--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/book/en/devweb/edition/dissection.rst Tue May 04 19:16:59 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+Dissection of a Form
+This is done (again) with a vanilla instance of the `tracker`_
+cube. We will populate the database with a bunch of entities and see
+what kind of job the automatic entity form does.
+.. _`tracker`: http://www.cubicweb.org/project/cubicweb-tracker
+Patching the session object
+In order to play interactively with web side application objects, we
+have to cheat a bit: we will decorate the session object with some
+missing artifacts that should belong to a web request object. With
+that we can instantiate and render forms interactively.
+The function below does the minimum to allow going through this
+exercice. Some attributes or methods may be missing for other
+purposes. It is nevertheless not complicated to enhance it if need
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ def monkey_patch_session(session):
+ """ useful to use the cw shell session object
+ with web appobjects, which expect more than a plain
+ data repository session
+ """
+ # for autoform selection
+ session.json_request = False
+ session.url = lambda: u'http://perdu.com'
+ session.session = session
+ session.form = {}
+ session.list_form_param = lambda *args: []
+ # for render
+ session.use_fckeditor = lambda: False
+ session._ressources = []
+ session.add_js = session.add_css = lambda *args: session._ressources.append(args)
+ session.external_resource = lambda x:{}
+ session._tabcount = 0
+ def next_tabindex():
+ session._tabcount += 1
+ return session._tabcount
+ session.next_tabindex = next_tabindex
+ return session
+Populating the database
+We should start by setting up a bit of context: a project with two
+unpublished versions, and a ticket linked to the project and the first
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ >>> p = rql('INSERT Project P: P name "cubicweb"')
+ >>> for num in ('0.1.0', '0.2.0'):
+ ... rql('INSERT Version V: V num "%s", V version_of P WHERE P eid %%(p)s' % num, {'p': p[0][0]})
+ ...
+ <resultset 'INSERT Version V: V num "0.1.0", V version_of P WHERE P eid %(p)s' (1 rows): [765L] (('Version',))>
+ <resultset 'INSERT Version V: V num "0.2.0", V version_of P WHERE P eid %(p)s' (1 rows): [766L] (('Version',))>
+ >>> t = rql('INSERT Ticket T: T title "let us write more doc", T done_in V, '
+ 'T concerns P WHERE V num "0.1.0"', P eid %(p)s', {'p': p[0][0]})
+ >>> commit()
+Now let's see what the edition form builds for us.
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ >>> monkey_patch_session(session)
+ >>> form = session.vreg['forms'].select('edition', session, rset=rql('Ticket T'))
+ >>> html = form.render()
+This creates an automatic entity form. The ``.render()`` call yields
+an html (unicode) string. The html output is shown below (with
+internal fieldset omitted).
+Looking at the html output
+The form enveloppe
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ <div class="iformTitle"><span>main informations</span></div>
+ <div class="formBody">
+ <form action="http://crater:9999/validateform" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ id="entityForm" onsubmit="return freezeFormButtons('entityForm');"
+ class="entityForm" cubicweb:target="eformframe">
+ <div id="progress">validating...</div>
+ <fieldset>
+ <input name="__form_id" type="hidden" value="edition" />
+ <input name="__errorurl" type="hidden" value="http://perdu.com#entityForm" />
+ <input name="__domid" type="hidden" value="entityForm" />
+ <input name="__type:763" type="hidden" value="Ticket" />
+ <input name="eid" type="hidden" value="763" />
+ <input name="__maineid" type="hidden" value="763" />
+ <input name="_cw_edited_fields:763" type="hidden"
+ value="concerns-subject,done_in-subject,priority-subject,type-subject,title-subject,description-subject,__type,_cw_generic_field" />
+ ...
+ </fieldset>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+The main fieldset encloses a set of hidden fields containing various
+metadata, that will be used by the `edit controller` to process it
+back correctly.
+The `freezeFormButtons(...)` javascript callback defined on the
+``conlick`` event of the form element prevents accidental multiple
+clicks in a row.
+The ``action`` of the form is mapped to the `validateform` controller
+(situated in :mod:`cubicweb.web.views.basecontrollers`).
+The attributes section
+We can have a look at some of the inner nodes of the form. Some fields
+are omitted as they are redundant for our purposes.
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ <fieldset class="default">
+ <table class="attributeForm">
+ <tr class="title_subject_row">
+ <th class="labelCol"><label class="required" for="title-subject:763">title</label></th>
+ <td>
+ <input id="title-subject:763" maxlength="128" name="title-subject:763" size="45"
+ tabindex="1" type="text" value="let us write more doc" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ ... (description field omitted) ...
+ <tr class="priority_subject_row">
+ <th class="labelCol"><label class="required" for="priority-subject:763">priority</label></th>
+ <td>
+ <select id="priority-subject:763" name="priority-subject:763" size="1" tabindex="4">
+ <option value="important">important</option>
+ <option selected="selected" value="normal">normal</option>
+ <option value="minor">minor</option>
+ </select>
+ <div class="helper">importance</div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ ... (type field omitted) ...
+ <tr class="concerns_subject_row">
+ <th class="labelCol"><label class="required" for="concerns-subject:763">concerns</label></th>
+ <td>
+ <select id="concerns-subject:763" name="concerns-subject:763" size="1" tabindex="6">
+ <option selected="selected" value="760">Foo</option>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="done_in_subject_row">
+ <th class="labelCol"><label for="done_in-subject:763">done in</label></th>
+ <td>
+ <select id="done_in-subject:763" name="done_in-subject:763" size="1" tabindex="7">
+ <option value="__cubicweb_internal_field__"></option>
+ <option selected="selected" value="761">Foo 0.1.0</option>
+ <option value="762">Foo 0.2.0</option>
+ </select>
+ <div class="helper">version in which this ticket will be / has been done</div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </fieldset>
+Note that the whole form layout has been computed by the form
+renderer. It is the renderer which produces the table
+structure. Otherwise, the fields html structure is emitted by their
+associated widget.
+While it is called the `attributes` section of the form, it actually
+contains attributes and *mandatory relations*. For each field, we
+* a dedicated row with a specific class, such as ``title_subject_row``
+ (responsability of the form renderer)
+* an html widget (input, select, ...) with:
+ * an id built from the ``rtype-role:eid`` pattern
+ * a name built from the same pattern
+ * possible values or preselected options
+The relations section
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ <fieldset class="This ticket :">
+ <legend>This ticket :</legend>
+ <table class="attributeForm">
+ <tr class="_cw_generic_field_None_row">
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <table id="relatedEntities">
+ <tr><th> </th><td> </td></tr>
+ <tr id="relationSelectorRow_763" class="separator">
+ <th class="labelCol">
+ <select id="relationSelector_763" tabindex="8"
+ onchange="javascript:showMatchingSelect(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,763);">
+ <option value="">select a relation</option>
+ <option value="appeared_in_subject">appeared in</option>
+ <option value="custom_workflow_subject">custom workflow</option>
+ <option value="depends_on_object">dependency of</option>
+ <option value="depends_on_subject">depends on</option>
+ <option value="identical_to_subject">identical to</option>
+ <option value="see_also_subject">see also</option>
+ </select>
+ </th>
+ <td id="unrelatedDivs_763"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </fieldset>
+The optional relations are grouped into a drop-down combo
+box. Selection of an item triggers a javascript function which will:
+* show already related entities in the div of id `relatedentities`
+ using a two-colown layout, with an action to allow deletion of
+ individual relations (there are none in this example)
+* provide a relation selector in the div of id `relationSelector_EID`
+ to allow the user to set up relations and trigger dynamic action on
+ the last div
+* fill the div of id `unrelatedDivs_EID` with a dynamically computed
+ selection widget allowing direct selection of an unrelated (but
+ relatable) entity or a switch towards the `search mode` of
+ |cubicweb| which allows full browsing and selection of an entity
+ using a dedicated action situated in the left column boxes.
+The buttons zone
+Finally comes the buttons zone.
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center">
+ <button class="validateButton" tabindex="9" type="submit" value="validate">
+ <img alt="OK_ICON" src="{}" />validate
+ </button>
+ </td>
+ <td style="align: right; width: 50%;">
+ <button class="validateButton"
+ onclick="postForm('__action_apply', 'button_apply', 'entityForm')"
+ tabindex="10" type="button" value="apply">
+ <img alt="APPLY_ICON" src="{}" />apply
+ </button>
+ <button class="validateButton"
+ onclick="postForm('__action_cancel', 'button_cancel', 'entityForm')"
+ tabindex="11" type="button" value="cancel">
+ <img alt="CANCEL_ICON" src="{}" />cancel
+ </button>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+The most notable artifacts here are the ``postForm(...)`` calls
+defined on click events on these buttons. This function basically
+submits the form. XXX validateform vs validateForm, ajax or not ?