author Sylvain Thénault <>
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 16:14:17 +0100
changeset 11888 0849a5eb57b8
parent 11076 403a901b6b1e
child 11898 c5d3382f14e9
permissions -rw-r--r--
[rtags] Allow to 'derive' rtags Since some releases, rtags (structure underlying uicfg) have selector and may be copied using something like: new_rtags = deepcopy(original_rtags) new_rtags.__module__ = __name__ new_rtags.__select__ = custom_selector The problem is that starting from that, both rtags wil diverge and changes in original_rtags won't be considered, while we usually want to set a few specific rules only in new_rtags. To fix this problem, this cset introduces the notion of "derivated/parent" rtag, eg: new_rtags = original_rtags.derive(__name__, custom_selector) Beside easier copying, when using the above method changes in original_rtags which are not overriden by new_rtags will be considered since it only hold its specific rules but look among its parent chain for non-found keys. Along the way, flake8 unittest_rtags. Closes #16164880

from cubicweb.devtools import qunit

def js(name):
    return '/static/js_examples/' + name

class QUnitTestCaseTC(qunit.QUnitTestCase):

    all_js_tests = (
                    (js('test_with_dep.js'), (js('dep_1.js'),)),
                    (js('test_with_ordered_deps.js'), (js('dep_1.js'), js('deps_2.js'),)),

    def test_simple_failure(self):
        js_tests = list(self._test_qunit(js('test_simple_failure.js')))
        self.assertEqual(len(js_tests), 3)
        test_1, test_2, test_3 = js_tests
        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, test_1[1], *test_1[2:])
        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, test_2[1], *test_2[2:])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from unittest import main