author Rémi Cardona <remi.cardona@logilab.fr>, Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Thu, 26 Nov 2015 11:30:54 +0100
changeset 10935 049209b9e9d6
parent 10688 fa29f3628a1b
permissions -rw-r--r--
[qunit] stop dealing with filesystem paths qunit tests need a few things served by cubicweb: - qunit itself, which is now handled by CWDevtoolsStaticController (serving files in cubicweb/devtools/data) - standard cubicweb or cubes data files, handled by the DataController - the tests themselves and their dependencies. These can live in <apphome>/data or <apphome>/static and be served by one of the STATIC_CONTROLLERS This avoids having to guess in CWSoftwareRootStaticController where to serve things from (some files may be installed, others are in the source tree), and should hopefully make it possible to have these tests pass when using tox, and to write qunit tests for cubes, outside of cubicweb itself. This requires modifying the tests to only declare URL paths instead of filesystem paths, and moving support files below test/data/static.

# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Rules based url rewriter component, to get configurable RESTful urls"""

import re

from six import string_types, add_metaclass

from cubicweb.uilib import domid
from cubicweb.appobject import AppObject

def rgx(pattern, flags=0):
    """this is just a convenient shortcut to add the $ sign"""
    return re.compile(pattern+'$', flags)

class metarewriter(type):
    """auto-extend rules dictionary"""
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict):
        # collect baseclass' rules
        rules = []
        ignore_baseclass_rules = classdict.get('ignore_baseclass_rules', False)
        if not ignore_baseclass_rules:
            for base in bases:
                rules[0:0] = getattr(base, 'rules', [])
        rules[0:0] = classdict.get('rules', [])
        inputs = set()
        for data in rules[:]:
                input, output, groups = data
            except ValueError:
                input, output = data
            if input in inputs:
                rules.remove( (input, output) )
        classdict['rules'] = rules
        return super(metarewriter, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict)

class URLRewriter(AppObject):
    """Base class for URL rewriters.

    Url rewriters should have a `rules` dict that maps an input URI
    to something that should be used for rewriting.

    The actual logic that defines how the rules dict is used is implemented
    in the `rewrite` method.

    A `priority` attribute might be used to indicate which rewriter
    should be tried first. The higher the priority is, the earlier the
    rewriter will be tried.
    __registry__ = 'urlrewriting'
    __abstract__ = True
    priority = 1

    def rewrite(self, req, uri):
        raise NotImplementedError

class SimpleReqRewriter(URLRewriter):
    """The SimpleReqRewriters uses a `rules` dict that maps input URI
    (regexp or plain string) to a dictionary to update the request's

    If the input uri is a regexp, group substitution is allowed.
    __regid__ = 'simple'

    rules = [
        ('/_', dict(vid='manage')),
        ('/_registry', dict(vid='registry')),
#        (rgx('/_([^/]+?)/?'), dict(vid=r'\1')),
        ('/schema',  dict(vid='schema')),
        ('/index', dict(vid='index')),
        ('/myprefs', dict(vid='propertiesform')),
        ('/siteconfig', dict(vid='systempropertiesform')),
        ('/siteinfo', dict(vid='siteinfo')),
        ('/manage', dict(vid='manage')),
        ('/notfound', dict(vid='404')),
        ('/error', dict(vid='error')),
        ('/sparql', dict(vid='sparql')),
        ('/processinfo', dict(vid='processinfo')),
        (rgx('/cwuser', re.I), dict(vid='cw.users-and-groups-management',
        (rgx('/cwgroup', re.I), dict(vid='cw.users-and-groups-management',
        (rgx('/cwsource', re.I), dict(vid='cw.sources-management')),
        # XXX should be case insensitive as 'create', but I would like to find another way than
        # relying on the etype_selector
        (rgx('/schema/([^/]+?)/?'),  dict(vid='primary', rql=r'Any X WHERE X is CWEType, X name "\1"')),
        (rgx('/add/([^/]+?)/?'), dict(vid='creation', etype=r'\1')),
        (rgx('/doc/images/(.+?)/?'), dict(vid='wdocimages', fid=r'\1')),
        (rgx('/doc/?'), dict(vid='wdoc', fid=r'main')),
        (rgx('/doc/(.+?)/?'), dict(vid='wdoc', fid=r'\1')),

    def rewrite(self, req, uri):
        """for each `input`, `output `in rules, if `uri` matches `input`,
        req's form is updated with `output`
        for data in self.rules:
                inputurl, infos, required_groups = data
            except ValueError:
                inputurl, infos = data
                required_groups = None
            if required_groups and not req.user.matching_groups(required_groups):
            if isinstance(inputurl, string_types):
                if inputurl == uri:
            elif inputurl.match(uri): # it's a regexp
                # XXX what about i18n? (vtitle for instance)
                for param, value in infos.items():
                    if isinstance(value, string_types):
                        req.form[param] = inputurl.sub(value, uri)
                        req.form[param] = value
            self.debug("no simple rewrite rule found for %s", uri)
            raise KeyError(uri)
        return None, None

def build_rset(rql, rgxgroups=None, setuser=False,
               vid=None, vtitle=None, form={}, **kwargs):

    def do_build_rset(inputurl, uri, req, schema, kwargs=kwargs):
        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        if rgxgroups:
            match = inputurl.match(uri)
            for arg, group in rgxgroups:
                kwargs[arg] = match.group(group)
        if setuser:
            kwargs['u'] = req.user.eid
        if vid:
            req.form['vid'] = vid
        if vtitle:
            req.form['vtitle'] = req._(vtitle) % kwargs
        return None, req.execute(rql, kwargs)
    return do_build_rset

def update_form(**kwargs):
    def do_build_rset(inputurl, uri, req, schema):
        match = inputurl.match(uri)
        return None, None
    return do_build_rset

def rgx_action(rql=None, args=None, argsgroups=(), setuser=False,
               form=None, formgroups=(), transforms={}, rqlformparams=(), controller=None):
    def do_build_rset(inputurl, uri, req, schema,
        if rql:
            kwargs = args and args.copy() or {}
            if argsgroups:
                match = inputurl.match(uri)
                for key in argsgroups:
                    value = match.group(key)
                        kwargs[key] = transforms[key](value)
                    except KeyError:
                        kwargs[key] = value
            if setuser:
                kwargs['u'] = req.user.eid
            for param in rqlformparams:
                kwargs.setdefault(param, req.form.get(param))
            rset = req.execute(rql, kwargs)
            rset = None
        form2 = form and form.copy() or {}
        if formgroups:
            match = inputurl.match(uri)
            for key in formgroups:
                form2[key] = match.group(key)
        if "vtitle" in form2:
            form2['vtitle'] = req.__(form2['vtitle'])
        if form2:
        return controller, rset
    return do_build_rset

class SchemaBasedRewriter(URLRewriter):
    """Here, the rules dict maps regexps or plain strings to callbacks
    that will be called with inputurl, uri, req, schema as parameters.
    __regid__ = 'schemabased'
    rules = [
        # rgxp : callback
        (rgx('/search/(.+)'), build_rset(rql=r'Any X ORDERBY FTIRANK(X) DESC WHERE X has_text %(text)s',
                                         rgxgroups=[('text', 1)])),

    def rewrite(self, req, uri):
        # XXX this could be refacted with SimpleReqRewriter
        for data in self.rules:
                inputurl, callback, required_groups = data
            except ValueError:
                inputurl, callback = data
                required_groups = None
            if required_groups and not req.user.matching_groups(required_groups):
            if isinstance(inputurl, string_types):
                if inputurl == uri:
                    return callback(inputurl, uri, req, self._cw.vreg.schema)
            elif inputurl.match(uri): # it's a regexp
                return callback(inputurl, uri, req, self._cw.vreg.schema)
            self.debug("no schemabased rewrite rule found for %s", uri)
            raise KeyError(uri)