[rtags] Allow to 'derive' rtags
Since some releases, rtags (structure underlying uicfg) have selector and may be
copied using something like:
new_rtags = deepcopy(original_rtags)
new_rtags.__module__ = __name__
new_rtags.__select__ = custom_selector
The problem is that starting from that, both rtags wil diverge and changes in
original_rtags won't be considered, while we usually want to set a few specific
rules only in new_rtags. To fix this problem, this cset introduces the notion of
"derivated/parent" rtag, eg:
new_rtags = original_rtags.derive(__name__, custom_selector)
Beside easier copying, when using the above method changes in original_rtags
which are not overriden by new_rtags will be considered since it only hold its
specific rules but look among its parent chain for non-found keys.
Along the way, flake8 unittest_rtags.
Closes #16164880
A default authentication stack is provided by the :mod:`cubicweb.pyramid.auth`
module, which is included by :mod:`cubicweb.pyramid.default`.
The authentication stack is built around `pyramid_multiauth`_, and provides a
few default policies that reproduce the default cubicweb behavior.
.. note::
Note that this module only provides an authentication policy, not the views
that handle the login form. See :ref:`login_module`
The default policies can be individually deactivated, as well as the default
authentication callback that returns the current user groups as :term:`principals`.
The following settings can be set to `False`:
- :confval:`cubicweb.auth.update_login_time`. Activate the policy that update
the user `login_time` when `remember` is called.
- :confval:`cubicweb.auth.authtkt` and all its subvalues.
- :confval:`cubicweb.auth.groups_principals`
Additionnal policies can be added by accessing the MultiAuthenticationPolicy
instance in the registry:
.. code-block:: python
mypolicy = SomePolicy()
authpolicy = config.registry['cubicweb.authpolicy']
.. _pyramid_multiauth: https://github.com/mozilla-services/pyramid_multiauth