author Rémi Cardona <>
Wed, 19 Nov 2014 12:13:32 +0100
changeset 10090 0aebb1c0f849
parent 10067 16c554c76eb4
child 10232 cda1bdc3652e
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
[utils] Add a '_cwtracehtml' GET parameter to trace self._cw.w() calls (closes #4601327) The core of this patch is in UStringIO.write(). When tracing is enabled, write() doesn't just append the 'value' argument to the underlying list. Instead, a stack trace is recorded and a special HTML "source" is formatted. The output with tracing enabled is an HTML page, with the original HTML escaped, and made clickable to show the stack trace when the write() call was done. This allows answering the recurring question: "who wrote this tag here?!"

#!/usr/bin/env python
Parser for Javascript comments.
import os.path as osp
import sys, os, getopt, re

def clean_comment(match):
    comment =
    comment = strip_stars(comment)
    return comment

# Rest utilities
def rest_title(title, level, level_markups=['=', '=', '-', '~', '+', '`']):
    size = len(title)
    if level == 0:
        return '\n'.join((level_markups[level] * size, title, level_markups[0] * size)) + '\n'
    return '\n'.join(('\n' + title, level_markups[level] * size)) + '\n'

def get_doc_comments(text):
    Return a list of all documentation comments in the file text.  Each
    comment is a pair, with the first element being the comment text and
    the second element being the line after it, which may be needed to
    guess function & arguments.

    >>> get_doc_comments(read_file('examples/module.js'))[0][0][:40]
    '/**\n * This is the module documentation.'
    >>> get_doc_comments(read_file('examples/module.js'))[1][0][7:50]
    'This is documentation for the first method.'
    >>> get_doc_comments(read_file('examples/module.js'))[1][1]
    'function the_first_function(arg1, arg2) '
    >>> get_doc_comments(read_file('examples/module.js'))[2][0]
    '/** This is the documentation for the second function. */'

    return [clean_comment(match) for match in re.finditer('/\*\*.*?\*/',
            text, re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)]

RE_STARS = re.compile('^\s*?\* ?', re.MULTILINE)

def strip_stars(doc_comment):
    Strip leading stars from a doc comment.

    >>> strip_stars('/** This is a comment. */')
    'This is a comment.'
    >>> strip_stars('/**\n * This is a\n * multiline comment. */')
    'This is a\n multiline comment.'
    >>> strip_stars('/** \n\t * This is a\n\t * multiline comment. \n*/')
    'This is a\n multiline comment.'

    return RE_STARS.sub('', doc_comment[3:-2]).strip()

def parse_js_files(args=sys.argv):
    Main command-line invocation.
        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args[1:], 'p:o:h', [
            'jspath=', 'output=', 'help'])
        opts = dict(opts)
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    rst_dir = opts.get('--output') or opts.get('-o')
    if rst_dir is None and len(args) != 1:
        rst_dir = 'apidocs'
    js_dir = opts.get('--jspath') or opts.get('-p')
    if not osp.exists(osp.join(rst_dir)):

    index = set()
    for js_path, js_dirs, js_files in os.walk(js_dir):
        rst_path = re.sub('%s%s*' % (js_dir, osp.sep), '', js_path)
        for js_file in js_files:
            if not js_file.endswith('.js'):
            if js_file in FILES_TO_IGNORE:
            if not osp.exists(osp.join(rst_dir, rst_path)):
                os.makedirs(osp.join(rst_dir, rst_path))
            rst_content =  extract_rest(js_path, js_file)
            filename = osp.join(rst_path, js_file[:-3])
            # add to index
            # save rst file
            with open(osp.join(rst_dir, filename) + '.rst', 'wb') as f_rst:
    stream = open(osp.join(rst_dir, 'index.rst'), 'w')
.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1

    # first write expected files in order
    for fileid in INDEX_IN_ORDER:
        except Exception:
            raise Exception(
        'Bad file id %s referenced in INDEX_IN_ORDER in %s, '
        'fix this please' % (fileid, __file__))
        stream.write('    %s\n' % fileid)
    # append remaining, by alphabetical order
    for fileid in sorted(index):
        stream.write('    %s\n' % fileid)

def extract_rest(js_dir, js_file):
    js_filepath = osp.join(js_dir, js_file)
    filecontent = open(js_filepath, 'U').read()
    comments = get_doc_comments(filecontent)
    rst = rest_title(js_file, 0)
    rst += '.. module:: %s\n\n' % js_file
    rst += '\n\n'.join(comments)
    return rst





if __name__ == '__main__':