._('no selected entities'))
# minparams=3 by default: at least eid, __type, and some params to change
def extract_entity_params(self, eid, minparams=3):
"""extract form parameters relative to the given eid"""
params = {}
eid = str(eid)
form = self.form
for param in form:
name, peid = param.split(':', 1)
except ValueError:
if not param.startswith('__') and param != "eid":
self.warning('param %s mis-formatted', param)
if peid == eid:
value = form[param]
value = None
params[name] = value
params['eid'] = eid
if len(params) < minparams:
raise RequestError(self._('missing parameters for entity %s') % eid)
return params
# XXX this should go to the GenericRelationsField. missing edition cancel protocol.
def remove_pending_operations(self):
"""shortcut to clear req's pending_{delete,insert} entries
This is needed when the edition is completed (whether it's validated
or cancelled)
def cancel_edition(self, errorurl):
"""remove pending operations and `errorurl`'s specific stored data
# high level methods for HTTP headers management ##########################
# must be cached since login/password are popped from the form dictionary
# and this method may be called multiple times during authentication
def get_authorization(self):
"""Parse and return the Authorization header"""
if self.authmode == "cookie":
user = self.form.pop("__login")
passwd = self.form.pop("__password", '')
return user, passwd.encode('UTF8')
except KeyError:
self.debug('no login/password in form params')
return None, None
return self.header_authorization()
def get_cookie(self):
"""retrieve request cookies, returns an empty cookie if not found"""
return Cookie.SimpleCookie(self.get_header('Cookie'))
except KeyError:
return Cookie.SimpleCookie()
def set_cookie(self, cookie, key, maxage=300, expires=None):
"""set / update a cookie key
by default, cookie will be available for the next 5 minutes.
Give maxage = None to have a "session" cookie expiring when the
client close its browser
morsel = cookie[key]
if maxage is not None:
morsel['Max-Age'] = maxage
if expires:
morsel['expires'] = expires.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
# make sure cookie is set on the correct path
morsel['path'] = self.base_url_path()
self.add_header('Set-Cookie', morsel.OutputString())
def remove_cookie(self, cookie, key):
"""remove a cookie by expiring it"""
self.set_cookie(cookie, key, maxage=0, expires=date(1970, 1, 1))
def set_content_type(self, content_type, filename=None, encoding=None):
"""set output content type for this request. An optional filename
may be given
if content_type.startswith('text/'):
content_type += ';charset=' + (encoding or self.encoding)
self.set_header('content-type', content_type)
if filename:
if isinstance(filename, unicode):
filename = header(filename).encode()
self.set_header('content-disposition', 'inline; filename=%s'
% filename)
# high level methods for HTML headers management ##########################
def add_onload(self, jscode):
def add_js(self, jsfiles, localfile=True):
"""specify a list of JS files to include in the HTML headers
:param jsfiles: a JS filename or a list of JS filenames
:param localfile: if True, the default data dir prefix is added to the
JS filename
if isinstance(jsfiles, basestring):
jsfiles = (jsfiles,)
for jsfile in jsfiles:
if localfile:
jsfile = self.datadir_url + jsfile
def add_css(self, cssfiles, media=u'all', localfile=True, ieonly=False,
iespec=u'[if lt IE 8]'):
"""specify a CSS file to include in the HTML headers
:param cssfiles: a CSS filename or a list of CSS filenames
:param media: the CSS's media if necessary
:param localfile: if True, the default data dir prefix is added to the
CSS filename
:param ieonly: True if this css is specific to IE
:param iespec: conditional expression that will be used around
the css inclusion. cf:
if isinstance(cssfiles, basestring):
cssfiles = (cssfiles,)
if ieonly:
if self.ie_browser():
extraargs = [iespec]
add_css = self.html_headers.add_ie_css
return # no need to do anything on non IE browsers
extraargs = []
add_css = self.html_headers.add_css
for cssfile in cssfiles:
if localfile:
cssfile = self.datadir_url + cssfile
add_css(cssfile, media, *extraargs)
def build_ajax_replace_url(self, nodeid, rql, vid, replacemode='replace',
"""builds an ajax url that will replace nodeid's content
:param nodeid: the dom id of the node to replace
:param rql: rql to execute
:param vid: the view to apply on the resultset
:param replacemode: defines how the replacement should be done.
Possible values are :
- 'replace' to replace the node's content with the generated HTML
- 'swap' to replace the node itself with the generated HTML
- 'append' to append the generated HTML to the node's content
url = self.build_url('view', rql=rql, vid=vid, __notemplate=1,
return "javascript: loadxhtml('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (
nodeid, xml_escape(url), replacemode)
# urls/path management ####################################################
def url(self, includeparams=True):
"""return currently accessed url"""
return self.base_url() + self.relative_path(includeparams)
def _datadir_url(self):
"""return url of the instance's data directory"""
return self.base_url() + 'data%s/' % self.vreg.config.instance_md5_version()
def selected(self, url):
"""return True if the url is equivalent to currently accessed url"""
reqpath = self.relative_path().lower()
baselen = len(self.base_url())
return (reqpath == url[baselen:].lower())
def base_url_prepend_host(self, hostname):
protocol, roothost = urlsplit(self.base_url())[:2]
if roothost.startswith('www.'):
roothost = roothost[4:]
return '%s://%s.%s' % (protocol, hostname, roothost)
def base_url_path(self):
"""returns the absolute path of the base url"""
return urlsplit(self.base_url())[2]
def from_controller(self):
"""return the id (string) of the controller issuing the request"""
controller = self.relative_path(False).split('/', 1)[0]
registered_controllers = self.vreg['controllers'].keys()
if controller in registered_controllers:
return controller
return 'view'
def external_resource(self, rid, default=_MARKER):
"""return a path to an external resource, using its identifier
raise KeyError if the resource is not defined
value = self.vreg.config.ext_resources[rid]
except KeyError:
if default is _MARKER:
return default
if value is None:
return None
baseurl = self.datadir_url[:-1] # remove trailing /
if isinstance(value, list):
return [v.replace('DATADIR', baseurl) for v in value]
return value.replace('DATADIR', baseurl)
external_resource = cached(external_resource, keyarg=1)
def validate_cache(self):
"""raise a `DirectResponse` exception if a cached page along the way
exists and is still usable.
calls the client-dependant implementation of `_validate_cache`
if self.http_method() == 'HEAD':
raise StatusResponse(200, '')
# abstract methods to override according to the web front-end #############
def http_method(self):
"""returns 'POST', 'GET', 'HEAD', etc."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _validate_cache(self):
"""raise a `DirectResponse` exception if a cached page along the way
exists and is still usable
raise NotImplementedError()
def relative_path(self, includeparams=True):
"""return the normalized path of the request (ie at least relative
to the instance's root, but some other normalization may be needed
so that the returned path may be used to compare to generated urls
:param includeparams:
boolean indicating if GET form parameters should be kept in the path
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_header(self, header, default=None):
"""return the value associated with the given input HTTP header,
raise KeyError if the header is not set
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_header(self, header, value):
"""set an output HTTP header"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def add_header(self, header, value):
"""add an output HTTP header"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def remove_header(self, header):
"""remove an output HTTP header"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def header_authorization(self):
"""returns a couple (auth-type, auth-value)"""
auth = self.get_header("Authorization", None)
if auth:
scheme, rest = auth.split(' ', 1)
scheme = scheme.lower()
assert scheme == "basic"
user, passwd = base64.decodestring(rest).split(":", 1)
# XXX HTTP header encoding: use email.Header?
return user.decode('UTF8'), passwd
except Exception, ex:
self.debug('bad authorization %s (%s: %s)',
auth, ex.__class__.__name__, ex)
return None, None
@deprecated("[3.4] use parse_accept_header('Accept-Language')")
def header_accept_language(self):
"""returns an ordered list of preferred languages"""
return [value.split('-')[0] for value in
def parse_accept_header(self, header):
"""returns an ordered list of preferred languages"""
accepteds = self.get_header(header, '')
values = []
for info in accepteds.split(','):
value, scores = info.split(';', 1)
except ValueError:
value = info
score = 1.0
for score in scores.split(';'):
scorekey, scoreval = score.split('=')
if scorekey == 'q': # XXX 'level'
score = float(scoreval)
except ValueError:
values.append((score, value))
return (value for (score, value) in values)
def header_if_modified_since(self):
"""If the HTTP header If-modified-since is set, return the equivalent
mx date time value (GMT), else return None
raise NotImplementedError()
def demote_to_html(self):
"""helper method to dynamically set request content type to text/html
The global doctype and xmldec must also be changed otherwise the browser
will display '<[' at the beginning of the page
self.main_stream.doctype = TRANSITIONAL_DOCTYPE_NOEXT
self.main_stream.xmldecl = u''
# page data management ####################################################
def get_page_data(self, key, default=None):
"""return value associated to `key` in curernt page data"""
page_data = self.cnx.get_session_data(self.pageid, {})
return page_data.get(key, default)
def set_page_data(self, key, value):
"""set value associated to `key` in current page data"""
page_data = self.cnx.get_session_data(self.pageid, {})
page_data[key] = value
return self.cnx.set_session_data(self.pageid, page_data)
def del_page_data(self, key=None):
"""remove value associated to `key` in current page data
if `key` is None, all page data will be cleared
if key is None:
page_data = self.cnx.get_session_data(self.pageid, {})
page_data.pop(key, None)
self.cnx.set_session_data(self.pageid, page_data)
# user-agent detection ####################################################
def useragent(self):
return self.get_header('User-Agent', None)
def ie_browser(self):
useragent = self.useragent()
return useragent and 'MSIE' in useragent
def xhtml_browser(self):
"""return True if the browser is considered as xhtml compatible.
If the instance is configured to always return text/html and not
application/xhtml+xml, this method will always return False, even though
this is semantically different
if self.vreg.config['force-html-content-type']:
return False
useragent = self.useragent()
# * MSIE/Konqueror does not support xml content-type
# * Opera supports xhtml and handles namespaces properly but it breaks
# jQuery.attr()
if useragent and ('MSIE' in useragent or 'KHTML' in useragent
or 'Opera' in useragent):
return False
return True
def html_content_type(self):
if self.xhtml_browser():
return 'application/xhtml+xml'
return 'text/html'
def document_surrounding_div(self):
if self.xhtml_browser():
return (u'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + STRICT_DOCTYPE + # XXX encoding ?
u'<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:cubicweb="http://www.logilab.org/2008/cubicweb">')
return u'<div>'
from cubicweb import set_log_methods
set_log_methods(CubicWebRequestBase, LOGGER)