drop unused support of .required, no more necessary .accepts check, and extresources_registerer
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. _cubes:
Standard library
A library of standard cubes are available from `CubicWeb Forge`_
Cubes provide entities and views.
The available application entities are:
* addressbook: PhoneNumber and PostalAddress
* basket: Basket (like a shopping cart)
* blog: Blog (a *very* basic blog)
* classfolder: Folder (to organize things but grouping them in folders)
* classtags: Tag (to tag anything)
* file: File (to allow users to upload and store binary or text files)
* link: Link (to collect links to web resources)
* mailinglist: MailingList (to reference a mailing-list and the URLs
for its archives and its admin interface)
* person: Person (easily mixed with addressbook)
* task: Task (something to be done between start and stop date)
* zone: Zone (to define places within larger places, for example a
city in a state in a country)
The available system entities are:
* comment: Comment (to attach comment threads to entities)
Adding comments to BlogDemo
To import a cube in your application just change the line in the
``__pkginfo__.py`` file and verify that the cube you are planning
to use is listed by the command ``cubicweb-ctl list``.
For example::
__use__ = ('comment',)
will make the ``Comment`` entity available in your ``BlogDemo``
Change the schema to add a relationship between ``BlogEntry`` and
``Comment`` and you are done. Since the comment cube defines the
``comments`` relationship, adding the line::
comments = ObjectRelation('Comment', cardinality='1*', composite='object')
to the definition of a ``BlogEntry`` will be enough.
Synchronize the data model
Once you modified your data model, you need to synchronize the
database with your model. For this purpose, `CubicWeb` provides
a very usefull command ``cubicweb-ctl shell blogdemo`` which
launches an interactive migration Python shell. (see
:ref:`cubicweb-ctl-shell` for more details))
As you modified a relation from the `BlogEntry` schema,
run the following command:
You can now start your application and add comments to each