author Rémi Cardona <remi.cardona@logilab.fr>, Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Thu, 26 Nov 2015 11:30:54 +0100
changeset 10935 049209b9e9d6
parent 10907 9ae707db5265
child 11033 63d860a14a17
permissions -rw-r--r--
[qunit] stop dealing with filesystem paths qunit tests need a few things served by cubicweb: - qunit itself, which is now handled by CWDevtoolsStaticController (serving files in cubicweb/devtools/data) - standard cubicweb or cubes data files, handled by the DataController - the tests themselves and their dependencies. These can live in <apphome>/data or <apphome>/static and be served by one of the STATIC_CONTROLLERS This avoids having to guess in CWSoftwareRootStaticController where to serve things from (some files may be installed, others are in the source tree), and should hopefully make it possible to have these tests pass when using tox, and to write qunit tests for cubes, outside of cubicweb itself. This requires modifying the tests to only declare URL paths instead of filesystem paths, and moving support files below test/data/static.

"""turn a pyro source into a datafeed source

Once this script is run, execute c-c db-check to cleanup relation tables.
from __future__ import print_function

import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from logilab.common.shellutils import generate_password

    source_name, = __args__
    source = repo.sources_by_uri[source_name]
except ValueError:
    print('you should specify the source name as script argument (i.e. after --'
          ' on the command line)')
except KeyError:
    print('%s is not an active source' % source_name)

# check source is reachable before doing anything
if not source.get_connection().cnx:
    print('%s is not reachable. Fix this before running this script' % source_name)

raw_input('Ensure you have shutdown all instances of this application before continuing.'
          ' Type enter when ready.')

system_source = repo.system_source

from datetime import datetime
from cubicweb.server.edition import EditedEntity

print('******************** backport entity content ***************************')

todelete = defaultdict(list)
extids = set()
duplicates = []
for entity in rql('Any X WHERE X cw_source S, S eid %(s)s', {'s': source.eid}).entities():
    etype = entity.cw_etype
    if not source.support_entity(etype):
        print("source doesn't support %s, delete %s" % (etype, entity.eid))
    except Exception:
        print('%s %s much probably deleted, delete it (extid %s)' % (
            etype, entity.eid, entity.cw_metainformation()['extid']))
    print('get back', etype, entity.eid)
    entity.cw_edited = EditedEntity(entity, **entity.cw_attr_cache)
    if not entity.creation_date:
        entity.cw_edited['creation_date'] = datetime.now()
    if not entity.modification_date:
        entity.cw_edited['modification_date'] = datetime.now()
    if not entity.upassword:
        entity.cw_edited['upassword'] = generate_password()
    extid = entity.cw_metainformation()['extid']
    if not entity.cwuri:
        entity.cw_edited['cwuri'] = '%s/?dn=%s' % (
            source.urls[0], extid.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
    if extid in extids:
    system_source.add_entity(session, entity)
    sql("UPDATE entities SET source='system' "
        "WHERE eid=%(eid)s", {'eid': entity.eid})

# only cleanup entities table, remaining stuff should be cleaned by a c-c
# db-check to be run after this script
if duplicates:
    print('found %s duplicate entries' % len(duplicates))
    from pprint import pprint

print(len(todelete), 'entities will be deleted')
for etype, entities in todelete.items():
    print('deleting', etype, [e.login for e in entities])
    system_source.delete_info_multi(session, entities, source_name)

source_ent = rql('CWSource S WHERE S eid %(s)s', {'s': source.eid}).get_entity(0, 0)
source_ent.cw_set(type=u"ldapfeed", parser=u"ldapfeed")

if raw_input('Commit?') in 'yY':
    print('rolled back')