[debian] build the book with no auto-compression of book files (closes: #1906581)
Book content paths (html and rest) are now excluded from Debian compression step.
This will fix a documentation search issue on the website (doc.cubicweb.org)
Documentation build is now made optional since it can break for old distributions
and we don't want to block a new release of Cubicweb because of documentation issues.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<display window-flags="sticky, below" width="185" height="200">
<sensor id="r" module="rqlsensor"/>
<sensor id="FS" module="FontSelector,1,Sans 10 black"/>
<!-- left border -->
<group x="0" width="5" height="200" bg-uri="gfx/border-left.png"/>
<image x="10" y="0" uri="gfx/logo_erudi.png"/>
<array id="results" x="10" y="30"
watch="layout=r:layout, length=r:length">
<label id="lbls1" color="black"
watch="value=r:result, font=FS:font0, color=r:resultbg"/>