[doc/changes] CubicWebTC.set_description no longer available
.._searchbar:RQL search bar--------------The RQL search bar is a visual component, hidden by default, the tiny *search*input being enough for common use cases.An autocompletion helper is provided to help you type valid queries, bothin terms of syntax and in terms of schema validity...autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch.RQLSuggestionsBuilderHow search is performed+++++++++++++++++++++++You can use the *rql search bar* to either type RQL queries, plain text queriesor standard shortcuts such as *<EntityType>* or *<EntityType> <attrname> <value>*.Ultimately, all queries are translated to rql since it's the onlylanguage understood on the server (data) side. To transform the userquery into RQL, CubicWeb uses the so-called *magicsearch component*,defined in :mod:`cubicweb.web.views.magicsearch`, which in turndelegates to a number of query preprocessor that are responsible ofinterpreting the user query and generating corresponding RQL.The code of the main processor loop is easy to understand:..sourcecode::pythonforprocinself.processors:try:returnproc.process_query(uquery,req)except(RQLSyntaxError,BadRQLQuery):passThe idea is simple: for each query processor, try to translate thequery. If it fails, try with the next processor, if it succeeds,we're done and the RQL query will be executed.