[doc] split API/book part of stuff that has been moved in primary view module docstring
Table view
Creates a HTML table (`<table>`) and call the view `cell` for each cell of
the result set. Applicable on any result set.
Creates an **editable** HTML table (`<table>`) and call the view `cell` for each cell of
the result set. Applicable on any result set.
By default redirects to the `final` view if this is a final entity or
`outofcontext` view otherwise
.. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.TableView
Let us take an example from the timesheet cube:
.. sourcecode:: python
class ActivityTable(EntityView):
__regid__ = 'activitytable'
__select__ = is_instance('Activity')
title = _('activitytable')
def call(self, showresource=True):
_ = self._cw._
headers = [_("diem"), _("duration"), _("workpackage"), _("description"), _("state"), u""]
eids = ','.join(str(row[0]) for row in self.cw_rset)
rql = ('Any R, D, DUR, WO, DESCR, S, A, SN, RT, WT ORDERBY D DESC '
' A is Activity, A done_by R, R title RT, '
' A diem D, A duration DUR, '
' A done_for WO, WO title WT, '
' A description DESCR, A in_state S, S name SN, A eid IN (%s)' % eids)
if showresource:
displaycols = range(7)
headers.insert(0, display_name(self._cw, 'Resource'))
else: # skip resource column if asked to
displaycols = range(1, 7)
rset = self._cw.execute(rql)
self.wview('editable-table', rset, 'null',
displayfilter=True, displayactions=False,
headers=headers, displaycols=displaycols,
cellvids={3: 'editable-final'})
To obtain an editable table, specify 'edtitable-table' as vid. You
have to select the entity in the rql request too (in order to kwnow
which entity must be edited). You can specify an optional
`displaycols` argument which defines column's indexes that will be
displayed. In the above example, setting `showresource` to `False`
will only render columns from index 1 to 7.
The previous example results in:
.. image:: ../../images/views-table-shadow.png
In order to activate table filter mechanism, set the `displayfilter`
argument to True. A small arrow will be displayed at the table's top
right corner. Clicking on `show filter form` action, will display the
filter form as below:
.. image:: ../../images/views-table-filter-shadow.png
By the same way, you can display all registered actions for the
selected entity, setting `displayactions` argument to True.