author Aurelien Campeas <aurelien.campeas@logilab.fr>
Wed, 21 Oct 2009 11:34:11 +0200
changeset 3767 03924de0014d
parent 3120 57ceabc6dfbc
child 3784 2465ef6aef5f
permissions -rw-r--r--
reledit: stuff the value into its own div and properly hide it when necessary (but dont lump it with the landingzone div for it switches the form on when one clicks on a value to traverse it)

 *  :organization: Logilab
 *  :copyright: 2003-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 *  :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr


var JSON_BASE_URL = baseuri() + 'json?';

function _loadAjaxHtmlHead(node, head, tag, srcattr) {
    var loaded = [];
    var jqtagfilter = tag + '[' + srcattr + ']';
    jQuery('head ' + jqtagfilter).each(function(i) {
    node.find(tag).each(function(i) {
	if (this.getAttribute(srcattr)) {
	    if (!loaded.contains(this.getAttribute(srcattr))) {
	} else {

 * inspect dom response, search for a <div class="ajaxHtmlHead"> node and
 * put its content into the real document's head.
 * This enables dynamic css and js loading and is used by replacePageChunk
function loadAjaxHtmlHead(node) {
    var head = jQuery('head');
    node = jQuery(node).find('div.ajaxHtmlHead');
    _loadAjaxHtmlHead(node, head, 'script', 'src');
    _loadAjaxHtmlHead(node, head, 'link', 'href');

function preprocessAjaxLoad(node, newdomnode) {

function postAjaxLoad(node) {
    // find sortable tables if there are some
    if (typeof(Sortable) != 'undefined') {
    // find textareas and wrap them if there are some
    if (typeof(FCKeditor) != 'undefined') {
    if (typeof initFacetBoxEvents != 'undefined') {
    if (typeof buildWidgets != 'undefined') {
    if (typeof roundedCorners != 'undefined') {
    // XXX simulates document.ready, but the former
    // only runs once, this one potentially many times
    // we probably need to unbind the fired events
    // When this is done, jquery.treeview.js (for instance)
    // can be unpatched.

/* cubicweb loadxhtml plugin to make jquery handle xhtml response
 * fetches `url` and replaces this's content with the result
 * @param mode how the replacement should be done (default is 'replace')
 *  Possible values are :
 *    - 'replace' to replace the node's content with the generated HTML
 *    - 'swap' to replace the node itself with the generated HTML
 *    - 'append' to append the generated HTML to the node's content
jQuery.fn.loadxhtml = function(url, data, reqtype, mode) {
    var ajax = null;
    if (reqtype == 'post') {
	ajax = jQuery.post;
    } else {
	ajax = jQuery.get;
    if (this.size() > 1) {
	log('loadxhtml was called with more than one element');
    var node = this.get(0); // only consider the first element
    mode = mode || 'replace';
    var callback = null;
    if (data && data.callback) {
	callback = data.callback;
	delete data.callback;
    ajax(url, data, function(response) {
	var domnode = getDomFromResponse(response);
	preprocessAjaxLoad(node, domnode);
	if (mode == 'swap') {
	    var origId = node.id;
	    node = swapDOM(node, domnode);
	    if (!node.id) {
		node.id = origId;
	} else if (mode == 'replace') {
	} else if (mode == 'append') {
	while (jQuery.isFunction(callback)) {
	    callback = callback.apply(this, [domnode]);

/* finds each dynamic fragment in the page and executes the
 * the associated RQL to build them (Async call)
function loadDynamicFragments(node) {
    if (node) {
	var fragments = jQuery(node).find('div.dynamicFragment');
    } else {
	var fragments = jQuery('div.dynamicFragment');
    if (fragments.length == 0) {
    if (typeof LOADING_MSG == 'undefined') {
	LOADING_MSG = 'loading'; // this is only a safety belt, it should not happen
    for(var i=0; i<fragments.length; i++) {
	var fragment = fragments[i];
	fragment.innerHTML = '<h3>' + LOADING_MSG + ' ... <img src="data/loading.gif" /></h3>';
	var rql = getNodeAttribute(fragment, 'cubicweb:rql');
	var vid = getNodeAttribute(fragment, 'cubicweb:vid');
        var extraparams = {};
	var actrql = getNodeAttribute(fragment, 'cubicweb:actualrql');
	if (actrql) { extraparams['actualrql'] = actrql; }
	var fbvid = getNodeAttribute(fragment, 'cubicweb:fallbackvid');
	if (fbvid) { extraparams['fallbackvid'] = fbvid; }

	replacePageChunk(fragment.id, rql, vid, extraparams);

jQuery(document).ready(function() {loadDynamicFragments();});

//============= base AJAX functions to make remote calls =====================//

function remoteCallFailed(err, req) {
    if (req.status == 500) {
    } else {
	updateMessage(_("an error occured while processing your request"));

 * This function will call **synchronously** a remote method on the cubicweb server
 * @param fname: the function name to call (as exposed by the JSONController)
 * additional arguments will be directly passed to the specified function
 * It looks at http headers to guess the response type.
function remoteExec(fname /* ... */) {
    var props = {'fname' : fname, 'pageid' : pageid,
     		 'arg': map(jQuery.toJSON, sliceList(arguments, 1))};
    var result  = jQuery.ajax({url: JSON_BASE_URL, data: props, async: false}).responseText;
    if (result) {
	result = evalJSON(result);
    return result;

 * This function will call **asynchronously** a remote method on the json
 * controller of the cubicweb http server
 * @param fname: the function name to call (as exposed by the JSONController)
 * additional arguments will be directly passed to the specified function
 * It looks at http headers to guess the response type.

function asyncRemoteExec(fname /* ... */) {
    var props = {'fname' : fname, 'pageid' : pageid,
     		 'arg': map(jQuery.toJSON, sliceList(arguments, 1))};
    var deferred = loadRemote(JSON_BASE_URL, props, 'POST');
    deferred = deferred.addErrback(remoteCallFailed);
    deferred = deferred.addErrback(resetCursor);
    deferred = deferred.addCallback(resetCursor);
    return deferred;

/* emulation of gettext's _ shortcut
function _(message) {
    return remoteExec('i18n', [message])[0];

function userCallback(cbname) {
    asyncRemoteExec('user_callback', cbname);

function unloadPageData() {
    // NOTE: do not make async calls on unload if you want to avoid
    //       strange bugs

function openHash() {
    if (document.location.hash) {
	var nid = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
	var node = jQuery('#' + nid);
	if (node) { removeElementClass(node, "hidden"); }

function reloadComponent(compid, rql, registry, nodeid, extraargs) {
    registry = registry || 'components';
    rql = rql || '';
    nodeid = nodeid || (compid + 'Component');
    extraargs = extraargs || {};
    var node = getNode(nodeid);
    var d = asyncRemoteExec('component', compid, rql, registry, extraargs);
    d.addCallback(function(result, req) {
	var domnode = getDomFromResponse(result);
	if (node) {
	    // make sure the component is visible
	    removeElementClass(node, "hidden");
	    swapDOM(node, domnode);
    d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
	updateMessage(_("an error occured"));
  return d;

/* XXX: HTML architecture of cubicweb boxes is a bit strange */
function reloadBox(boxid, rql) {
    return reloadComponent(boxid, rql, 'boxes', boxid);

function userCallbackThenUpdateUI(cbname, compid, rql, msg, registry, nodeid) {
    var d = asyncRemoteExec('user_callback', cbname);
    d.addCallback(function() {
	reloadComponent(compid, rql, registry, nodeid);
	if (msg) { updateMessage(msg); }
    d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
	updateMessage(_("an error occured"));
	return resetCursor();

function userCallbackThenReloadPage(cbname, msg) {
    var d = asyncRemoteExec('user_callback', cbname);
    d.addCallback(function() {
	if (msg) { updateMessage(msg); }
    d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
	updateMessage(_("an error occured"));
	return resetCursor();

 * unregisters the python function registered on the server's side
 * while the page was generated.
function unregisterUserCallback(cbname) {
    var d = asyncRemoteExec('unregister_user_callback', cbname);
    d.addCallback(function() {resetCursor();});
    d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
	updateMessage(_("an error occured"));
	return resetCursor();

/* executes an async query to the server and replaces a node's
 * content with the query result
 * @param nodeId the placeholder node's id
 * @param rql the RQL query
 * @param vid the vid to apply to the RQL selection (default if not specified)
 * @param extraparmas table of additional query parameters
function replacePageChunk(nodeId, rql, vid, extraparams, /* ... */ swap, callback) {
    var params = null;
    if (callback) {
	params = {callback: callback};

    var node = jQuery('#' + nodeId)[0];
    var props = {};
    if (node) {
	props['rql'] = rql;
	props['fname'] = 'view';
	props['pageid'] = pageid;
	if (vid) { props['vid'] = vid; }
	if (extraparams) { jQuery.extend(props, extraparams); }
	// FIXME we need to do asURL(props) manually instead of
	// passing `props` directly to loadxml because replacePageChunk
	// is sometimes called (abusively) with some extra parameters in `vid`
	var mode = swap?'swap':'replace';
	var url = JSON_BASE_URL + asURL(props);
	jQuery(node).loadxhtml(url, params, 'get', mode);
    } else {
	log('Node', nodeId, 'not found');

/* XXX deprecates?
 * fetches `url` and replaces `nodeid`'s content with the result
 * @param replacemode how the replacement should be done (default is 'replace')
 *  Possible values are :
 *    - 'replace' to replace the node's content with the generated HTML
 *    - 'swap' to replace the node itself with the generated HTML
 *    - 'append' to append the generated HTML to the node's content
function loadxhtml(nodeid, url, /* ... */ replacemode) {
    jQuery('#' + nodeid).loadxhtml(url, null, 'post', replacemode);

/* XXX: this function should go in edition.js but as for now, htmlReplace
 * references it.
 * replace all textareas with fckeditors.
function buildWysiwygEditors(parent) {
    jQuery('textarea').each(function () {
	if (this.getAttribute('cubicweb:type') == 'wysiwyg') {
            // mark editor as instanciated, we may be called a number of times
            // (see postAjaxLoad)
            this.setAttribute('cubicweb:type', 'fckeditor');
	    if (typeof FCKeditor != "undefined") {
		var fck = new FCKeditor(this.id);
		fck.Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = fckconfigpath;
		fck.Config['DefaultLanguage'] = fcklang;
		fck.BasePath = "fckeditor/";
	    } else {
		log('fckeditor could not be found.');


 * takes a list of DOM nodes and removes all empty text nodes
function stripEmptyTextNodes(nodelist) {
    var stripped = [];
    for (var i=0; i < nodelist.length; i++) {
	var node = nodelist[i];
	if (isTextNode(node) && !node.textContent.strip()) {
	} else {
    return stripped;

/* convenience function that returns a DOM node based on req's result.
 * XXX clarify the need to clone
 * */
function getDomFromResponse(response) {
    if (typeof(response) == 'string') {
	var doc = html2dom(response);
    } else {
        var doc = response.documentElement;
    var children = doc.childNodes;
    if (!children.length) {
	// no child (error cases) => return the whole document
	return jQuery(doc).clone().context;
    children = stripEmptyTextNodes(children);
    if (children.length == 1) {
	// only one child => return it
	return jQuery(children[0]).clone().context;
    // several children => wrap them in a single node and return the wrap
    return DIV(null, map(function(node) {
                           return jQuery(node).clone().context;

function postJSON(url, data, callback) {
    return jQuery.post(url, data, callback, 'json');

function getJSON(url, data, callback){
    return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, 'json');
