author Sylvain Thénault <>
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 16:14:17 +0100
changeset 11888 0849a5eb57b8
parent 11822 adf0212d1dcc
child 12546 465ee7fb16e3
permissions -rw-r--r--
[rtags] Allow to 'derive' rtags Since some releases, rtags (structure underlying uicfg) have selector and may be copied using something like: new_rtags = deepcopy(original_rtags) new_rtags.__module__ = __name__ new_rtags.__select__ = custom_selector The problem is that starting from that, both rtags wil diverge and changes in original_rtags won't be considered, while we usually want to set a few specific rules only in new_rtags. To fix this problem, this cset introduces the notion of "derivated/parent" rtag, eg: new_rtags = original_rtags.derive(__name__, custom_selector) Beside easier copying, when using the above method changes in original_rtags which are not overriden by new_rtags will be considered since it only hold its specific rules but look among its parent chain for non-found keys. Along the way, flake8 unittest_rtags. Closes #16164880

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"""unit tests for i18n messages generator"""

from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
import os
import os.path as osp
import sys
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen, STDOUT
from unittest import TestCase, main

from six import PY2
from mock import patch

from cubicweb.devtools import devctl
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import BaseTestCase

DATADIR = osp.join(osp.abspath(osp.dirname(__file__)), 'data')

def load_po(fname):
    """load a po file and  return a set of encountered (msgid, msgctx)"""
    msgs = set()
    msgid = msgctxt = None
    with open(fname) as fobj:
        for line in fobj:
            if line.strip() in ('', '#'):
            if line.startswith('msgstr'):
                assert not (msgid, msgctxt) in msgs
                msgs.add((msgid, msgctxt))
                msgid = msgctxt = None
            elif line.startswith('msgid'):
                msgid = line.split(' ', 1)[1][1:-1]
            elif line.startswith('msgctx'):
                msgctxt = line.split(' ', 1)[1][1: -1]
            elif msgid is not None:
                msgid += line[1:-1]
            elif msgctxt is not None:
                msgctxt += line[1:-1]
    return msgs

TESTCUBE_DIR = osp.join(DATADIR, 'cubes', 'i18ntestcube')

class cubePotGeneratorTC(TestCase):
    """test case for i18n pot file generator"""

    def test_i18ncube(self):
        env = os.environ.copy()
        if 'PYTHONPATH' in env:
            env['PYTHONPATH'] += os.pathsep
            env['PYTHONPATH'] = ''
        env['PYTHONPATH'] += osp.join(DATADIR, 'libpython')
        cubedir = osp.join(DATADIR, 'libpython', 'cubicweb_i18ntestcube')
        self._check(cubedir, env)

    def test_i18ncube_legacy_layout(self):
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['CW_CUBES_PATH'] = osp.join(DATADIR, 'cubes')
        if 'PYTHONPATH' in env:
            env['PYTHONPATH'] += os.pathsep
            env['PYTHONPATH'] = ''
        env['PYTHONPATH'] += DATADIR
        cubedir = osp.join(DATADIR, 'cubes', 'i18ntestcube')
        self._check(cubedir, env)

    def _check(self, cubedir, env):
        cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'cubicweb', 'i18ncube', 'i18ntestcube']
        proc = Popen(cmd, env=env, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
        msg = stdout.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors='replace')
        self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, 0, msg=msg)
        msgs = load_po(osp.join(cubedir, 'i18n', 'en.po.ref'))
        newmsgs = load_po(osp.join(cubedir, 'i18n', 'en.po'))
        self.assertEqual(msgs, newmsgs)

class CustomMessageExtractor(devctl.I18nCubeMessageExtractor):
    blacklist = devctl.I18nCubeMessageExtractor.blacklist | set(['excludeme'])

def capture_stdout():
    stream = BytesIO() if PY2 else StringIO()
    sys.stdout = stream
    yield stream
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

class I18nCollectorTest(BaseTestCase):

    def test_i18ncube_py_collection(self):
        extractor = CustomMessageExtractor(DATADIR, TESTCUBE_DIR)
        collected = extractor.collect_py()
        expected = [osp.join(TESTCUBE_DIR, path)
                    for path in ('', '',
                                 '', '')]
        self.assertCountEqual(expected, collected)

    def test_i18ncube_js_collection(self):
        extractor = CustomMessageExtractor(DATADIR, TESTCUBE_DIR)
        collected = extractor.collect_js()
        self.assertCountEqual([], collected, [])
        extractor.blacklist = ()  # don't ignore anything
        collected = extractor.collect_js()
        expected = [osp.join(TESTCUBE_DIR, 'node_modules/cubes.somefile.js')]
        self.assertCountEqual(expected, collected)

    class FakeMessageExtractor(devctl.I18nCubeMessageExtractor):
        """Fake message extractor that generates no pot file."""

        def generate_pot_file(self):
            return None

    @patch('pkg_resources.load_entry_point', return_value=FakeMessageExtractor)
    def test_cube_custom_extractor(self, mock_load_entry_point):
        distname = 'cubicweb_i18ntestcube'  # same for new and legacy layout
        for cubedir in [
            osp.join(DATADIR, 'libpython', 'cubicweb_i18ntestcube'),
            # Legacy cubes.
            osp.join(DATADIR, 'cubes', 'i18ntestcube'),
            with self.subTest(cubedir=cubedir):
                with capture_stdout() as stream:
                self.assertIn(u'no message catalog for cube i18ntestcube',
                    distname, 'cubicweb.i18ncube', 'i18ntestcube')

if __name__ == '__main__':