author Rémi Cardona <remi.cardona@logilab.fr>, Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Thu, 26 Nov 2015 11:30:54 +0100
changeset 10935 049209b9e9d6
parent 10907 9ae707db5265
permissions -rw-r--r--
[qunit] stop dealing with filesystem paths qunit tests need a few things served by cubicweb: - qunit itself, which is now handled by CWDevtoolsStaticController (serving files in cubicweb/devtools/data) - standard cubicweb or cubes data files, handled by the DataController - the tests themselves and their dependencies. These can live in <apphome>/data or <apphome>/static and be served by one of the STATIC_CONTROLLERS This avoids having to guess in CWSoftwareRootStaticController where to serve things from (some files may be installed, others are in the source tree), and should hopefully make it possible to have these tests pass when using tox, and to write qunit tests for cubes, outside of cubicweb itself. This requires modifying the tests to only declare URL paths instead of filesystem paths, and moving support files below test/data/static.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# copyright 2014 Logilab, PARIS

"""A set of utility functions to handle CORS requests

Unless specified, all references in this file are related to:

The provided implementation roughly follows:

See also:


from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit

from cubicweb.web import LOGGER
info = LOGGER.info

class CORSFailed(Exception):
    """Raised when cross origin resource sharing checks failed"""

class CORSPreflight(Exception):
    """Raised when cross origin resource sharing checks detects the
    request as a valid preflight request"""

def process_request(req, config):
    Process a request to apply CORS specification algorithms

    Check whether the CORS specification is respected and set corresponding
    headers to ensure response complies with the specification.

    In case of non-compliance, no CORS-related header is set.
    base_url = urlsplit(req.base_url())
    expected_host = '://'.join((base_url.scheme, base_url.netloc))
    if not req.get_header('Origin') or req.get_header('Origin') == expected_host:
        # not a CORS request, nothing to do
        # handle cross origin resource sharing (CORS)
        if req.http_method() == 'OPTIONS':
            if req.get_header('Access-Control-Request-Method'):
                # preflight CORS request
                process_preflight(req, config)
        else: # Simple CORS or actual request
            process_simple(req, config)
    except CORSFailed as exc:
        info('Cross origin resource sharing failed: %s' % exc)
    except CORSPreflight:
        info('Cross origin resource sharing: valid Preflight request %s')

def process_preflight(req, config):
    """cross origin resource sharing (preflight)
    Cf http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#resource-preflight-requests
    origin = check_origin(req, config)
    allowed_methods = set(config['access-control-allow-methods'])
    allowed_headers = set(config['access-control-allow-headers'])
        method = req.get_header('Access-Control-Request-Method')
    except ValueError:
        raise CORSFailed('Access-Control-Request-Method is incorrect')
    if method not in allowed_methods:
        raise CORSFailed('Method is not allowed')
        req.get_header('Access-Control-Request-Headers', ())
    except ValueError:
        raise CORSFailed('Access-Control-Request-Headers is incorrect')
    req.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', allowed_methods, raw=False)
    req.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', allowed_headers, raw=False)

    process_common(req, config, origin)
    raise CORSPreflight()

def process_simple(req, config):
    """Handle the Simple Cross-Origin Request case
    origin = check_origin(req, config)
    exposed_headers = config['access-control-expose-headers']
    if exposed_headers:
        req.set_header('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', exposed_headers, raw=False)
    process_common(req, config, origin)

def process_common(req, config, origin):
    req.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin)
    # in CW, we always support credential/authentication
    req.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true')

def check_origin(req, config):
    origin = req.get_header('Origin').lower()
    allowed_origins = config.get('access-control-allow-origin')
    if not allowed_origins:
        raise CORSFailed('access-control-allow-origin is not configured')
    if '*' not in allowed_origins and origin not in allowed_origins:
        raise CORSFailed('Origin is not allowed')
    # bit of sanity check; see "6.3 Security"
    myhost = urlsplit(req.base_url()).netloc
    host = req.get_header('Host')
    if host != myhost:
        info('cross origin resource sharing detected possible '
             'DNS rebinding attack Host header != host of base_url: '
             '%s != %s' % (host, myhost))
        raise CORSFailed('Host header and hostname do not match')
    # include "Vary: Origin" header (see 6.4)
    req.headers_out.addHeader('Vary', 'Origin')
    return origin