[debian] build the book with no auto-compression of book files (closes: #1906581)
Book content paths (html and rest) are now excluded from Debian compression step.
This will fix a documentation search issue on the website (doc.cubicweb.org)
Documentation build is now made optional since it can break for old distributions
and we don't want to block a new release of Cubicweb because of documentation issues.
from cubicweb.devtools.qunit import QUnitTestCase, unittest_main
from os import path as osp
class JScript(QUnitTestCase):
all_js_tests = (
("jstests/test_utils.js", (
("jstests/test_htmlhelpers.js", (
("jstests/test_ajax.js", (
), (
if __name__ == '__main__':