author Sylvain Thénault <>
Wed, 02 Sep 2015 15:31:18 +0200
changeset 10634 06a43f727601
parent 9702 c2108dbfb508
child 10663 54b8a1f249fb
permissions -rw-r--r--
[web/views] avoid propagation of NoSelectableObject in some case of inlined relations / permissions When selecting an inlined creation form, we should catch the NoSelectable exception that will be raised if the user cannot add entities of the target type (this is not and cannot be verified earlier) or if some other custom selector prevents the form from being selected. Closes #6510921

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Diseasome data import module.
Its interface is the ``entities_from_rdf`` function.

import re
RE_RELS = re.compile(r'^<(.*?)>\s<(.*?)>\s<(.*?)>\s*\.')
RE_ATTS = re.compile(r'^<(.*?)>\s<(.*?)>\s"(.*)"(\^\^<(.*?)>|)\s*\.')

MAPPING_ATTS = {'bio2rdfSymbol': 'bio2rdf_symbol',
                'label': 'label',
                'name': 'name',
                'classDegree': 'class_degree',
                'degree': 'degree',
                'size': 'size'}

MAPPING_RELS = {'geneId': 'gene_id',
                'hgncId': 'hgnc_id', 
                'hgncIdPage': 'hgnc_page', 
                'sameAs': 'same_as', 
                'class': 'classes', 
                'diseaseSubtypeOf': 'subtype_of', 
                'associatedGene': 'associated_genes', 
                'possibleDrug': 'possible_drugs',
                'type': 'types',
                'omim': 'omim', 
                'omimPage': 'omim_page', 
                'chromosomalLocation': 'chromosomal_location'}

def _retrieve_reltype(uri):
    Retrieve a relation type from a URI.

    Internal function which takes a URI containing a relation type as input
    and returns the name of the relation.
    If no URI string is given, then the function returns None.
    if uri:
        return uri.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].rsplit('#', 1)[-1]

def _retrieve_etype(tri_uri):
    Retrieve entity type from a triple of URIs.

    Internal function whith takes a tuple of three URIs as input
    and returns the type of the entity, as obtained from the
    first member of the tuple.
    if tri_uri:
        return tri_uri.split('> <')[0].rsplit('/', 2)[-2].rstrip('s')

def _retrieve_structure(filename, etypes):
    Retrieve a (subject, relation, object) tuples iterator from a file.

    Internal function which takes as input a file name and a tuple of 
    entity types, and returns an iterator of (subject, relation, object)
    with open(filename) as fil:
        for line in fil:
            if _retrieve_etype(line) not in etypes:
            match = RE_RELS.match(line)
            if not match:
                match = RE_ATTS.match(line)
            subj =
            relation = _retrieve_reltype(
            obj =
            yield subj, relation, obj

def entities_from_rdf(filename, etypes):
    Return entities from an RDF file.

    Module interface function which takes as input a file name and
    a tuple of entity types, and returns an iterator on the 
    attributes and relations of each entity. The attributes
    and relations are retrieved as dictionaries.
    >>> for entities, relations in entities_from_rdf('data_file', 
                                                     ('type_1', 'type_2')):
    entities = {}
    for subj, rel, obj in _retrieve_structure(filename, etypes):
        entities.setdefault(subj, {})
        entities[subj].setdefault('attributes', {})
        entities[subj].setdefault('relations', {})
        entities[subj]['attributes'].setdefault('cwuri', unicode(subj))
        if rel in MAPPING_ATTS:
        if rel in MAPPING_RELS:
            entities[subj]['relations'].setdefault(MAPPING_RELS[rel], set())
    return ((ent.get('attributes'), ent.get('relations')) 
            for ent in entities.itervalues())