changeset 1715 cba9f175da2d
parent 1714 a721966779be
parent 1713 d817f23439ba
child 1716 b12d9e22bac3
--- a/embedded/mx/DateTime/Parser.py	Thu May 07 16:33:22 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1225 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-""" Date/Time string parsing module.
-    Note about the Y2K problems:
-       The parser can only handle years with at least 2 digits. 2
-       digit year values get expanded by adding the century using
-       DateTime.add_century(), while 3 digit year get converted
-       literally. To have 2 digit years also be interpreted literally,
-       add leading zeros, e.g. year 99 must be written as 099 or 0099.
-    Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg; mailto:mal@lemburg.com
-    Copyright (c) 2000-2007, eGenix.com Software GmbH; mailto:info@egenix.com
-    See the documentation for further information on copyrights,
-    or contact the author. All Rights Reserved.
-import types,re,string
-import DateTime,ISO,ARPA,Timezone
-# Enable to produce debugging output
-_debug = 0
-# REs for matching date and time parts in a string; These REs
-# parse a superset of ARPA, ISO, American and European style dates.
-# Timezones are supported via the Timezone submodule.
-_year = '(?P<year>-?\d+\d(?!:))'
-_fullyear = '(?P<year>-?\d+\d\d(?!:))'
-_year_epoch = '(?:' + _year + '(?P<epoch> *[ABCDE\.]+)?)'
-_fullyear_epoch = '(?:' + _fullyear + '(?P<epoch> *[ABCDE\.]+)?)'
-_relyear = '(?:\((?P<relyear>[-+]?\d+)\))'
-_month = '(?P<month>\d?\d(?!:))'
-_fullmonth = '(?P<month>\d\d(?!:))'
-_litmonth = ('(?P<litmonth>'
-             'jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|'
-             'mär|mae|mrz|mai|okt|dez|'
-             'fev|avr|juin|juil|aou|aoû|déc|'
-             'ene|abr|ago|dic|'
-             'out'
-             ')[a-z,\.;]*')
-litmonthtable = {
-    # English
-    'jan':1, 'feb':2, 'mar':3, 'apr':4, 'may':5, 'jun':6,
-    'jul':7, 'aug':8, 'sep':9, 'oct':10, 'nov':11, 'dec':12,
-    # German
-    'mär':3, 'mae':3, 'mrz':3, 'mai':5, 'okt':10, 'dez':12,
-    # French
-    'fev':2, 'avr':4, 'juin':6, 'juil':7, 'aou':8, 'aoû':8,
-    'déc':12,
-    # Spanish
-    'ene':1, 'abr':4, 'ago':8, 'dic':12,
-    # Portuguese
-    'out':10,
-    }
-_relmonth = '(?:\((?P<relmonth>[-+]?\d+)\))'
-_day = '(?P<day>\d?\d(?!:))'
-_usday = '(?P<day>\d?\d(?!:))(?:st|nd|rd|th|[,\.;])?'
-_fullday = '(?P<day>\d\d(?!:))'
-_litday = ('(?P<litday>'
-           'mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun|'
-           'die|mit|don|fre|sam|son|'
-           'lun|mar|mer|jeu|ven|sam|dim|'
-           'mie|jue|vie|sab|dom|'
-           'pri|seg|ter|cua|qui'
-           ')[a-z]*')
-litdaytable = {
-    # English
-    'mon':0, 'tue':1, 'wed':2, 'thu':3, 'fri':4, 'sat':5, 'sun':6,
-    # German
-    'die':1, 'mit':2, 'don':3, 'fre':4, 'sam':5, 'son':6,
-    # French
-    'lun':0, 'mar':1, 'mer':2, 'jeu':3, 'ven':4, 'sam':5, 'dim':6,
-    # Spanish
-    'mie':2, 'jue':3, 'vie':4, 'sab':5, 'dom':6,
-    # Portuguese
-    'pri':0, 'seg':1, 'ter':2, 'cua':3, 'qui':4,
-    }
-_relday = '(?:\((?P<relday>[-+]?\d+)\))'
-_hour = '(?P<hour>[012]?\d)'
-_minute = '(?P<minute>[0-6]\d)'
-_second = '(?P<second>[0-6]\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)'
-_days = '(?P<days>\d*\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)'
-_hours = '(?P<hours>\d*\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)'
-_minutes = '(?P<minutes>\d*\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)'
-_seconds = '(?P<seconds>\d*\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)'
-_reldays = '(?:\((?P<reldays>[-+]?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?)\))'
-_relhours = '(?:\((?P<relhours>[-+]?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?)\))'
-_relminutes = '(?:\((?P<relminutes>[-+]?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?)\))'
-_relseconds = '(?:\((?P<relseconds>[-+]?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?)\))'
-_sign = '(?:(?P<sign>[-+]) *)'
-_week = 'W(?P<week>\d?\d)'
-_zone = Timezone.zone
-_ampm = '(?P<ampm>[ap][m.]+)'
-_time = (_hour + ':' + _minute + '(?::' + _second + '|[^:]|$) *'
-         + _ampm + '? *' + _zone + '?')
-_isotime = _hour + ':?' + _minute + ':?' + _second + '? *' + _zone + '?'
-_weekdate = _year + '-?(?:' + _week + '-?' + _day + '?)?'
-_eurodate = _day + '\.' + _month + '\.' + _year_epoch + '?'
-_usdate = _month + '/' + _day + '(?:/' + _year_epoch + '|[^/]|$)'
-_altusdate = _month + '-' + _day + '-' + _fullyear_epoch
-_isodate = _year + '-' + _month + '-?' + _day + '?(?!:)'
-_altisodate = _year + _fullmonth + _fullday + '(?!:)'
-_usisodate = _fullyear + '/' + _fullmonth + '/' + _fullday
-_litdate = ('(?:'+ _litday + ',? )? *' + 
-            _usday + ' *' + 
-            '[- ] *(?:' + _litmonth + '|'+ _month +') *[- ] *' +
-            _year_epoch + '?')
-_altlitdate = ('(?:'+ _litday + ',? )? *' + 
-               _litmonth + '[ ,.a-z]+' +
-               _usday + 
-               '(?:[ a-z]+' + _year_epoch + ')?')
-_eurlitdate = ('(?:'+ _litday + ',?[ a-z]+)? *' + 
-               '(?:'+ _usday + '[ a-z]+)? *' +
-               _litmonth + 
-               '(?:[ ,.a-z]+' + _year_epoch + ')?')
-_relany = '[*%?a-zA-Z]+'
-_relisodate = ('(?:(?:' + _relany + '|' + _year + '|' + _relyear + ')-' +
-               '(?:' + _relany + '|' + _month + '|' + _relmonth + ')-' +
-               '(?:' + _relany + '|' + _day + '|' + _relday + '))')
-_asctime = ('(?:'+ _litday + ',? )? *' + 
-                _usday + ' *' + 
-                '[- ] *(?:' + _litmonth + '|'+ _month +') *[- ]' +
-                '(?:[0-9: ]+)' + 
-                _year_epoch + '?')
-_relisotime = ('(?:(?:' + _relany + '|' + _hour + '|' + _relhours + '):' +
-               '(?:' + _relany + '|' + _minute + '|' + _relminutes + ')' +
-               '(?::(?:' + _relany + '|' + _second + '|' + _relseconds + '))?)')
-_isodelta1 = (_sign + '?' +
-              _days + ':' + _hours + ':' + _minutes + ':' + _seconds)
-_isodelta2 = (_sign + '?' + 
-              _hours + ':' + _minutes + ':' + _seconds)
-_isodelta3 = (_sign + '?' + 
-              _hours + ':' + _minutes)
-_litdelta = (_sign + '?' +
-             '(?:' + _days + ' *d[a-z]*[,; ]*)?' + 
-             '(?:' + _hours + ' *h[a-z]*[,; ]*)?' + 
-             '(?:' + _minutes + ' *m[a-z]*[,; ]*)?' +
-             '(?:' + _seconds + ' *s[a-z]*[,; ]*)?')
-_litdelta2 = (_sign + '?' +
-             '(?:' + _days + ' *d[a-z]*[,; ]*)?' + 
-              _hours + ':' + _minutes + '(?::' + _seconds + ')?')
-_timeRE = re.compile(_time, re.I)
-_isotimeRE = re.compile(_isotime, re.I)
-_isodateRE = re.compile(_isodate, re.I)
-_altisodateRE = re.compile(_altisodate, re.I)
-_usisodateRE = re.compile(_usisodate, re.I)
-_eurodateRE = re.compile(_eurodate, re.I)
-_usdateRE = re.compile(_usdate, re.I)
-_altusdateRE = re.compile(_altusdate, re.I)
-_litdateRE = re.compile(_litdate, re.I)
-_altlitdateRE = re.compile(_altlitdate, re.I)
-_eurlitdateRE = re.compile(_eurlitdate, re.I)
-_relisodateRE = re.compile(_relisodate, re.I)
-_asctimeRE = re.compile(_asctime, re.I)
-_isodelta1RE = re.compile(_isodelta1)
-_isodelta2RE = re.compile(_isodelta2)
-_isodelta3RE = re.compile(_isodelta3)
-_litdeltaRE = re.compile(_litdelta)
-_litdelta2RE = re.compile(_litdelta2)
-_relisotimeRE = re.compile(_relisotime, re.I)
-# Available date parsers
-_date_formats = ('euro',
-                 'usiso', 'us', 'altus',
-                 'iso', 'altiso', 
-                 'lit', 'altlit', 'eurlit',
-                 'unknown')
-# Available time parsers
-_time_formats = ('standard',
-                 'iso',
-                 'unknown')
-def _parse_date(text, formats=_date_formats, defaultdate=None,
-                int=int,float=float,lower=string.lower,
-                add_century=DateTime.add_century,
-                now=DateTime.now,us_formats=('us', 'altus'),
-                iso_formats=('iso', 'altiso', 'usiso')):
-    """ Parses the date part given in text and returns a tuple
-        (text,day,month,year,style) with the following
-        meanings:
-        * text gives the original text without the date part
-        * day,month,year give the parsed date
-        * style gives information about which parser was successful:
-          'euro' - the European date parser
-          'us' - the US date parser
-          'altus' - the alternative US date parser (with '-' instead of '/')
-          'iso' - the ISO date parser
-          'altiso' - the alternative ISO date parser (without '-')
-          'usiso' - US style ISO date parser (yyyy/mm/dd)
-          'lit' - the US literal date parser
-          'altlit' - the alternative US literal date parser
-          'eurlit' - the Eurpean literal date parser
-          'unknown' - no date part was found, defaultdate was used
-        formats may be set to a tuple of style strings specifying
-        which of the above parsers to use and in which order to try
-        them. Default is to try all of them in the above order.
-        defaultdate provides the defaults to use in case no date part
-        is found. Most other parsers default to the current year
-        January 1 if some of these date parts are missing.
-        If 'unknown' is not given in formats and the date cannot be
-        parsed, a ValueError is raised.
-    """
-    match = None
-    style = ''
-    # Apply parsers in the order given in formats
-    for format in formats:
-        if format == 'euro':
-            # European style date
-            match = _eurodateRE.search(text)
-            if match is not None:
-                day,month,year,epoch = match.groups()
-                if year:
-                    if len(year) == 2:
-                        # Y2K problem:
-                        year = add_century(int(year))
-                    else:
-                        year = int(year)
-                else:
-                    if defaultdate is None:
-                        defaultdate = now()
-                    year = defaultdate.year
-                if epoch and 'B' in epoch:
-                    year = -year + 1
-                month = int(month)
-                day = int(day)
-                # Could have mistaken euro format for us style date
-                # which uses month, day order
-                if month > 12 or month == 0:
-                    match = None
-                    continue
-                break
-        elif format in iso_formats:
-            # ISO style date
-            if format == 'iso':
-                match = _isodateRE.search(text)
-            elif format == 'altiso':
-                match = _altisodateRE.search(text)
-                # Avoid mistaking ISO time parts ('Thhmmss') for dates
-                if match is not None:
-                    left, right = match.span()
-                    if left > 0 and \
-                       text[left - 1:left] == 'T':
-                        match = None
-                        continue
-            else:
-                match = _usisodateRE.search(text)
-            if match is not None:
-                year,month,day = match.groups()
-                if len(year) == 2:
-                    # Y2K problem:
-                    year = add_century(int(year))
-                else:
-                    year = int(year)
-                # Default to January 1st
-                if not month:
-                    month = 1
-                else:
-                    month = int(month)
-                if not day:
-                    day = 1
-                else:
-                    day = int(day)
-                break
-        elif format in us_formats:
-            # US style date
-            if format == 'us':
-                match = _usdateRE.search(text)
-            else:
-                match = _altusdateRE.search(text)
-            if match is not None:
-                month,day,year,epoch = match.groups()
-                if year:
-                    if len(year) == 2:
-                        # Y2K problem:
-                        year = add_century(int(year))
-                    else:
-                        year = int(year)
-                else:
-                    if defaultdate is None:
-                        defaultdate = now()
-                    year = defaultdate.year
-                if epoch and 'B' in epoch:
-                    year = -year + 1
-                # Default to 1 if no day is given
-                if day:
-                    day = int(day)
-                else:
-                    day = 1
-                month = int(month)
-                # Could have mistaken us format for euro style date
-                # which uses day, month order
-                if month > 12 or month == 0:
-                    match = None
-                    continue
-                break
-        elif format == 'lit':
-            # US style literal date
-            match = _litdateRE.search(text)
-            if match is not None:
-                litday,day,litmonth,month,year,epoch = match.groups()
-                break
-        elif format == 'altlit':
-            # Alternative US style literal date
-            match = _altlitdateRE.search(text)
-            if match is not None: 
-                litday,litmonth,day,year,epoch = match.groups()
-                month = '<missing>'
-                break
-        elif format == 'eurlit':
-            # European style literal date
-            match = _eurlitdateRE.search(text)
-            if match is not None: 
-                litday,day,litmonth,year,epoch = match.groups()
-                month = '<missing>'
-                break
-        elif format == 'unknown':
-            # No date part: use defaultdate
-            if defaultdate is None:
-                defaultdate = now()
-            year = defaultdate.year
-            month = defaultdate.month
-            day = defaultdate.day
-            style = format
-            break
-    # Check success
-    if match is not None:
-        # Remove date from text
-        left, right = match.span()
-        if 0 and _debug:
-            print 'parsed date:',repr(text[left:right]),\
-                  'giving:',year,month,day
-        text = text[:left] + text[right:]
-        style = format
-    elif not style:
-        # Not recognized: raise an error
-        raise ValueError, 'unknown date format: "%s"' % text
-    # Literal date post-processing
-    if style in ('lit', 'altlit', 'eurlit'):
-        if 0 and _debug: print match.groups()
-        # Default to current year, January 1st
-        if not year:
-            if defaultdate is None:
-                defaultdate = now()
-            year = defaultdate.year
-        else:
-            if len(year) == 2:
-                # Y2K problem:
-                year = add_century(int(year))
-            else:
-                year = int(year)
-        if epoch and 'B' in epoch:
-            year = -year + 1
-        if litmonth:
-            litmonth = lower(litmonth)
-            try:
-                month = litmonthtable[litmonth]
-            except KeyError:
-                raise ValueError,\
-                      'wrong month name: "%s"' % litmonth
-        elif month:
-            month = int(month)
-        else:
-            month = 1
-        if day:
-            day = int(day)
-        else:
-            day = 1
-    #print '_parse_date:',text,day,month,year,style
-    return text,day,month,year,style
-def _parse_time(text, formats=_time_formats,
-                int=int,float=float,replace=string.replace):
-    """ Parses a time part given in text and returns a tuple
-        (text,hour,minute,second,offset,style) with the following
-        meanings:
-        * text gives the original text without the time part
-        * hour,minute,second give the parsed time
-        * offset gives the time zone UTC offset
-        * style gives information about which parser was successful:
-          'standard' - the standard parser
-          'iso' - the ISO time format parser
-          'unknown' - no time part was found
-        formats may be set to a tuple specifying the parsers to use:
-          'standard' - standard time format with ':' delimiter
-          'iso' - ISO time format (superset of 'standard')
-          'unknown' - default to 0:00:00, 0 zone offset
-        If 'unknown' is not given in formats and the time cannot be
-        parsed, a ValueError is raised.
-    """
-    match = None
-    style = ''
-    # Apply parsers in the order given in formats
-    for format in formats:
-        # Standard format
-        if format == 'standard':
-            match = _timeRE.search(text)
-            if match is not None:
-                hour,minute,second,ampm,zone = match.groups()
-                style = 'standard'
-                break
-        # ISO format
-        if format == 'iso':
-            match =  _isotimeRE.search(text)
-            if match is not None:
-                hour,minute,second,zone = match.groups()
-                ampm = None
-                style = 'iso'
-                break
-        # Default handling
-        elif format == 'unknown':
-            hour,minute,second,offset = 0,0,0.0,0
-            style = 'unknown'
-            break
-    if not style:
-        # If no default handling should be applied, raise an error
-        raise ValueError, 'unknown time format: "%s"' % text
-    # Post-processing
-    if match is not None:
-        if zone:
-            # Convert to UTC offset
-            offset = Timezone.utc_offset(zone)
-        else:
-            offset = 0
-        hour = int(hour)
-        if ampm:
-            if ampm[0] in ('p', 'P'):
-                # 12pm = midday
-                if hour < 12:
-                    hour = hour + 12
-            else:
-                # 12am = midnight 
-                if hour >= 12:
-                    hour = hour - 12
-        if minute:
-            minute = int(minute)
-        else:
-            minute = 0
-        if not second:
-            second = 0.0
-        else:
-            if ',' in second:
-                second = replace(second, ',', '.')
-            second = float(second)
-        # Remove time from text
-        left,right = match.span()
-        if 0 and _debug: 
-            print 'parsed time:',repr(text[left:right]),\
-                  'giving:',hour,minute,second,offset
-        text = text[:left] + text[right:]
-    #print '_parse_time:',text,hour,minute,second,offset,style
-    return text,hour,minute,second,offset,style
-def DateTimeFromString(text, formats=_date_formats, defaultdate=None,
-                       time_formats=_time_formats,
-                       DateTime=DateTime):
-    """ DateTimeFromString(text, [formats, defaultdate])
-        Returns a DateTime instance reflecting the date and time given
-        in text. In case a timezone is given, the returned instance
-        will point to the corresponding UTC time value. Otherwise, the
-        value is set as given in the string.
-        formats may be set to a tuple of strings specifying which of
-        the following parsers to use and in which order to try
-        them. Default is to try all of them in the order given below:
-          'euro' - the European date parser
-          'us' - the US date parser
-          'altus' - the alternative US date parser (with '-' instead of '/')
-          'iso' - the ISO date parser
-          'altiso' - the alternative ISO date parser (without '-')
-          'usiso' - US style ISO date parser (yyyy/mm/dd)
-          'lit' - the US literal date parser
-          'altlit' - the alternative US literal date parser
-          'eurlit' - the Eurpean literal date parser
-          'unknown' - if no date part is found, use defaultdate
-        defaultdate provides the defaults to use in case no date part
-        is found. Most of the parsers default to the current year
-        January 1 if some of these date parts are missing.
-        If 'unknown' is not given in formats and the date cannot
-        be parsed, a ValueError is raised.
-        time_formats may be set to a tuple of strings specifying which
-        of the following parsers to use and in which order to try
-        them. Default is to try all of them in the order given below:
-          'standard' - standard time format HH:MM:SS (with ':' delimiter)
-          'iso' - ISO time format (superset of 'standard')
-          'unknown' - default to 00:00:00 in case the time format
-                      cannot be parsed
-        Defaults to 00:00:00.00 for time parts that are not included
-        in the textual representation.
-        If 'unknown' is not given in time_formats and the time cannot
-        be parsed, a ValueError is raised.
-    """
-    origtext = text
-    formats = tuple(formats)
-    if formats is _date_formats or \
-       'iso' in formats or \
-       'altiso' in formats:
-        # First try standard order (parse time, then date)
-        if formats[0] not in ('iso', 'altiso'):
-            text,hour,minute,second,offset,timestyle = _parse_time(
-                origtext,
-                time_formats)
-            text,day,month,year,datestyle = _parse_date(
-                text,
-                formats + ('unknown',),
-                defaultdate)
-            if 0 and _debug:
-                print 'tried time/date on %s, date=%s, time=%s' % (origtext,
-                                                                   datestyle,
-                                                                   timestyle)
-        else:
-            timestyle = 'iso'
-        # If this fails, try the ISO order (date, then time)
-        if timestyle in ('iso', 'unknown'):
-            text,day,month,year,datestyle = _parse_date(
-                origtext,
-                formats,
-                defaultdate)
-            text,hour,minute,second,offset,timestyle = _parse_time(
-                text,
-                time_formats)
-            if 0 and _debug:
-                print 'tried ISO on %s, date=%s, time=%s' % (origtext,
-                                                             datestyle,
-                                                             timestyle)
-    else:
-        # Standard order: time part, then date part
-        text,hour,minute,second,offset,timestyle = _parse_time(
-            origtext,
-            time_formats)
-        text,day,month,year,datestyle = _parse_date(
-            text,
-            formats,
-            defaultdate)
-    if (datestyle == 'unknown' and 'unknown' not in formats) or \
-       (timestyle == 'unknown' and 'unknown' not in time_formats):
-        raise ValueError,\
-              'Failed to parse "%s": found "%s" date, "%s" time' % \
-              (origtext, datestyle, timestyle)
-    try:
-        return DateTime.DateTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second) - offset
-    except DateTime.RangeError, why:
-        raise DateTime.RangeError,\
-              'Failed to parse "%s": %s' % (origtext, why)
-def DateFromString(text, formats=_date_formats, defaultdate=None,
-                   DateTime=DateTime):
-    """ DateFromString(text, [formats, defaultdate])
-        Returns a DateTime instance reflecting the date given in
-        text. A possibly included time part is ignored.
-        formats and defaultdate work just like for
-        DateTimeFromString().
-    """
-    _text,day,month,year,datestyle = _parse_date(text, formats, defaultdate)
-    if datestyle == 'unknown' and \
-       'unknown' not in formats:
-        raise ValueError,\
-              'Failed to parse "%s": found "%s" date' % \
-              (origtext, datestyle)
-    try:
-        return DateTime.DateTime(year,month,day)
-    except DateTime.RangeError, why:
-        raise DateTime.RangeError,\
-              'Failed to parse "%s": %s' % (text, why)
-def validateDateTimeString(text, formats=_date_formats):
-    """ validateDateTimeString(text, [formats, defaultdate])
-        Validates the given text and returns 1/0 depending on whether
-        text includes parseable date and time values or not.
-        formats works just like for DateTimeFromString() and defines
-        the order of date/time parsers to apply. It defaults to the
-        same list of parsers as for DateTimeFromString().
-        XXX Undocumented !
-    """
-    formats = list(formats)
-    if 'unknown' in formats:
-        formats.remove('unknown')
-    try:
-        DateTimeFromString(text, formats)
-    except (DateTime.RangeError, ValueError), why:
-        return 0
-    return 1
-def validateDateString(text, formats=_date_formats):
-    """ validateDateString(text, [formats, defaultdate])
-        Validates the given text and returns 1/0 depending on whether
-        text includes a parseable date value or not.
-        formats works just like for DateTimeFromString() and defines
-        the order of date/time parsers to apply. It defaults to the
-        same list of parsers as for DateTimeFromString().
-        XXX Undocumented !
-    """
-    formats = list(formats)
-    if 'unknown' in formats:
-        formats.remove('unknown')
-    try:
-        DateFromString(text, formats)
-    except (DateTime.RangeError, ValueError), why:
-        return 0
-    return 1
-def TimeFromString(text, formats=_time_formats,
-                   DateTime=DateTime):
-    """ TimeFromString(text, [formats])
-        Returns a DateTimeDelta instance reflecting the time given in
-        text. A possibly included date part is ignored.
-        formats may be set to a tuple of strings specifying which of
-        the following parsers to use and in which order to try
-        them. Default is to try all of them in the order given below:
-          'standard' - standard time format with ':' delimiter
-          'iso' - ISO time format (superset of 'standard')
-          'unknown' - default to 00:00:00 in case the time format
-                      cannot be parsed
-        Defaults to 00:00:00.00 for parts that are not included in the
-        textual representation.
-    """
-    _text,hour,minute,second,offset,timestyle = _parse_time(
-        text,
-        formats)
-    if timestyle == 'unknown' and \
-       'unknown' not in formats:
-        raise ValueError,\
-              'Failed to parse "%s": found "%s" time' % \
-              (text, timestyle)
-    try:
-        dtd = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0.0, hour, minute, second)
-    except DateTime.RangeError, why:
-        raise DateTime.RangeError,\
-              'Failed to parse "%s": %s' % (text, why)
-    else:
-        # XXX What to do with offset ?
-        return dtd
-# XXX Still missing: validateTimeString(), validateDateTimeDeltaString()
-#                    and validateTimeDeltaString()
-def DateTimeDeltaFromString(text,
-                            float=float,DateTime=DateTime):
-    """ DateTimeDeltaFromString(text)
-        Returns a DateTimeDelta instance reflecting the delta given in
-        text. Defaults to 0:00:00:00.00 for parts that are not
-        included in the textual representation or cannot be parsed.
-    """
-    match = _isodelta1RE.search(text)
-    if match is not None:
-        sign, days, hours, minutes, seconds = match.groups()
-    else:
-        match = _litdelta2RE.search(text)
-        if match is not None:
-            sign, days, hours, minutes, seconds = match.groups()
-        else:
-            match = _isodelta2RE.search(text)
-            if match is not None:
-                sign, hours, minutes, seconds = match.groups()
-                days = None
-            else:
-                match = _isodelta3RE.search(text)
-                if match is not None:
-                    sign, hours, minutes = match.groups()
-                    days = None
-                    seconds = None
-                else:
-                    match = _litdeltaRE.search(text)
-                    if match is not None:
-                        sign, days, hours, minutes, seconds = match.groups()
-                    else:
-                        # Not matched:
-                        return DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0.0)
-    # Conversions
-    if days:
-        days = float(days)
-    else:
-        days = 0.0
-    if hours:
-        hours = float(hours)
-    else:
-        hours = 0.0
-    if minutes:
-        minutes = float(minutes)
-    else:
-        minutes = 0.0
-    if seconds:
-        seconds = float(seconds)
-    else:
-        seconds = 0.0
-    if sign != '-':
-        sign = 1
-    else:
-        sign = -1
-    try:
-        dtd = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(days,hours,minutes,seconds)
-    except DateTime.RangeError, why:
-        raise DateTime.RangeError,\
-              'Failed to parse "%s": %s' % (text, why)
-    else:
-        if sign < 0:
-            return -dtd
-        else:
-            return dtd
-# Aliases
-TimeDeltaFromString = DateTimeDeltaFromString
-def _parse_reldate(text,
-                   int=int,float=float):
-    match = _relisodateRE.search(text)
-    if match is not None:
-        groups = match.groups()
-        if 0 and _debug: print groups
-        year,years,month,months,day,days = groups
-        if year:
-            year = int(year)
-        if years:
-            years = float(years)
-        else:
-            years = 0
-        if month:
-            month = int(month)
-        if months:
-            months = float(months)
-        else:
-            months = 0
-        if day:
-            day = int(day)
-        if days:
-            days = float(days)
-        else:
-            days = 0
-        return year,years,month,months,day,days
-    else:
-        return None,0,None,0,None,0
-def _parse_reltime(text,
-                   int=int,float=float):
-    match = _relisotimeRE.search(text)
-    if match is not None:
-        groups = match.groups()
-        if 0 and _debug: print groups
-        hour,hours,minute,minutes,second,seconds = groups
-        if hour:
-            hour = int(hour)
-        if hours:
-            hours = float(hours)
-        else:
-            hours = 0
-        if minute:
-            minute = int(minute)
-        if minutes:
-            minutes = float(minutes)
-        else:
-            minutes = 0
-        if second:
-            second = int(second)
-        if seconds:
-            seconds = float(seconds)
-        else:
-            seconds = 0
-        return hour,hours,minute,minutes,second,seconds
-    else:
-        return None,0,None,0,None,0
-def RelativeDateTimeFromString(text,
-                               RelativeDateTime=DateTime.RelativeDateTime):
-    """ RelativeDateTimeFromString(text)
-        Returns a RelativeDateTime instance reflecting the relative
-        date and time given in text.
-        Defaults to wildcards for parts or values which are not
-        included in the textual representation or cannot be parsed.
-        The format used in text must adhere to the following syntax:
-                        [YYYY-MM-DD] [HH:MM[:SS]]
-        with the usual meanings. Values which should not be altered
-        may be replaced with '*', '%', '?' or any combination of
-        letters, e.g. 'YYYY'. Relative settings must be enclosed in
-        parenthesis if given and should include a sign, e.g. '(+0001)'
-        for the year part. All other settings are interpreted as
-        absolute values.
-        Date and time parts are both optional as a whole. Seconds in
-        the time part are optional too. Everything else (including the
-        hyphens and colons) is mandatory.
-    """
-    year,years,month,months,day,days = _parse_reldate(text)
-    hour,hours,minute,minutes,second,seconds = _parse_reltime(text)
-    return RelativeDateTime(year=year,years=years,
-                            month=month,months=months,
-                            day=day,days=days,
-                            hour=hour,hours=hours,
-                            minute=minute,minutes=minutes,
-                            second=second,seconds=seconds)
-def RelativeDateFromString(text,
-                           RelativeDateTime=DateTime.RelativeDateTime):
-    """ RelativeDateFromString(text)
-        Same as RelativeDateTimeFromString(text) except that only the
-        date part of text is taken into account.
-    """
-    year,years,month,months,day,days = _parse_reldate(text)
-    return RelativeDateTime(year=year,years=years,
-                            month=month,months=months,
-                            day=day,days=days)
-def RelativeTimeFromString(text,
-                           RelativeDateTime=DateTime.RelativeDateTime):
-    """ RelativeTimeFromString(text)
-        Same as RelativeDateTimeFromString(text) except that only the
-        time part of text is taken into account.
-    """
-    hour,hours,minute,minutes,second,seconds = _parse_reltime(text)
-    return RelativeDateTime(hour=hour,hours=hours,
-                            minute=minute,minutes=minutes,
-                            second=second,seconds=seconds)
-### Tests
-def _test():
-    import sys
-    t = DateTime.now()
-    print 'Testing DateTime Parser...'
-    l = [
-        # Literal formats
-        ('Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('sun nov  6 08:49:37 1994', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('sUN NOV  6 08:49:37 1994', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('06-Nov-94 08:49:37', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('06-Nov-94', '1994-11-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('06-NOV-94', '1994-11-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('November 19 08:49:37', '%s-11-19 08:49:37.00' % t.year),
-        ('Nov. 9', '%s-11-09 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('Sonntag, der 6. November 1994, 08:49:37 GMT', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('6. November 2001, 08:49:37', '2001-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('sep 6', '%s-09-06 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('sep 6 2000', '2000-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('September 29', '%s-09-29 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('Sep. 29', '%s-09-29 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('6 sep', '%s-09-06 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('29 September', '%s-09-29 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('29 Sep.', '%s-09-29 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('sep 6 2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('Sep 6, 2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('September 6, 2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('sep 6 01', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('Sep 6, 01', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('September 6, 01', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('30 Apr 2006 20:19:00', '2006-04-30 20:19:00.00'),
-        # ISO formats
-        ('1994-11-06 08:49:37', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('010203', '2001-02-03 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('2001-02-03 00:00:00.00', '2001-02-03 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('2001-02 00:00:00.00', '2001-02-01 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('2001-02-03', '2001-02-03 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('2001-02', '2001-02-01 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('20000824/2300', '2000-08-24 23:00:00.00'),
-        ('20000824/0102', '2000-08-24 01:02:00.00'),
-        ('20000824', '2000-08-24 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('20000824/020301', '2000-08-24 02:03:01.00'),
-        ('20000824 020301', '2000-08-24 02:03:01.00'),
-        ('-20000824 020301', '-2000-08-24 02:03:01.00'),
-        ('20000824T020301', '2000-08-24 02:03:01.00'),
-        ('20000824 020301', '2000-08-24 02:03:01.00'),
-        ('2000-08-24 02:03:01.00', '2000-08-24 02:03:01.00'),
-        ('T020311', '%s 02:03:11.00' % t.date),
-        ('2003-12-9', '2003-12-09 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('03-12-9', '2003-12-09 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('003-12-9', '0003-12-09 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('0003-12-9', '0003-12-09 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('2003-1-9', '2003-01-09 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('03-1-9', '2003-01-09 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('003-1-9', '0003-01-09 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('0003-1-9', '0003-01-09 00:00:00.00'),
-        # US formats
-        ('06/11/94 08:49:37', '1994-06-11 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('11/06/94 08:49:37', '1994-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('9/23/2001', '2001-09-23 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('9-23-2001', '2001-09-23 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('9/6', '%s-09-06 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('09/6', '%s-09-06 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('9/06', '%s-09-06 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('09/06', '%s-09-06 00:00:00.00' % t.year),
-        ('9/6/2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('09/6/2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('9/06/2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('09/06/2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('9-6-2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('09-6-2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('9-06-2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('09-06-2001', '2001-09-06 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('2002/05/28 13:10:56.1147 GMT+2', '2002-05-28 13:10:56.11'),
-        ('1970/01/01', '1970-01-01 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('20021025 12:00 PM', '2002-10-25 12:00:00.00'),
-        ('20021025 12:30 PM', '2002-10-25 12:30:00.00'),
-        ('20021025 12:00 AM', '2002-10-25 00:00:00.00'),
-        ('20021025 12:30 AM', '2002-10-25 00:30:00.00'),
-        ('20021025 1:00 PM', '2002-10-25 13:00:00.00'),
-        ('20021025 2:00 AM', '2002-10-25 02:00:00.00'),
-        ('Thursday, February 06, 2003 12:40 PM', '2003-02-06 12:40:00.00'),
-        ('Mon, 18 Sep 2006 23:03:00', '2006-09-18 23:03:00.00'),
-        # European formats
-        ('6.11.2001, 08:49:37', '2001-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('06.11.2001, 08:49:37', '2001-11-06 08:49:37.00'),
-        ('06.11. 08:49:37', '%s-11-06 08:49:37.00' % t.year),
-        #('21/12/2002', '2002-12-21 00:00:00.00'),
-        #('21/08/2002', '2002-08-21 00:00:00.00'),
-        #('21-08-2002', '2002-08-21 00:00:00.00'),
-        #('13/01/03', '2003-01-13 00:00:00.00'),
-        #('13/1/03', '2003-01-13 00:00:00.00'),
-        #('13/1/3', '2003-01-13 00:00:00.00'),
-        #('13/01/3', '2003-01-13 00:00:00.00'),
-        # Time only formats
-        ('01:03', '%s 01:03:00.00' % t.date),
-        ('01:03:11', '%s 01:03:11.00' % t.date),
-        ('01:03:11.50', '%s 01:03:11.50' % t.date),
-        ('01:03:11.50 AM', '%s 01:03:11.50' % t.date),
-        ('01:03:11.50 PM', '%s 13:03:11.50' % t.date),
-        ('01:03:11.50 a.m.', '%s 01:03:11.50' % t.date),
-        ('01:03:11.50 p.m.', '%s 13:03:11.50' % t.date),
-        # Invalid formats
-        ('6..2001, 08:49:37', '%s 08:49:37.00' % t.date),
-        ('9//2001', 'ignore'),
-        ('06--94 08:49:37', 'ignore'),
-        ('20000824020301', 'ignore'),
-        ('20-03 00:00:00.00', 'ignore'),
-        ('9/2001', 'ignore'),
-        ('9-6', 'ignore'),
-        ('09-6', 'ignore'),
-        ('9-06', 'ignore'),
-        ('09-06', 'ignore'),
-        ('20000824/23', 'ignore'),
-        ('November 1994 08:49:37', 'ignore'),
-        ('Nov. 94', 'ignore'),
-        ('Mon, 18 Sep 2006 23:03:00 +1234567890', 'ignore'),
-        ]
-    # Add Unicode versions
-    try:
-        unicode
-    except NameError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        k = []
-        for text, result in l:
-            k.append((unicode(text), result))
-        l.extend(k)
-    for text, reference in l:
-        try:
-            value = DateTimeFromString(text)
-        except:
-            if reference is None:
-                continue
-            else:
-                value = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
-        valid_datetime = validateDateTimeString(text)
-        valid_date = validateDateString(text)
-        if str(value) != reference and \
-           not reference == 'ignore':
-            print 'Failed to parse "%s"' % text
-            print '  expected: %s' % (reference or '<exception>')
-            print '  parsed:   %s' % value
-        elif _debug:
-            print 'Parsed "%s" successfully' % text
-        if _debug:
-            if not valid_datetime:
-                print '  "%s" failed date/time validation' % text
-            if not valid_date:
-                print '  "%s" failed date validation' % text
-    et = DateTime.now()
-    print 'done. (after %f seconds)' % ((et-t).seconds)
-    ###
-    print 'Testing DateTimeDelta Parser...'
-    t = DateTime.now()
-    l = [
-        # Literal formats
-        ('Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994', '08:49:37.00'),
-        ('1 day, 8 hours, 49 minutes, 37 seconds', '1:08:49:37.00'),
-        ('10 days, 8 hours, 49 minutes, 37 seconds', '10:08:49:37.00'),
-        ('8 hours, 49 minutes, 37 seconds', '08:49:37.00'),
-        ('49 minutes, 37 seconds', '00:49:37.00'),
-        ('37 seconds', '00:00:37.00'),
-        ('37.5 seconds', '00:00:37.50'),
-        ('8 hours later', '08:00:00.00'),
-        ('2 days', '2:00:00:00.00'),
-        ('2 days 23h', '2:23:00:00.00'),
-        ('2 days 23:57', '2:23:57:00.00'),
-        ('2 days 23:57:13', '2:23:57:13.00'),
-        ('', '00:00:00.00'),
-        # ISO formats
-        ('1994-11-06 08:49:37', '08:49:37.00'),
-        ('10:08:49:37', '10:08:49:37.00'),
-        ('08:49:37', '08:49:37.00'),
-        ('08:49', '08:49:00.00'),
-        ('-10:08:49:37', '-10:08:49:37.00'),
-        ('-08:49:37', '-08:49:37.00'),
-        ('-08:49', '-08:49:00.00'),
-        ('- 10:08:49:37', '-10:08:49:37.00'),
-        ('- 08:49:37', '-08:49:37.00'),
-        ('- 08:49', '-08:49:00.00'),
-        ('10:08:49:37.5', '10:08:49:37.50'),
-        ('08:49:37.5', '08:49:37.50'),
-        ('10:8:49:37', '10:08:49:37.00'),
-        ('8:9:37', '08:09:37.00'),
-        ('8:9', '08:09:00.00'),
-        ('8', '00:00:00.00'),
-        # Invalid formats
-        #('', None),
-        #('8', None),
-        ]
-    for text, reference in l:
-        try:
-            value = DateTimeDeltaFromString(text)
-        except:
-            if reference is None:
-                continue
-            else:
-                value = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
-        if str(value) != reference and \
-           not reference == 'ignore':
-            print 'Failed to parse "%s"' % text
-            print '  expected: %s' % (reference or '<exception>')
-            print '  parsed:   %s' % value
-        elif _debug:
-            print 'Parsed "%s" successfully' % text
-    et = DateTime.now()
-    print 'done. (after %f seconds)' % ((et-t).seconds)
-    ###
-    print 'Testing Time Parser...'
-    t = DateTime.now()
-    l = [
-        # Standard formats
-        ('08:49:37 AM', '08:49:37.00'),
-        ('08:49:37 PM', '20:49:37.00'),
-        ('12:00:00 AM', '00:00:00.00'),
-        ('12:00:00 PM', '12:00:00.00'),
-        ('8:09:37', '08:09:37.00'),
-        ('8:09', '08:09:00.00'),
-        # ISO formats
-        ('08:49:37', '08:49:37.00'),
-        ('08:49', '08:49:00.00'),
-        ('08:49:37.5', '08:49:37.50'),
-        ('08:49:37,5', '08:49:37.50'),
-        ('08:09', '08:09:00.00'),
-        # Invalid formats
-        ('', None),
-        ('8:9:37', 'XXX Should give an exception'),
-        ('08:9:37', 'XXX Should give an exception'),
-        ('8:9', None),
-        ('8', None),
-        ]
-    for text, reference in l:
-        try:
-            value = TimeFromString(text, formats=('standard', 'iso'))
-        except:
-            if reference is None:
-                continue
-            else:
-                value = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
-        if str(value) != reference and \
-           not reference == 'ignore':
-            print 'Failed to parse "%s"' % text
-            print '  expected: %s' % (reference or '<exception>')
-            print '  parsed:   %s' % value
-        elif _debug:
-            print 'Parsed "%s" successfully' % text
-    et = DateTime.now()
-    print 'done. (after %f seconds)' % ((et-t).seconds)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    _test()