author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Tue, 15 Apr 2014 11:55:37 +0200
changeset 9790 0872ac2a1db0
parent 5819 1017163825c7
permissions -rw-r--r--
[testlib] call init_config once the config has been properly bootstraped This should be done right after repository instantiation and as such involves giving CWTC.init_config as a callback to the test database handler (which will itself gives it to the repository initialization function). This unfortunatly requires to pass the init_config method to the server.init_repository function because it has to be called after the config has been initialized (which is done in Repository.__init__) but before the migration handler is instantiated (which will call 'server_maintainance' hook, hence may require the proper config). Another way to fix this would be to change the initialization sequence, but this is another story. Closes #3749378

/* styles for preferences form (views/management.py)
 *  :organization: Logilab
 *  :copyright: 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 *  :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr

div.propertiesform {
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div.propertiesform a:hover {
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div.component {
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a.componentTitle {
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a.componentTitle:visited {
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div.preffield {
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div.prefinput {
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div.prefinput select.changed,
div.prefinput input.changed {
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.prefinput input.error {
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div.formsg {
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div.critical {
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div.formsg .msg {
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div.prefinput .helper:hover {
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