[py3] Use "utf-8" as input encoding for docutils in rest extension
Docutils says that "unicode" is an unknown encoding on Python3. Not sure
where "unicode" as an encoding comes (it's there since showtime) but
"utf-8" seems more appropriate.
From now on, rendering of CubicWeb's rst directive (e.g. ..winclude)
works on Python 3. Accordingly, we extend wdoc's test to demonstrate
this. For this we need to install docutils in tox's web environment.
CSS Coding Standards--------------------(Draft, to be continued):Naming: camelCaseIndentation rules~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 2 espaces avant les propriétés- pas d'espace avant les ":", un espace après- 1 seul espace entre les différentes valeurs pour une même propriétéDocumentation~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please keep rules semantically linked grouped together, with a comment aboutwhat they are for.Recommendation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Try to use existing classes rather than introduce new ones- Keep things as simple as possible while in the framework- Think about later customization by application- Avoid introducing a new CSS file for a few lines of CSS, at least while the framework doesn't include packing functionalities